
Work Horoscope 2021 for Virgo

2021 🐮 Horoscope

Work 2021 Virgo

Work Horoscope 2021 Virgo

Horoscope 2021 for Virgo Love Horoscope 2021 Virgo Money Horoscope 2021 Virgo Health Horoscope 2021 Virgo

You hear that sound, Virgo? No, it’s not the Wells Fargo train coming down the track. It’s the opportunity and it’s making a beeline towards you this year. That’s right: 2021 is going to be your year for great success and fortune. But - and this is a big but - you’re going to have to make some substantial changes to your life in ways that might make you a bit uncomfortable. We know that you’re up to the challenge, though, and that you will make it through with flying colors. This is going to be an incredible journey for you.

January is where it all starts. You’re going to take on a project at work that maybe scares you a little and makes you uncomfortable. Discomfort is good in this situation. It means you’re growing and learning and that’s exactly what you want to do, especially in full view of your superiors. It’s okay if they see you struggle and - gasp! - fail a little bit. This is what they’re looking for in leadership for their company and you are as good a candidate for that as anyone. Make yourself known, put yourself out there, and give it your all. This is a great opportunity for you.

And speaking of opportunities, there’s going to be a fantastic one coming your way in March provided you keep your eyes open and you’re ready for it. What does that involve? It’s hard to say, but your best bet is to be open every - and we mean EVERY - idea that is presented to you. You don’t have to automatically say yes to everything, but you do need to give everything a listen. Everyone coming to you deserves your time and attention. Yes, there will be some junk in there, but there will also be a couple of gems. These could be investment opportunities. They could also just be a new way of looking at the world that will open you up to other things farther down the road. Take it in, file it away, and trust that the universe has sent you this message to run with it.

Late summer is when you hit your peak moments of transformation. Believe us, there will be a ton of stress on your job. You’ll spend a lot of time rethinking your whole career, wondering if this is what you really want to be doing with your life. Push through it as best as you can. If you need to step away for a bit to catch your breath, do so, but get right back into the game. This is your do or die moment, especially around the 17th. The rewards on the other side of this struggle are going to be tremendous, though. Enjoy them as you’ll have fought hard for them. This is going to bring you to a relatively calm September, but don’t take that as an excuse to slack off. Keep moving and working. You’re going to want to make hay while the sun shines.

The amounts of professional transformation you’ll go through in 2021 will be staggering. In December you won’t even recognize the you from a year previously. That sort of growth is a good sign of adulthood, and no matter what age you are in years, we can all use some progression towards adulthood. Take those lessons with you into the future and thrive as a powerful magnate in your field. And if where you’re standing right now it sounds ridiculous that you’d even “have” a field, well let that be a sign of your growth.

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