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Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius

October 2021 Sagittarius Horoscope

Laughter and good times follow Sagittarius around as if it was their shadow. The mighty Archer, a creature that aims their bow in the path of freedom, you will have an exciting and mystical journey during the month of October. October is the 7th house in which Libra dwells, making it a home of balance and equality. Sagittarius, you are infinitely free and balance isn’t something that you really focus on. The only balance you want out of life is the balance between your freedom and your time. The archer will learn to remain patient and curious, allowing for some of their negative traits to be healed and mended. The planetary alignments that will erupt from the universe during your stay in the 7th house will clear your mind and allow you to see your future.

Remember Sagittarius, as free as you may be, time can only last so long. Learn to balance your time and journey so that you can reach your destination.

Venus, the goddess of sensual fertility and intensifying beauty, will enter your home on the 7th day of October. Venus is a life force that sways desire within the hearts of the zodiac. She can bring light inside the most restricted souls and change the behavior of those most reserved. Luckily for Sagittarius, they have no issues being open and free. The Archer is not a character of timidness and shyness, but instead is extremely bold and seeks the wonders of the galaxy in everything they do. They are a perfect medium for Venus to send her powers through and will take well to the influence of femininity. Why is freedom so important to the Archer? Why do you require everything to have an open ending? You will discover the answers to these questions when Venus touches your emotions and allows you to think with your heart. Sagittarius, you are a zodiac that thinks logically and isn’t attracted to overly emotional tendencies. Do not be alarmed if you find it difficult to follow your heart when Venus enters Saggitarius. The heart is the most free of any other organ in the human body and allowing it to take the lead will take you places that you’ve never imagined. Sagittarius, you require freedom to thrive, and Venus will settle in a thirst of passion inside your soul. This is a perfect time to begin dating or at least taking care of your appearance. Vanity can be healthy if you do it with measure, and during the month of balance, I'm sure the Archer can find a decent manner of taking care of themselves. Remember that your heart is doing all the talking, so be cautious, but remain optimistic!

On the 10th day of October, Saturn will release itself from the tangles of its reversal and align towards the path moving forward. Saturn is the planet of pathways and it has been in retrograde for the past few months, causing Sagittarius to be confused as to which way to lead their lives. When Saturn's energy begins to move forward, it will clear the way for Sagittarius and allow them to get clarity of mind. Your heart has been leading the way till now, but your mind also has a say in the activities you practice. The mind’s voice does not need to remain silent while the heart leads the way, so use the balance of Libra to find a good center point. Your mind can tell you things that are logical and reasonable, plus it can also keep the humorous Archer entertained with inside jokes and anecdotes.

Yes, the month of October is a peaceful journey for you until you reach the ending days. The last days of October will be filled with dark and destructive energy, causing the zodiacs to face a mess of anger in their path. For the emotional and free-thinking Sagittarius, this will be difficult. You’ve trusted your heart for enough time now to let it take the lead and your heart is very attracted to emotional sorrow. Be careful when the full moon rises in Aries on the 20th. Aries is a very rugged sign that is prone to anger, so when the full moon’s energy penetrates the Archer, it harnesses the negative energy of the universe with great intensity. The best thing for Sagittarius is to remain calm and switch their mode to logic. Venus is no match for the powers of the full moon in the house of Aries, so thinking with your brain can allow you to cool down and think before you speak words of anger. Freedom for the Sagittarius means diplomacy and friends and if you hurt others with your anger during the Full Moon’s peak, you will remain shackled to those emotions.

Sagittarius, your heart will lead you to boundless freedom. Remember that balance is key and finding freedom is just as much about the journey as it is the destination.

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♐ Horoscopes for Sagittarius

Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius Zodiac signs Well

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