Aries Health Horoscope 2023

2023 🐰 Horoscope

Health 2023 Aries

♈ Health Horoscope 2023 aries horoscope 2023

Aries and health have an intriguing relationship. With the strength of a warrior, it's not surprising that the Ram is usually full of vitality and ready for action. Especially if your Sun is in Aries, where the astrological planet is said to be exalted, you almost always have enough energy to go around. There might even be too much energy in some cases.

In 2022 Aries spent almost half the year with Jupiter, the planet of abundance and joy, in their 1st house. This transit usually acts as a protective factor. It strengthens our bodies and prevents many ailments from fully manifesting. Even if they do, likely, they don't last very long, and everything turns out fine.

This year, however, Jupiter will be leaving Aries on the 17th of May. With that in mind, you probably want to make sure you're taking a little extra care of your health since you don't have such protection for the rest of the year. You might even want to bank on the first quarter of the year to do any risky or adventurous sports or trips you might have on your bucket list.

Now, Jupiter leaving your first house is not necessarily an issue. Once it does, it enters the 2nd house of finances, so even if any health issues pop up throughout the year, you're likely to have the funds to go through it masterfully.

Still, Jupiter is not the only planet we want to pay attention to when it comes to Aries' health. The celestial body responsible for your health, in general, is Mercury. This is mostly because Mercury rules Aries' 6th house, the place where traditionally we find misfortunes pertaining to the body. So in case you didn't already know, Mercury retrogrades become much more important for your health than you might anticipate.

This 2023 starts on a Mercury retrograde, but since you'll still have Jupiter in your 1st house, this might be less concerning than otherwise. The same goes for the Mercury retrograde of the 20th of April happening in your 2nd house. This one is somewhat peculiar considering that Jupiter won't be in your 2nd house of finances yet. You could expect some health-related expenses (it can be anything from needing to spend a little extra money on vitamin gummies to actually having to go to the hospital). But since Jupiter will be right there in the following month, they're likely not to be an issue. On the other hand, this transit can be a little more important if you're 29, 41, 53 or 65.

The Mercury retrograde of this year that you really want to pay attention to, though, is the one happening on the 23rd of August. This one is extra important because it actually happens in your 6th house of health. You want to pay special attention to this one if you're any of the ages listed above. Still, as concerning as this may sound, Mercury is exalted in Aries' 6th house. This is the sign where the planet does best, so this transit is not very concerning. Usually, retrogrades mean that a planet will stay at a given sign for longer than it usually would, so it can be nice to have the ruler of your 6th house exalted for as long as you can get. Most of the complications related to this transit will likely result from indigestion, and paradoxically, hypochondriac behaviour. So the key to slide through these times is to eat healthily, but not to overthink it. After all, Mercury is the planet related to the mind, and most of their complications are likely to target that area of the body.

2023 is full of blessings. Even if there's the chance for some minor hiccups here and there, there's very little to be concerned about—especially when it comes to health. A healthy routine and regular exercise will do the trick here. Don't stress out too much, Aries.

Aries Horoscope 2023 ♈ Links & Reference

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