Daily Horoscope

2017 Horoscope

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Zodiac Signs

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Birthday Horoscope

for April 6th

If your Birthday is April 6th and your Zodiac Sign is Aries

April 6th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 6th of April are assumed to be rather creative and imaginative with heaps of typical ram self motivation and confidence. The astrological planet that governs this particular day is Venus making you likely to be very kindhearted, spirited and youthful. If you have this birthday you are usually both outspoken and contemplative and a little
more open and receptive than many in your zodiac group. You think logically and are a mix of doer and dreamer who is idealistic, optimistic and full of original ideas. Your childlike curiosity likes to scrutinize and get to the truth of matters while your leadership qualities help to make you good at problem solving. Individuals with an April the sixth
birthday possess a loving, caring nature and subtle persuasion skills. Although you are generally quite serious there is a side to your temperament that is able to laugh at yourself and have some fun.

Work and Finances

Work options can be widely varied to a person born on the sixth of April as you are more often than not multi talented. Your analytical
perception allows you to choose from the majority of professions where talents will be useful. You are naturally artistically inclined so jobs that incorporate some form of creativity are usually enjoyable. Financially you are mainly responsible and tend to take budgeting and monetary commitments seriously. In spite of this you are not especially adept at handling finances and may need to
be extra careful when considering investing in property or motors.

Personal Relationships

For an Aries, the person born on the sixth day of April has an untypical seductive mode, much preferring companionship to solitude. Enthusiastic about romance you feel at your most content when within a loving couple situation as feeling really loved is the best circumstance for your emotional wellness and sense
of security. High levels of independence do not prevent you from being romantic, a believer in true love and a bit clingy emotionally. Your pleasant sociability permits you to make friends easily and seek and commit to a forever soul mate relationship. You can be immensely affectionate and imaginatively flirtatious with a partner in addition to displaying lots of devotion and
fidelity. Your easygoing charm and desire for a settled home lifestyle are advantageous towards the success of long term personal relationships.


Health disruptions experienced by those born on April 6th are for the most part infrequent as you are tuned to listening to your body. You have a vibrancy that glows when you are well and is noticeably dull when you are
out of sorts. Weak areas in your health could be with your eyesight so regular eye checks are recommended. Another thing that you should monitor is your anger and negativity as these emotions can have an effect on your well being if you keep them bottled up. People born on this day often appreciate fine foods and are keen to discover
and try interesting new flavors and healthy recipes.

April 6th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are seen in the magnetism you ooze and your excellent imagination and innovative curious mind. These positive traits and your plenitude of openness and optimism make you great friendly company. Personality weaknesses for those born on April 6th commonly show up on occasions when you may be under added pressures or particularly stressed. These
negative characteristics are your tendencies to become too focused on things and behave in a manic way. This could be overwhelming for others to see and will definitely demonstrate that something is bothering you.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 6th of April seems to bestow you with a strong desire to be as happy as possible, faith in yourself and a
motivated attitude. When it comes to life aspirations you usually believe positively that any goal is attainable with enough effort. Your personalized goals often include concepts that will better life for those around you less fortunate. When you dream the themes or contents of your sleeping visions are in many instances an extension of your artistic inclinations. They tend to be
a vivid mixture of fantasy and reality and you are ordinarily able to effortlessly remember them.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the sixth day of the month the Root number assigned for your distinctive date of birth is a Six. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Social' emphasizing your receptiveness and fondness of communication. In Tarot
the 6th Major Arcana card depicting the Lovers is associated with your birthday. This is a probable symbol of your captivating persuasiveness but also the clinginess you are prone to. The lucky gemstone for April the sixth birthdays is imagined to be Turquoise, the blueness of this jewel promises it's wearer a sense of tranquility and mental clarity.


Aries individuals personalities
are believed to be

astrologically influenced by the planet that rules this star sign, Mars. The actual day you were born on, the sixth of April is cosmically governed by the celestial body Venus's presence. Your presumable personality traits are therefore decided as a result of the combining of this pair of planetary influences. Your confident kindliness and modern outlook get you
noticed while the dreamy side of you gives you an appealing approachability. Your scrutiny of everything encourages you to be a leader more than a follower. If your idealism is controlled there is less chance you will succumb to overexcitement or becoming sidetracked. A final fitting consideration for people born on April the 6th is to try and keep
your focus and at least one foot firmly on the ground. This should enable you to not miss lucky opportunities.

April 6th Horoscope Comments

This is pretty much true and very interesting. Hello all my fellow twinsies!

