
Work Horoscope 2021 for Gemini

2021 🐮 Horoscope

Work 2021 Gemini

Work Horoscope 2021 Gemini

Horoscope 2021 for Gemini Love Horoscope 2021 Gemini Money Horoscope 2021 Gemini Health Horoscope 2021 Gemini

We’ve got some wonderful news for you, Gemini. In 2021 you’re sitting on a huge pile of gold. No, not literally (although maybe. What’s in your basement?), but there’s a massive untapped resource that you have been carrying around with you all this time that is going to bring you a fortune. If you’re racking your brain trying to figure it, we’ll make it easy: that resource is you. You’ve got amazing untapped potential that you need to put to work this year, all with an eye toward building your fortunes. You’re going to mine that internal gold for all its worth.

You’re going to do a bit of self-assessment in January 2021, Gemini, to get a sense of just how much gold you contain. Think of this as the equivalent of measuring yourself on a jeweler's scale. You’re going to get a sense of what you think you’re worth and what the world thinks you’re worth. Don’t worry if those two numbers don’t correspond well at all. You’re about to put yourself out on the market and sell the hell out of yourself, no matter what values you came up with. This doesn’t mean you’re going to lie or exaggerate, but instead, you are truly going to sell.

There’s someone you’re going to run into in March 2021 who is going to drastically change your perception of yourself, Gemini. Think of them as a sort of teacher, but a mentor might be a more appropriate term, even though you’re only going to have this one encounter with them. They might not even be involved with your field of work, but they’re going to change the way you think about your job completely. In fact, they’re going to change the way you think about work completely. Take in what they have to say and absorb as much as you can. Be a sponge with them.

Your job is going to bring some extra stress to the table in July, but it’s nothing you can’t manage. Still, it’s important to keep your eyes open and, more importantly, help out your fellow co-workers any way you can. They’re going to be worried and thinking their jobs are on the line. They’re not completely unwarranted in thinking that, but truthfully the stakes are pretty low. You’re the only one around who realizes that, so do your best to try and calm everyone down. Get on the good side of your boss at this time. That’s going to pay off for everyone by the end of the year.

If you don’t already have that side hustle going, Gemini, the fall is when you really need to get that going. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy complicated or even that lucrative. But just that tiny bit of extra income on the side is going to be enough to bring a little more sunshine to your life and you’re going to want that in the last third of the year. Starting this by late September means you should get a nice bit of regular income by late November 2021: enough to tackle a bill you’re tired of paying. Get on it immediately.

What a wonderful pile of fortune you turn out to be, Gemini. Isn’t it something to find out that you’re an incredibly valuable good? You are and we’re glad you’re finally coming around to understanding that. That change of attitude over the course of the year is going to serve you well for a long, long time. You are the best employment and job resource you have. Make full use of it.

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