Daily Horoscope

2017 Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for April 19th

If your Birthday is April 19th and your Zodiac Sign is Aries

April 19th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 19th of April are destined to be innovative, spirited and creative with lots of typical ram ambition. The ruling astrological planet for this specific day is the Sun making you also adventurous and practical. If you have this birthday you are usually full of charm, highly persuasive and confident. You have an instinctive need to
take charge and a love of challenges, excitement and change. Caring and loyal inside, you possess a high level of perception and are intelligent and thoughtful. Your sensible business orientated mind makes you careful and unhurried in taking decisions. Individuals with an April the nineteenth birthday tend to have fairly well balanced emotions by listening to their heart and head in
equal measures. You are generally tolerant and surprisingly sensitive. This encourages you to sometimes crave emotional as well as financial security from a younger age than many of your zodiac counterparts.

Work and Finances

Probable career direction to a person born on the nineteenth of April is likely to be influenced by an inspiring parent or teacher. Although you have a strong
streak of independence you are ordinarily willing to accept help from others that you consider to have greater skill or experience. You are often very good at recognizing and utilizing your best talents and this could be another determining factor for work choices. Finances are important in your plans to build a secure future so you are unlikely to
be irresponsible where money is concerned. Financially you seem to be naturally lucky.

Personal Relationships

For an Aries, the person born on the nineteenth day of April is typically impulsive and romantic in affairs of the heart situations. You seek to grow both intellectually and spiritually within a loving personal relationship yet still value your freedoms and need a partner who is not
too clingy. You are inclined to take life rather seriously but can often inject humor into romance and are even disposed to occasionally take risks for love. Once you believe you have found your fated soul mate committing is easy and you will display intense devotion. Affectionate and generous you prefer to make the first move in a courtship but your
pride may be badly wounded by rejection. A perfect someone special must let you express yourself and your desires freely in the partnership. You do also commonly have a protective side to your nature that easily gets jealous.


Bouts of illness experienced by those born on April 19th are frequently just unfortunate and not a consequence of disinterest in staying well. Your
usual healthiness is maintained by your tendency to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle. You are prone to suffering from nervous tension and can quickly become stressed. This is often dealt with most effectively by exercising regularly. People born on this day can be susceptible to quick weight gain most often in midlife so may require modifying their diet to compensate.
You should also remember to keep dental appointments as your teeth could be a weak spot.

April 19th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are seen in your skillful intelligence, powers of persuasion and the levels of your sensitivity. These traits help you interact tactfully with others while your inventive creativity propels you far in life. The personality weaknesses for those born on April 19th are relatively few and usually occur infrequently. These negative behaviors are connected to
your proneness to be nervy and can result in you becoming temperamental and on rare occasions fixated on something. Another less positive trait worth a mention is your potential to succumb to pangs of jealousy.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 19th of April makes you driven for success but not especially adept at planning or sticking to goals. You usually find
your combination of instinct and natural good timing to be more personally motivating than any set predetermined targets. Following your intuition in this way can cause you to be interested in the perceived meanings of dreams and contemplate monitoring your own. Some of you have a big desire to see as much of the world as possible and learn about different
cultures. Additional wishes are often for simple things like the yearning to be loved and have a nice home.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the nineteenth day of the month your birth date numbers equate to a Root number of One. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Drive' singling out your enterprising spirit and leadership qualities.
In the Major Arcana the 19th Tarot card representing the Sun is closely linked to your birthday. This highlights your plentiful wisdom, vitality and allure. The precious stone considered luckiest for April the nineteenth birthdays is a red Ruby. Wearing this gem will be favorable for the attraction of wealth and to evoke calmness and clarity.


Brief descriptions of the probabilities of
all Aries personalities are assumed from the dominance of their zodiacal planetary ruler Mars. The actual day you were born on, the nineteenth of April is astrologically governed by our Sun adding another influence to the uniqueness of your blend of characteristics. Your charming, kind directness helps you get along extremely well with almost everyone. Your practicality, spiritedness and sense of
adventure motivate you to explore far and wide and get things done. If you can conquer your likelihoods to pent up anxiety and heightened suspicion it should make life a little calmer and more fun. A pertinent concluding thought for people born on April the 19th is to try and be alert to and allow for spontaneity by trying not to
anticipate the presumed actions and thoughts of others.

April 19th Horoscope Comments

I was born April 19 1989, everything so true

[ roland destiny ] [ Post Reply ]

O.M.G" Wow! I Can't Believe This, Men This Is So True About Me

[ Chris ] [ Post Reply ]

Was born 1988 april 19

[ becky ] [ Post Reply ]

True , matching to my character

[ lax ] [ Post Reply ]

Gosh.....quite close to true

[ Joel ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so true for me...

[ Stephanie Raquel ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on April 19 1985 and this is sooooooooooooo true!!!!

[ Fay ] [ Post Reply ]

I find this thing so true

[ blaze ] [ Post Reply ]

It's so true that it kind of scares me this is my sister and it is exactly one hundred percent accurate OnPoint 10 out of 10 No Doubt

[ ALMIGHTY ARIES ] [ Post Reply ]

OMG... frightening stuff lol

[ Sivanasen ] [ Post Reply ]

Glad I found this site. So accurate for this 4/19/63 Aries.

[ Mai Fred ] [ Post Reply ]

Its accurate for me..