[ Mekina ] [ Post Reply ]

Born in 6april too

[ Christina ] [ Post Reply ]

my career as an architect just proves that its true that im creative & at the same time realistic & good in math. however a lot of this doesn't fit me at all. in truth im actually prudent & saving money has been ingrained to me since i was a kid & my ultimate fear is to not be financially stable. as
for relationships, how i wish i can make friends easily but im introverted & a bit shy to strangers. though i do anything for my loved ones but (my negative part) you better disappear when you betray or hurt md coz i admit im vindictive & unforgiving plus i make sure to leave stings that pierces in
your heart

[ jackie ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow! All of it is me! I am told a lot of these things by others around me but I really don't accept them readily. I do believe I can do anything goes if I really put my mind to it. Except, Money!!! I don't know why but I am weak in that area . This was awesome! I am going to share this with my fami
ly, it will help them understand me because they really don't.

[ Cdk ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow this is so interesting a lot of this is like me

[ Ellie ] [ Post Reply ]

It's sort of like me

[ Anonymous ] [ Post Reply ]

Spot on!!!!

[ Dustin ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on 6th april at 5:00am but i destroy everything i touch why and everybody hates me even my famimy

[ Fatema sarah christ ] [ Post Reply ]

Me too

[ Olivia ] [ Post Reply ]

I agree with these things. Being an INFP and an Aries... It is confusing. Yet, seeing this and finding those connections helps me. Thank you.

[ Desaree ] [ Post Reply ]

So accurate. Rock on, birthday twins!

[ Manda ] [ Post Reply ]

Spot on

[ Babby ] [ Post Reply ]

Very weird. I am a natural leader

[ Paul ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow thats me. Except the dreams

[ brett ] [ Post Reply ]

all my birthday twins

[ dani ] [ Post Reply ]

When I was reading this... I was wearing turquoise! Don't usually like bright colors but I've always gravitated to that color! Definitely will share this friends and coworkers.

[ Jennie ] [ Post Reply ]

Ridiculously true

[ padma ] [ Post Reply ]

So very true. I just need to know how the stars can tell. Numbers/ Personalization. Hmm m

[ jewel ] [ Post Reply ]

this is awesome and great fact about me , about us ..kudos to this site.

[ lukman ] [ Post Reply ]

So true ..we r so good

[ pdma ] [ Post Reply ]


[ kamal ghosh ] [ Post Reply ]


[ KARABI ] [ Post Reply ]

The more I read this, the more amazed I became at how true everything I read was! I finally had to stop and go "Okay, this is getting weird now" when I read that Turquoise is our lucky gemstone, as turquoise is my favorite color =)I'm definitely recommending this site to my friends.

[ Sidney ] [ Post Reply ]

Definitely on point

[ chinaza ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm impressedAll true

[ Abhishek ] [ Post Reply ]

It's all true about me also. I love the way I am and I love this life.

[ Kyrar ] [ Post Reply ]

This is cooool :D

[ Ipshita ] [ Post Reply ]

this is soooo strange

[ sdkdo ] [ Post Reply ]

cool this talks all the way about me tho :)

[ ratai ] [ Post Reply ]


[ bidisha ] [ Post Reply ]


[ secret ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Giovonny ] [ Post Reply ]

wow ..like i m reading myself all words true..!!

[ Mayank ] [ Post Reply ]

woah! this is on point!

[ Denise ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Manish ] [ Post Reply ]

wow !!

[ Ian ] [ Post Reply ]

Damn didn't think I was that deep.

[ Tyler M ] [ Post Reply ]

Totally me! THat's freaking awesome! :D

[ Serenity ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow Das me

[ Buggi ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow this describes my bf to a T.....love it 3

[ Lala ] [ Post Reply ]


[ ALISHA ] [ Post Reply ]

Haha...i actually cried wn i read....yeppi smeone gets me. This is about 110% accurate for me.

[ Tasha ] [ Post Reply ]

The turquoise thing made it really sink in... It's always been my favorite color!

[ angela ] [ Post Reply ]

This describes me perfectly the only thing I would like to add is that I love to Debate!

[ SomeoneFromMars ] [ Post Reply ]

I feel the exact same way! It's a very amusing pastime for me and almost exhilarating in a way

[ Nick ] [ Post Reply ]

Am very well described

[ fega ] [ Post Reply ]

the dream things dead on. i remember 90% of my dreams vividly. crazy!

[ caryn ] [ Post Reply ]

Dead on!

[ Truth ] [ Post Reply ]

OMG mee to,I always read Aries personality description but this is completly accurate

[ Gaby ] [ Post Reply ]

I was shocked at how dead on this described me.

[ Tammy ] [ Post Reply ]

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