Horoscope 2021 Sagittarius Yearly Forecast


Horoscope 2021 Sagittarius

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Horoscope 2021 Sagittarius

Overview of 2021 Astrological events that are vital for the fate of the Zodiac sign Sagittarius during the course of the White Metal Ox Year

What a busy little beaver you’ve been this past year, Sagittarius. You’ve transformed yourself from a chaotic free spirit into someone who is just a little bit more dependable and reliable. This hasn’t touched your personality at all, though. In fact, you’ve no doubt discovered that a little bit of focus has made life a little bit easier for you to just be you. It’s been a journey finding that balance between free spirit and dependable and you’ve been following it avidly. And this year is going to have you really putting that balance to the test.

The dreamer inside of you is going to want to burst out of the gate in January, like a kid hearing the ice cream truck coming down their street. Now we’d never suggest silencing a kid who wants ice cream, just as much as we’d never suggest silencing the freer part of your being. What you do want to do is make sure that the dreamer doesn’t run out the door and into traffic. You’re a free-range dreamer and your more rational side needs to clear all of the obstacles and dangers out of that dreamer’s way. That’s not a bad arrangement, because that’s exactly what the rational part of you likes to do. The dreamer in you is ready to seize any new opportunity that becomes open. This is good. All the opportunities that present themselves in January will benefit you in some way, even if they’re just garden variety learning experiences. You need to embrace some of that newness in January and see what fruits they bring. It’s been a good 2020, but it’s been slightly predictable. Let your dreamer lasso herself to some chaos and see where it takes you. Which leads us to your February…..

There are some fantastic job opportunities coming your way in February, especially in the second week or so. These might be things that you’ve had your eyes on for a while, but odds are good these are going to completely blindside you. All the more reason to make sure you’re completely prepared for the change to hit you so that you can move fast. On a practical level, this means having your resume all ready (you do have an up to date resume, yes?). On a more abstract level, it means mentally adjusting yourself to believe that you can move to an unknown situation (and possibly unknown, new location) and not only manage but thrive. That might take some self-actualizing and talking yourself through it. That’s okay. In fact, get any self-help book and podcast that you want. Whatever it takes to get you prepared for that is a good thing.

That means your current employment situation is going to be sitting in very harsh light. “Harsh” in this case doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad place, but it does mean you’re going to truly see it for what it is, warts and all. This might be the first time you’ve analyzed it like this, and the results will no doubt surprise you. It might be a fantastic place in which you’d like to stay. If that’s the case, be ready to make them want to keep you around. Don’t be shy with negotiating. You’re worth it.

March is when your artistic impulses are going to flourish, although they might be in ways you wouldn’t ordinarily think of. If you currently have some outside artistic pursuits, great inspiration is going to come your way. It’s going to make you want to stay up late to work on it, coming into your day job groggy-eyed. It’s worth doing, so follow this impulse. There are some ideas that have been lingering for a while, waiting for you. There are some new ideas that have seemingly come out of nowhere. Turns out your creative mind is like a pressure cooker and the top is just coming off. Everything inside is red hot and ready. Seize that opportunity! You can always get an extra coffee at work (and we’re guessing the momentum of your projects will keep you going).

If you’re not currently engaged in anything you’d think of as artistic, you’re going to be surprised by the way this manifests itself. You have more of a creative spirit than you think and people are going to take notice of this. There will be some event - like a movie or a TV show - that you’ll see around the 17th that’s going to make a big impact on you. Who knows what this means? You could become a champion sign painter, or a renown rollerskater, or some medium that we can’t even fathom yet. Keep your eyes and mind very wide open for whatever this could be.

There’s going to be a great malevolent force washing over the world in late April that’s going to be especially significant to you, Sagittarius. It’s going to bring lots of panic and worry to almost all of the signs. No, it’s not the apocalypse, but some people around you are going to act as if it is. This is the perfect time for you to be a beacon of hope. You’ll be a sort of role model, if you will. People will be running around with their hair on fire, not seeing the bigger picture in the same way you do. What you’re going to do during this time is remaining calm and keep yourself focused on that bigger picture. We know this is pretty vague, but when events like this reveal themselves in the stars, the universe doesn’t want to make things too easy for you. These are trying times and you’re going to be tested on your ability to stay calm and be a leader. Look for signs of this around the 21st of April as it slowly builds over the following month.

December is when those two sides of you are going to be slightly at odds with one another. No, it’s not going to be a “Sybil” style battle within your mind or anything like that. What’s going to happen is there will be competing demands for both sides of you fighting for time and attention. December is when the artists will want you to create and be free and the stockbrokers will want you to buy and sell. This is not a bad position to be in. While it might sound stressful now, it also means that there are twice as many people competing for your attention. In other words, your audience will double in December. What are you going to do with this sudden attention, Sagittarius? You are going to give the people what you want, but you’re also going to show each side to the other. The people who want the order and structure from you are going to get a bit of the chaos you bring to situations to goose them up. The free spirits who look to you to splash color everywhere are going to get some order and scheduling to their lives to set them straight. That’s right: you’re going to reverse polarity on everyone and they’re going to love it. People are going to look to you to be the inspiration in areas they don’t usually travel in. You are going to provide the fire for them, but also guidance. Don’t be surprised if, by the last week of December, you get phone calls from accounts wanting you to teach them to paint and text messages from burlesque dancers needing help with their taxes. This is a blessed position to be in and one you should relish because it’s going to be the overarching theme for you in 2022. You’re going to be borrowing from the playbook of your Libra sisters and Gemini brothers and living as a dichotomy, telling the world how they can learn from their opposites. Make sure to take time in that last week of December to recharge, regroup, and rest a bit to prepare for the demands everyone will make of you. It’s going to be an incredibly rewarding experience, but you’ll want to make sure you take care of yourself as well.

The free spirit and the rational parent can both co-exist in you peacefully, Sagittarius. You’ll see evidence of that all through 2021, but you’ll still have to make an effort to maintain that balance. You’ve been accustomed to being two people in one body, so this has never been a stressful point. It’s the demands of others that usually cause you some grief, so you’ll need to learn how to balance this out and not take it to heart. This is a perfect opportunity for you to see how much you exhibit the best of both worlds when it comes to humanity: the wild and the structured living side by side within one creature. Even if you can’t see the marvel of this, the world around you will be amazed at who you are, making 2021 the perfect showcase for your talents. Enjoy it, Sagittarius. Both of you deserve it.

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