Daily Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for April 10th

If your Birthday is April 10th and your Zodiac Sign is Aries

April 10th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 10th of April are believed to be very confident and non conforming yet quite emotionally dependent for a ram. The ruling astrological planet designated for this particular day is the Sun infusing you with lots of realism, honesty and focus. If you have this birthday a warm generous temperament is bestowed upon you that welcomes
challenges, progress and changes. You are brave enough to be rather open and not try to hide your true self or opinions from others. Preferring to stay one step ahead you are full of energy with a sense of adventure but also responsibility and alertness. Sociable and always on the go you are incredibly perceptive and usually draw upon your intuition
to make a lot of your decisions. Individuals with an April the tenth birthday are of a competitive nature but fair minded and with no real need to seek approval or make an impression. In spite of this you can also be impatient and rash.

Work and Finances

Choosing a career to a person born on the tenth of April is sometimes slightly
influenced by parental occupations and guidance. Although you are strong willed and like to do your own thing you are usually prepared to consider offered advice regarding the most advantageous work options. One of your main deciding considerations is likely to be based on pay while another is a need for recognition for your efforts. Whatever profession is chosen you often
have a dislike for working in solitude or behind the scenes. You should ordinarily have a sensible attitude towards financial matters and tend to spend wisely.

Personal Relationships

For an Aries, the person born on the tenth day of April is untypical in their attraction to total opposites of themselves in romance. You are immensely enthusiastic about affairs of the heart and sometimes
your heightened emotional dependency incites you to rush into love unions before really ready. Personal relationships are as a rule placed as one of your top priorities as a loving intellectual rapport, closeness and communication are important to you. Learning to be more willing to compromise and be less hasty will probably help you be more successful in romantic partnerships.
You value your freedoms but you will be highly attentive, affectionate, loyal and devoted to someone you regard as a soul mate. You are also inclined to have a lusty but considerate sex drive and a fondness of surprises and thoughtful gestures.


Health complaints experienced by those born on April 10th are generally few and usually minor and shortlived. This tendency for
infrequent illness is reinforced by likelihood to take care of yourself, lead a healthy lifestyle and aim to look on the bright side. The higher your positivity is the more you seem to glow with vitality. One area to watch with your health is that you do not skrimp on sleeping hours as this could greatly impact on your well
being. Taking enough sleep is especially necessary for keeping your physical and mental energies well harmonized and promoting clear skin and calm nerves.

April 10th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are apparent in the focused openness, fairness and generosity that you show in friendly interactions. These positive qualities sit alongside your other finest attributes of being daring and possessing a realistic outlook. Observable personality weaknesses for those born on April 10th are more likely to materialize when you are faced with unexpected setbacks or
betrayed trust. These negative tendencies occasionally surfacing can involve you acting uncharacteristically stressed or obsessive. Luckily these behaviors are rarely seen without some upsetting provocation.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 10th of April makes you keen on planning, even if only in your head, a set of goals you wish to accomplish in life. You commonly find that making step by
step plans helps inspire you to pace yourself appropriately and not lose sight of your visions. You will usually refuse to be tempted by short cuts and will put plenty of effort into achieving worthwhile ambitions. A believer in karma and the returning of kindnesses you will endeavor to assist others in the realization of their dreams. This goodwill guided approach
is conflicting to your usual competitiveness but gives you heaps of satisfaction.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the tenth day of the month your birth date digits reduce to a Root number of One. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword ' Drive' and reflects your strong will, stubbornness and forward thinking direction. The Tarot card associated
with your birthday is the 10th presenting the Wheel of Fortune. This is a symbol of your ease of accepting changes and a common belief in destiny. The gemstone imagined to be luckiest for April the tenth birthdays is a rich red Ruby. Carrying it with you is assumed to promote restful sleep and possibly increase your finances.


The bold purposefulness
of Aries personalities are thought to be strongly determined astrologically by the influences of the planet Mars. The actual day you were born on, the tenth of April has the cosmic ruler our Sun, so it is the authorities of both these celestial bodies that are accountable for your individuality. Your assured, intrepid and energetic manner and honest down to earth
viewpoint help you achieve much throughout life and get along with many. Your responsible alert mien helps you stay in front and if you can manage to tame your tad of inflexibility and impatience you may attract more opportunities and chances of happiness. A concluding thought for people born on April the 10th is to contemplate following your heart from time
to time instead of your head.

April 10th Horoscope Comments

i think its really cool to feel so understood...i tend to feel misunderstood in a lot of instances

[ lisa ] [ Post Reply ]

Omg!that's so me

[ Magdaline ] [ Post Reply ]


[ PHUMI ] [ Post Reply ]

This is by far the best summing up of me I have ever read. People do ask me for advice and I like that aspect, I do like to draw attention to myself when with my friends,but only to make them laugh. I have no problem in public speaking.. .I like it :)I am kind & generous but this is my undoing as I
always attract the wrong sort of men,ending up with another broken heart... I have often wondered why I can't keep a boyfriend/husband for long term, even though everyone tells me what an amazing person I am, I understand now why men always leave. I'm a rescuer because it makes me feel good too, its
normal for me,but I'm working on changing that. You say I follow my head not my heart, but it's the other way round for me;I wear my heart on my sleeve now I'm going to follow my head, but I do tend to over think things in affairs of the heart but this is due to failed relationships. I do not have
the firey temper which others associate with Aries, now I know why.Here's to all the April 10th people....We rock. X

[ Raine10 ] [ Post Reply ]

we both are same. I also wanted to be in relationship. I always had a crush but i cant say to her.i also want a partner who shares every feelings with me and vise versa

[ shivam ] [ Post Reply ]

so like me

[ Dennis ] [ Post Reply ]

wow   dis is reli trueee......10th april borns we rock   

[ habby ] [ Post Reply ]

Hmmm that's me yup too emotional =) but don't like to be center of attraction :angel: & yea karma believer. ..

