
Money Horoscope 2021 for Libra

2021 🐮 Horoscope

Money 2021 Libra

Money Horoscope 2021 Libra

Horoscope 2021 for Libra Love Horoscope 2021 Libra Work Horoscope 2021 Libra Health Horoscope 2021 Libra

Money has easily fallen through your fingers in the past, Libra. Not that you haven’t tried to do better. It’s just that it’s seemed like there’s always been some emergency, well, emerging that needed your financial attention. We don’t blame you, but we are going to propose that this coming year is the time where you’re going to try and get ahead of money issues before they blow up. It’s time to be proactive and less reactive, Libra. It’s going to involve a change in attitude more than anything else. You won’t become Warren Buffett, but in 2021 you will be able to breathe a little easier.

Your first mission for the 2021 year is to find a side hustle of some sort. Everything is about the gig economy these days, Libra. We bet there’s something you do - some sort of hobby or side project - that you could convert into a second job. It doesn’t have to bring you a ton of money, but see if it can make at least a tiny bit, or would do so in the near future. You want this to be something you’re willing to spend some time on without too much mental struggle. Ideally, you’ll carry this side gig through the entire year. If you have a few false starts until you land on something that works, that’s okay. Keep going until you find something.

By March 2021 you should be working quite a bit between whatever work you have going. That’s a good time to take a close look at your debts in particular. We’re guessing there’s probably one bill that causes you an extra amount of stress each month. It might be the biggest amount, or it might just be something you don’t want to have to think about anymore. That’s the one you’re going to attack, starting with a slightly larger payment than usual in March, then looking to see how much you can comfortably pay in April. You want to get a big chunk of it out of the way in spring, then set up a plan from the summer on for reducing it down until it’s gone. And when it is gone, congratulations! You’ll have cause to celebrate by…..putting that sudden windfall into a savings account. But feel free to have some ice cream as well.

Lucky you, Libra. In July, there’s going to be a bit of fortune coming your way. You’re going to be the lucky recipient of some cash from an unexpected source. This might be a relative giving you a gift, but could just as well be an insurance payout or even a lottery ticket. It’s going to surprise and delight you in the first week of July, but be careful. It’ll be way too easy to spend it all in one place and you don’t want to do that. Feel free to spend some of it, but get the rest of it either in the bank or paying off some debts. This is money worth holding onto for the leg up it will give you for the rest of the 2021 year.

We want you to spend the last week of December taking a look at your finances on paper. By this we mean: right out on a piece of paper all of your debts and all of your assets. Do the math and see where you are. Surprised? We’re guessing you will be, and most likely in a positive way. That’s called incremental growth, Libra, and you’ve experienced it beautifully. Your hard work and perseverance will pay off (literally) and you’ll have established a pattern that will serve you well for many years to come.

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