[ vijaya ] [ Post Reply ]

My bday is April 19, 1999. This is all mostly true for me

[ Jordyn ] [ Post Reply ]

i was also born april 19th 1999 and only 1-2 things dont fit me or well i dont think its right about me

[ christian ] [ Post Reply ]

4,19,1962 great description so true it made me laugh at myself. any baby boomers out there?

[ Maria K ] [ Post Reply ]

Me too born on April 19.

[ Utpreksha ] [ Post Reply ]

Me 100% born April 19, 1983. Unbelievable

[ Steven e hewlett jr ] [ Post Reply ]

Sounds like me!

[ janet ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born April 19,1988 and i love being an Aries.

[ niece ] [ Post Reply ]

Crazy how accurate it could be any one else relate red hairs with black like my beard and mustache it mostly bee seen in the sun light

[ J ] [ Post Reply ]

not exactly as i am ...birth year is 1995..not satisfied.. :cool:

[ khushbakhat nida ] [ Post Reply ]

Sup twin bro? I was born on the same date as you my nigga :) pay attention to the dental health, kay?

[ Kailash ] [ Post Reply ]

Anyone born on April 19, 1958. Sounds ancient when I type it

[ Sweet G ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from Sweet G Anyone born on April 19, 1958. Sounds ancient when I type it
Yes, I'm an aries borned in 1958 and turned 58.Happy Birthay :)

[ Rosalie ] [ Post Reply ]

April 19, 1958....Happy 59th birthday twins!!

[ MaggieRose ]

Message from Rosalie Message from Sweet GAnyone born on April 19, 1958. Sounds ancient when I type it Yes, I'm an aries borned in 1958 and turned 58.Happy Birthay
Gotcha beat - April 19, 1956. Kids... ;)

[ Steve ]

I dont find astrology is true for me. I'm not saying it's wrong. It's been wrong for Me only. I'm born on same day 19th of April.

[ Shraddhanshu Shekhar ] [ Post Reply ]

This truely defines my nature.

[ sammy_young ] [ Post Reply ]

So true i was born on 19 april 1991

[ Hummas ] [ Post Reply ]

same! :P

[ boop ] [ Post Reply ]


[ RAY ] [ Post Reply ]

all so true, my name is Ray too, me born 1985, how about you?

[ Rayman ] [ Post Reply ]

Glad to be one

[ linda ] [ Post Reply ]

Hey everybody , its nice to see other people who born in the same day like you , but i think we are not the same 100% , but i would like to descover how far can we be Similar , this is my Email for Communication : edwardo.etienne@hotmail.de

[ Aries ] [ Post Reply ]

I am born on the 19th of April 1998

[ Amy Lancett ] [ Post Reply ]

ME TOOOOO 1998 April 19th WOOOOOOOo

[ Josh ]

Yesssssss this is me!! #TrueAries

[ Chavonne ] [ Post Reply ]

so true. This is exactly me

[ Neha Mahajan ] [ Post Reply ]

April 19th

[ Nathan Leighty ] [ Post Reply ]

Nathan me too April 19

[ peter finn ] [ Post Reply ]

wow! Proud 2 b 1

[ clever ] [ Post Reply ]

Amazing how accurate this horoscope really is. I love everything about this sign and the number 19.

[ KFA ] [ Post Reply ]

spot on...perfect prediction

[ stan ] [ Post Reply ]

I am born on April 19 proud to be one

[ Jas ] [ Post Reply ]

Me Too

[ Mischief ] [ Post Reply ]

This is me. Accurate!

[ Sherry Robinson ] [ Post Reply ]

Anyone here born on April 19, 1970?

[ Annelisa ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from Annelisa Anyone here born on April 19, 1970?
Yes me!!

[ Maria ]

Me! Was yours a good description too?

[ kc ]

1+9=1 0

[ parth ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Shreeti ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow realy its amazing.proud to be a 19th born girl.

[ Narmadha ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so me!

[ Caty ] [ Post Reply ]

yes, it is true & iam adventures & i want to explore the world as much as i can do

[ praveen ] [ Post Reply ]

so true

[ tasin ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow dis is rill true am proud to be am april 19 born

[ Xta ] [ Post Reply ]

So true =)

[ Jennifer ] [ Post Reply ]

think before you leap I have always been my worst enemy hoping to slow down and live more consciously

[ david martin black ] [ Post Reply ]

This word be me......glad I found this site.

[ Mai fred ] [ Post Reply ]

some information given was most surprising and it gave me an opportunity to improve myself in all the areas needed ....... thank you

[ david martin ] [ Post Reply ]

I never believed things like this could possibly be true but it explains me to a 'T'! I can't believe the accuracy! I am sooooo proud of my birthday

[ Kaity ] [ Post Reply ]

I was just like you untill I started to learn my own personality and eversince I strongly believe the influence of Star Sign on ones personality

[ James ] [ Post Reply ]

wow true

[ HUmmas ] [ Post Reply ]


[ David V ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow... On point! I always say things happen for a reason. Whether it be predetermined fate or just luck, idk but it happens and things work out.

[ Matt ] [ Post Reply ]

wow this is supper cool and so true i so relate with it in everything.

[ Lindokuhle ] [ Post Reply ]

mind blown by the accuracy

[ mary thomas ] [ Post Reply ]

It's kinda odd because I can be an extremely emotional girl at times. But it usually doesn't last uber long. This is so me though. #epitomyofaries!!

[ Rahdyya ] [ Post Reply ]

This is me!

[ Jean roscoe ] [ Post Reply ]

almost true....but not all, that is except from the luky charms..and others

[ alex nnaji ] [ Post Reply ]

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