Zodiac signs Well
Monthly Horoscope for Pisces

September 2021 Pisces Horoscope

For a sign that is so in tune with the other realms, September may be slightly overwhelming for you. There is an air of mystery floating around, and it could lead to some confusion and melancholy.

The month starts with Mars opposing Neptune in your 7th and 1st house. This could symbolize a certain sense of vulnerability on your end. Be cautious with how you give yourself to people. Mars in the 7th house can generate a sense of animosity or even jealousy from strangers. Be careful not to brag too much as others can read that wrong and get the impression that you feel superior. Even if that is far from the truth, you may need to keep a low-key semblance this month as there's a great possibility of being misunderstood.

Another turning point this month will be the conjunction between two points in the Moon's orbit. Lilith and the North Node will be transiting through your 4th house. This transit is all about your relationship with your family. Lilith tends to stir some family drama up as everyone seems to have their own idea of what is best for you. Whether you adhere to their expectations or not, no one seems to be satisfied with what you're doing, which can be quite discouraging. Despite it being your genetic family or a chosen family, you must stand up for yourself in these circumstances. Letting yourself be the target of catty and insensitive comments is not going to go well for long. Eventually, someone is going to say something that will trigger all the repressed emotions to overflow. This could cause a lot more drama than you need right now. It might suck to have to tell someone you love to mind their own business, but sometimes it has to be done.

Lilith will also be part of a Great-Trine between Mercury and Saturn. This transit will be happening in your 4th, 8th and 12th houses. Be ready for a good dose of introspection as all the air signs come together to get your mind sharper. Saturn in the 12th could be the cause of some anxieties, but if you make an effort to use Mercury's influence in your 8th house positively and talk to somebody about what is making you nervous will help you immensely. This transit is here to help you develop healthier coping mechanisms and to get your voice heard. Air is all about our ideas and our intellect. If anything is stifling your pursuit of inner wisdom, it will likely be purged out during this transit. Be grateful that these energies are in your life, even if they may be difficult for you to handle at first.

The New Moon in Virgo happens in your 7th house. This is time to build new connections to help you with grounding your ever floating psyche. Pisces tend to live in a dream world. Still, during this Moon, you will likely meet someone—or reconnect with an old acquaintance— that will deliver some hard truths to get back on your feet. Honesty is at the core of this lunation, so be ready to get some news you may not be entirely prepared for. Uranus is also trining with the Moon, which elevates the chances of some unexpected events. Since Uranus is in your 3rd house, this could be about someone from the past coming to visit, changes in your neighbourhood, or even a move altogether. This is the start of a new journey into uncharted territory, so buckle up.

The month's Full Moon happens in your sign, and therefore your 1st house. As we discussed earlier, Neptune will also be transiting through this house, so this Full Moon can be quite challenging. She's already stirring everyone's emotions. To others, this will happen concerning their external life, but for you, this transit is all about how satisfied you are with where you are. Both Pisces and Neptune are hardcore dreamers, and sometimes these dreams are so unrealistic that they both resort to some harmful coping mechanisms upon failure. Escapism and seclusion are the most common, and you are especially vulnerable to these effects at this time. You will have to try really hard to ground yourself to reality. Living in an imaginary future serves nobody. You have made many accomplishments thus far, and if you don't thank yourself for those, your confidence and self-love will slowly dwindle. Wipe down the tears and chin-up. There's still a lot of life left to live, and even the craziest dreams can come true. You have to learn to be more patient, not just with yourself, but with the whole world at large.

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Monthly Horoscope for Pisces Zodiac signs Well

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