Zodiac signs Well
Monthly Horoscope for Libra

September 2021 Libra Horoscope

In September, the mystery is in the air, which can cause a lot of general confusion for the whole world. Your innate ability to listen and work with people will be a tremendous asset to have at this time, and don't be surprised if people come to you for advice.

The month starts with an opposition between Mars and Neptune happening in your 6th and 12th house. This transit is about finding the balance between body and spirit and dreaming and doing. You may focus too much on the bigger picture and neglect the finer details and tedious work you have to do to get there. A to-do list won't suffice at this time. The vital thing to do here is looking at your priorities. You must learn that you can't just go full force toward the ultimate goal without first building a strong foundation. As Neptune is in your 6th house, you may find it challenging to understand the trials you must be prepared for and what essential skillset you must acquire. Seeking help from somebody who's been through where you are, or even just taking a day to do a deep dive and research will go a long way. Even if you prefer hands-on work, there are many bumps you can avoid by drawing a map of the road. Being prepared is key.

Moving along, Lilith takes the spotlight this month as this astrological point is part of two very significant transits. She will be conjunct with the North Node in your 9th house. This transit is all about your philosophy of life and the way you expand and evolve. The conjunction may indicate that some beliefs have been imposed on you by others, which may not be working for you anymore. It's time to think for yourself and be afraid to be a little stubborn if you think you are right. As a natural-born peacemaker, you may avoid speaking your truth, afraid you may hurt or offend others. Lilith asks you to check if you have received that same generosity in return. Anyone who may be stifling your voice needs to either go or at least receive a wake-up call. Don't be shy to be the perpetrator of this awakening. Harnessing the courage to stand up for yourself will be the next big step in your journey towards self-mastery.

Lilith is also part of a Grand-Trine between Mercury and Saturn. Since you are also an air sign, this is especially significant for you. This trine emphasizes your need for self-expression. You may currently have some difficulties being creative as Saturn slowly transits your 5th house, but that may be due to your approach. Creativity and art are not always synonymous. Here it wants to be expressed through your life decisions and what you think is possible. You may be suffering from the tunnel-vision syndrome, and you may have to learn to look somewhere else for inspiration. You might've grown too stiff and rigid with your inner child, but you must let it be realized. Truth is, aging doesn't mean you can't have fun. With Mercury hovering your 1st house, you may be compelled to read more or learn something new. Don't just say you want to do something. Frankly, no one needs to know what you are up to, so just do whatever you feel like in the moment. Sing, doodle, revisit a book from your childhood; the options are endless. The best part is that if you take the pressure of sharing your creations with people, there's no need to be scared of disappointing anyone.

The New Moon of September 6th happens in your 12th house.

If you haven't gotten the hint that you need to spend some time alone to reconnect with yourself, this Moon will really come to get you. The 12th house is often associated with loneliness and seclusion. This doesn't always have to be morose if we go into this space willingly. Especially with the Moon trine Uranus who's been transiting your 8th house, the transit really points at a need for radical transformation. You will only get a real objective look at the person you've become so far if you make the space to be by yourself and stare at the mirror for a while—figuratively, of course, but if you feel like doing it, by all means. Have an earnest conversation with yourself far away from the judgment of others. Give yourself the advice you need to hear like you are talking to your best friend because, in many ways, you are. In the case that you are not that intimate with yourself, why is that the case? Are there any parts of yourself you are ashamed of? These are all questions that will be answered through this new cycle.

The month ends on a Piscean Full Moon closely conjunct with Neptune in your 6th house. The mood of this lunation can be somewhat heavy and tricky to navigate. Especially in your 6th house, this could symbolize a detachment from your regular routine and a general sense of lethargy. It's important to be gentle and let yourself be in that moment. If nothing is time-sensitive, then don't be afraid to bail and be lazy for a day (or a few). There's always more time for you to catch up on your responsibilities, and if you try to push too hard past this feeling, it will catch up to you later at a much more inconvenient time. Full Moons are generally an emotional time, but since this one happens in a water sign like Pisces is a recipe for a waterfall of tears.

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Monthly Horoscope for Libra Zodiac signs Well

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