[ leah ] [ Post Reply ]

wow... how can u know me this much....am marvelled. every single thing here is true and am so proud of myself always.... am most atimes single but I think I must work on it....it better to be double.... anyone interested in friendship should hook me up on facebuk by name - Sir-Gabbie D-Gabbie....am
so happy to be a 10th April born

[ Gabbie ] [ Post Reply ]

I concur, this is accurate. What age are people commenting here? I am 34.As for being center of attention, I don't think I seek it out. However, in work I have been in positions where people come to me and I have answers - I enjoy that.

[ jessie ] [ Post Reply ]

Omgggggg this.is.me.all.the.WAYYYYYY Its like describes MEEEEE

[ fatimaaaaaa@aaaa ] [ Post Reply ]

This is actually me, I would like to love at some point in my life... :angel: :ups: =) :D

[ Immanuel ] [ Post Reply ]

WOOOOW.THAT HAS ME ALL OVER IT.Ilove to lead but h8t being center of attention.everything is soooo true :ups: :ups: :like:

[ Chelsea ] [ Post Reply ]

may be

[ sahil khan ] [ Post Reply ]

This sums me up so really well!

[ jen ] [ Post Reply ]

Ive read alot of horoscopes of my sign and such but this by far is the most accurate one. This helped me realize a few things about myself. Im wondering if horoscopes have alot of good things to say about every sign or is that just Aries?

[ OneInfinite ] [ Post Reply ]

It's really true. But I don't want to be always single. :bad:

[ Kanson ] [ Post Reply ]

Yup! spot on true and I chronically stay single. I have trouble following my heart because I am afraid of becoming emotional dependent on someone. I am very stubborn and stay in my mind too much.

[ Nisha ] [ Post Reply ]

the emotional dependency bit is so insightful bc I was never aware of this myself but others have told me about this issue...very good to know now! must get in CHECK!!! :ups:

[ Aliana ] [ Post Reply ]

Speechless,all of this reveals who we are....verry happy that we all agree...we form a good aries family

[ Diana ] [ Post Reply ]

The thing is I was born on april 10th and I never set goal and im not very energetic im more sweet, lazy bright and creative in gym I never play the game and im no leader. I HATE being the center of attention and if everyones saying this is so true and I was born on april 10th why am I so different

[ Kayla L ] [ Post Reply ]

Hi, being that I've been in love with a man born April 10th for 16 years. I can tell you now, he never would admit out loud all of the above that you too don't see in yourself. I love him deeply. Our attraction was instant upon our first meeting. I'm a true Scorpio. He's fire I'm water. I have to pu
t out his fire sometimes, in return he lights my fire. So funny how we blend, mesh, and dearly love the other. Total opposites, but hey, it's ALL GOOD!ALL good! l

[ Kaye ]

I agree with you on some things. I don't really like to be the center of attention either. It makes me nervous actually lol, and I don't really see myself as a leader. However, I'm energetic most of the time.

[ Sherry ]


[ Jean ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow its true.I'm always singlemost emotional.with respect to all. Guruji tell me what career has to choose? I am iti( electonic mechanic )

[ Rajesh ] [ Post Reply ]

ITS ALL TRUE!¬!!!!!! :ups: :ups: :( :ups:

[ oliver ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow it couldn't be any more clearer about my life... It's just amazing how much truth comes out of this.

[ Xavier Lam ] [ Post Reply ]

Very close in most all areas,some inconsistency but that should be expected from person to person and lifes experiences

[ John B ] [ Post Reply ]


[ CHERYL ] [ Post Reply ]

tongue tied... :angel:

[ Jaypee ] [ Post Reply ]

The traits given above are a testiomony of myself in all its intrcacies.

[ Abe ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm amazed how dead on this is :love: :) :angel:

[ Jeanette ] [ Post Reply ]

so true.

[ dana ] [ Post Reply ]

Such an accurate summary of my personality - I am sure this was collectively written by the 3 people who knows me best...

[ Suretta ] [ Post Reply ]

i being born on 10 april 1986 ..this birthday personality is correct from beginning to end..

[ john ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Roma ] [ Post Reply ]

I have yet to confirm this.

[ RemoI ] [ Post Reply ]

My bday its in April 2 but i have really bad luck): with guy's idk y? :bad:

[ Dolly ] [ Post Reply ]

This is Amazing :D

[ Susu ] [ Post Reply ]

just accurate... :) i hope i meet someone with the same birthday some day...!

[ Gunjan ] [ Post Reply ]

Hi, gunjan... Its saurav here, we share d same day as bday, 10th April.. A very happy bday 2u also :)

[ saurav ] [ Post Reply ]

I know right! :love:

[ Mariana ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow that's spot on. Right down to the last sentence. I'm always trying to keep myself in check about that.

[ Marrk ] [ Post Reply ]

That's pretty accurate

[ suzi ] [ Post Reply ]

This is simply summarizes me...

[ Saneesh ] [ Post Reply ]

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