Persona Profile
People born specifically on the 18th of April are believed to be compassionate and sensitive with heaps of typical Aries pioneering optimism. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Mars, the same cosmic influence that rules your zodiac sign of the ram. If you have this birthday there is a spiritual side to your nature that is both
intuitive and sympathetic. You are usually opinionated and quite forceful in your manner with the ability to push yourself to overcome barriers. A little idealistic but capable and hardworking, you are a progressive thinker who will fight for the things you believe in. Individuals with an April the eighteenth birthday are spontaneous and loyal with a humanitarian temperament that enjoys helping
others. Your fertile imagination generates lots of great ideas and makes you artistic with stylish tastes. You are also likely to possess a touch of sentimentality alongside your confidence and quick wit.
Work and Finances
Work is important to a person born on the eighteenth of April and often chosen with job satisfaction in mind. Your many talents, high motivation and competence allow
you a wide choice of occupations and the ability to inspire others. Areas that you will usually particularly shine in include care based or creative professions. With finances you sometimes struggle to keep control of your budgeting due to impulsiveness with spending. You like to buy and sell things so may occasionally overspend and get behind with regular payments. As you
mature you ordinarily learn to save something aside for these occasions.
Personal Relationships
For an Aries, the person born on the eighteen day of April is typically full of energy and enthusiasm on the subject of romance. You are a good looking charmer who is inclined to have lots of friends and admirers and fairly high expectations when it comes to love unions.
Despite this and your highly affectionate personality you can still be rather restless, impatient and a bit cool emotionally. Although you need a certain degree of independence you are generally flexible and disposed to putting a partner's wishes and desires before your own. You are good at compromises and your winning smile and sentimental approach, especially if utilized together, help you
be easily forgiven. Honest and direct, when you give your heart to a soul mate commitment you do so totally along with intense devotion. You put a lot into a relationship and expect the same attitude in return.
Healthiness and the vibrant glow frequently experienced by those born on April 18th is often due to your keenness on exercise. You never seem
to be still as you are intent on getting the most out of life and not wasting time on unproductive pastimes. People born on this day prefer to use their physical energies constructively so tend to stay trim and enjoy general good health. Your healthiest state seems to coincide with emotional contentment. Your mental well being has a tendency to be
affected by boredom or loneliness so you should ideally avoid situations prompting these conditions.
Strengths and Weaknesses
The probable main strengths identified in your character are that you are honorable and fair when interacting with others. This forte is assisted by your compassion, cheeriness and likelihood to always look on the bright side. These combined positive qualities more often than not compensate for the personality weaknesses for those born on April 18th. These are the tendencies
to act unrealistically once in a while and be untypically argumentative or touchy. These negative traits can show up randomly and finding circumstances that trigger them is sometimes difficult but worth the effort.
Dreams and Goals
Being born on the 18th of April makes you usually keen to surprise, shock and enlighten others with your achievements. Any personalized goal you set has a
fine chance of success as your belief in your abilities is strong. This helps keep you focused and less likely to be sidetracked by distractions. You have the additional ability to be able to simply shrug off disappointments or delays and not let them deter you from your aspirations. Some of your desires for an idyllic stress free lifestyle could feature
in your dreams offering extra inspiration to accomplish and be as successful as you can in life.
Birthday Luck and Significance
As you were born on the eighteenth day of the month the one and eight in your birth date award you a Root number of Nine. This numerical reference to your birthday has the special keyword 'Seeker' highlighting your intuitiveness and forward
openminded thought. The Tarot symbol associated with your birthday is the 18th card in the Major Arcana picturing the Moon. This emphasizes your concern and sympathy for the welfare of other individuals. The lucky gem for April the eighteenth birthdays is a Bloodstone and it should be worn for increased alertness and to encourage luck with money.
The double influence of the
celestial body Mars astrologically creates some of the most ambitious yet nicest of all Aries personalities. As the actual day you were born on, the eighteenth of April is governed by the selfsame ruler of your zodiacal set it can intensify your strongest traits. Your unique mix of sensitivity and kind forcefulness assists you to view a variety of circumstances with
a sensible calm head. Your enthusiastic outlook and touch of idealism gives you plenty of drive and passion. Reflecting on and improving your occasional impatience and frivolousness with cash should prove beneficial. A couple of final thoughts to ponder on for people born on April the 18th are to not take everything so seriously and maybe learn to laugh. These small
adjustments could make you happier and shouldn�t slow down your progress.
soooooo true!! there are many times when i tell people im an aries and theyre just like oh so youre probably stubborn.. ehhh not really there bud lol
[ gbaby ] [ Post Reply ]
Very true I must say. U think u should add more careers there's no way we're limited to arts only
[ Bazi ] [ Post Reply ]
This is true but some are not, am rating ti90% is true, 10% not true
[ Faith John ] [ Post Reply ]
None of that stuff is true for me. I mean maybe I will be like that in the future, but not right now. :(
[ Jordyn ] [ Post Reply ]
OMG So true! like not all of them but most of them are totally relateable!!
[ Foram Patel ] [ Post Reply ]
This has barely scratched the surface, to know thy self and of what we are, why we are, & how we are. To reach the mind of the Ram, you must build the heart & soul with true love!
[ Awara ] [ Post Reply ]
I was born on April 18,most of what said above are true, :) only, i don't buy and sell things.I keep whatever i bought ,i'd value them. I would never sell any,keep them rather.
[ irene ] [ Post Reply ]
what ever i read is tru nd i happy to read it
[ Anand ] [ Post Reply ]
I don't think this statement of april 18th is true :(
[ roh ] [ Post Reply ]
im born on april 18 im stuglling save my a marriage no job no good health why all 3 porblems
[ daniel peter ] [ Post Reply ]
Fits me almost exactly! Only thing off is that I am very responsible with money (thanks to my Virgo rising sign!).
[ Madeline ] [ Post Reply ]
perfect bro! totally true! hi! April 18 teens!
[ partha ] [ Post Reply ]
OMG, i like it and it is true and nice :)
[ Hard Martin ] [ Post Reply ]
Me and my friend who's is a girl share this birthday and we had s*x:) haha
[ nickolas ] [ Post Reply ]
Hey! I'm born on da eighteen of April! also I am an artistic girl so um yeah dats true and all dat other stuff.
[ Isabella ] [ Post Reply ]
This article is amazing. And I would like to say Happy Early Bday for you all that was born on the same day as me the 18th of April we rock!!!
[ Determined Aries ] [ Post Reply ]
Spot on! Happy Birthday everyone! Check out Vaulif you have the chance!
[ catrisej ] [ Post Reply ]
Omg!!!!! Totally true......Hi to all the people who were born on April 18
[ Danielle ] [ Post Reply ]
I like this Horoscope, becoz its very true to my nature....thank.
[ Wellborn ] [ Post Reply ]
Wow. This is just me. HBD to all my twinnies out there. I love you all
[ choice ben ] [ Post Reply ]
Hbd mate... Its this saturday so be hapi and ave a memorable day
[ spicy b ] [ Post Reply ]
Awesomeness- so dead on it's now bookmarked LOL Hi to all birthday twins! :D
[ Hope H. ] [ Post Reply ]
is that real because i am apri 18
[ princess audrey bantuas ] [ Post Reply ]
This definitely fits my description very well! I'm a spitfire but I'm nice until you make me angry
[ April Crawford ] [ Post Reply ]
OMG...this is so absolutely me!!!!!!! I knew I'm the bombdiggity!!!!
[ Penney pippins ] [ Post Reply ]
That was totally true font mean to tut my own horn.
[ Haronda Thomas ] [ Post Reply ]