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Birthday Horoscope

for August 26th

If your Birthday is August 26th and your Zodiac Sign is Virgo

August 26th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 26th of August are predicted to be focused, shrewd and practical but much quieter than most Virgo's. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Saturn making you likely to be a thinker and a doer who gains great satisfaction from helping others. If you have this birthday a down to earth, patient and
responsible temperament is bestowed on you along with a strong penchant for fairness. Naturally honest, meticulous and efficient you are inclined to want to analyze and consider all options when contemplating a decision. Hard working and ambitious you are good at organizing and managing and capable of ordinarily staying fairly calm and capable in a crisis. Individuals with an August the
twenty sixth birthday seem to prefer set routines and tend to strongly dislike disorder. You are also usually a bit of an attention seeker emotionally as well as being rather concerned with your appearance and having high standards concerning everything.

Work and Finances

A job in a teaching or medical profession is often a common choice for work to a person born on
the twenty sixth of August. Your plentitude of talents guides you in various working life directions but purposeful occupations in caring or educational settings are often the best career paths for you. In any type of employment your efficiency and organizational ability help you progress and chase your avid ambition to be successful. When it comes to money you are usually
careful with the proclivity to be a tad mean, however this makes you an excellent saver who will rarely encounter financial issues.

Personal Relationships

For a Virgo, the person born on the twenty sixth day of August is typically in possession of a perfectionist attitude regarding romance. This may direct you to take your time before thinking about settling down with someone special
but once you do it will be with the intention of it being a lifelong partnership. You often depend on a stable relationship for lots of emotional support and to help you overcome slight self doubt. With your loving and romantic temperament you need a partner with whom you can talk openly and comfortably as your deepest feelings are only revealed
when you know them really well. You are highly considerate and when you feel happy and secure in a personal relationship you are incredibly loyal, devoted and dependable. Slow seduction and caresses turn you on while an intimate massage relaxes your body and mind.


The usual robust vitality experienced by those born on August 26th is assisted by your tendency to be
rather fanatical about health. How our body works is commonly of great interest to you, however you can sometimes ignore or neglect your own symptoms due to your concern for the well being of loved ones. If illness strikes you will often be receptive to alternative remedies as well as conventional solutions. People born on this day should find that adequate
exercise is key to staying healthy. Regular meal times and consistent sleeping patterns have the same importance for looking your best.

August 26th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are exposed in your self contained but accepting, kind disposition and the honesty and helpful patience you nicely express. Your shrewdness, calmness and usual propensity for contemplation are additional admirable and favorable fortes. The personality weaknesses for those born on August 26th are usually exhibited in the form of uncharacteristic or overemphasized behaviors involving
mild tantrums. These negative idiosyncrasies and a proneness for occasional low mood seem to be more frequent in occurrence if you allow yourself to get too hungry or tired.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 26th of August gives you a strong sense of purpose and a passion for getting things done that need doing. Achieving something meaningful to others is as
a rule more preferable and satisfying than accomplishing personalized goals. In any endeavor you will be careful with the planning stages, put in plenty of effort and also be willing to wait patiently for a successful result. Your positive traits of focus and practicality are excellent attributes for added motivation. Dreams are connected to your touch of idealism and see you
fantasizing of a paradisiacal lifestyle.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty sixth day of the month the sum of your birth date generates a Root number of Eight. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Leader' probably relating to your managerial ability, realistic ideas, productivity and proficiency. In Tarot the 8th card symbolizing Courage in the
Major Arcana is associated with your birthday. This represents your enthusiasm and dependability and identifies your moralistic code of conduct. The lucky gemstone for August the twenty sixth birthdays is a Black Pearl, to be worn for possible boosts to energy and wealthiness.


All Virgo the virgin personalities are presumed to be astrologically influenced by the power of the planet Mercury. The
actual day you were born on, the twenty sixth of August, is governed by Saturn's celestial authority. As a consequence the blended influences of these 2 planets are imagined to shape the probabilities of your character. Your levelheaded proficient actions and beneficent respectful thought grace you with a well balanced and admired set of traits. Your composure and need for order
and fine detail usually prevent you from making rash judgments. If you can deter negativity by not neglecting your own needs it will go a long way towards being more able to satisfy your yearning to help others. A final thought for people born on August the 26th advises you to contemplate not always being so amenable. Standing up for
yourself more often could be very enlightening and further develop your confidence.

August 26th Horoscope Comments

This is 100% on the dot. I couldn't help but give approving gigs although the essay. Everything is so me

[ Rhoda ] [ Post Reply ]

A big true...!!!!Unbelievalbe

[ Tanu ] [ Post Reply ]

My result is going to come on 26 August n it's my bday date.can u tell me please I will be selected or not?its a result of axis Bank...

[ Pooja singh ] [ Post Reply ]

Amazing!But weak points include being sensitive and financially not wise

[ krishna ] [ Post Reply ]

Love this more n guess what am a student nurse....so cute

[ nkechi ] [ Post Reply ]

This is true, every word of it basically screams me.

[ Reagan ] [ Post Reply ]

omg this is so me

[ megan ] [ Post Reply ]

Really want to have a place of reckon in this world, and that success in my business world

[ Tito ] [ Post Reply ]

WOW, spot on! thanks

[ Richard ] [ Post Reply ]

wow. I never knew that till now. Thanks

[ Jazz ] [ Post Reply ]

August 26th and In any type of employment your efficiency and organizational ability help you progress and chase your avid ambition to be successful. TRUE

[ LB ] [ Post Reply ]

just a big WOW

[ RM ] [ Post Reply ]

Most of it is true..I'm a nurse,but don't really care about my appearance. Happy birthday to all of my fellow August 26 people

[ Vanessa ] [ Post Reply ]

A belated happy birthday to u too. Yeh most of it it's true

[ Prakash ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy bday to all born on the 26 0f august

[ cynthia ] [ Post Reply ]

Wowww. I can't believe how spot in this is.

[ Charle ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow, 90% true.

[ Renato ] [ Post Reply ]

80% correct Happy Birtday fellow Virgoans Cheers !!!!!

[ Kevin ] [ Post Reply ]

Blessed Birthday too

[ Mutugi Peterson ] [ Post Reply ]

Not totally true, but a good portion of those traits apply to me. Happy birthday to my fellow Virgos!

[ Marianne ] [ Post Reply ]

This is just beautiful ;)

[ Hai ] [ Post Reply ]

This is very true

[ Keshawn ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so me!! How I love it

[ cate ] [ Post Reply ]

you can never me more correct.bang on writer.(y)

[ rahul ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm shocked on how accurate this is! O_O

[ Twilight Sparkle ] [ Post Reply ]


[ IBRAHIM ] [ Post Reply ]

really true amazing

[ tahir ] [ Post Reply ]

so true all about me. thanks you.

[ pong ] [ Post Reply ]

about 65% correct

[ Jon ] [ Post Reply ]

The other is your chinese sign

[ memee ] [ Post Reply ]

Amazingly true everything about me

[ Aazia ] [ Post Reply ]

Wtf. My name is aiza too.............and we were born on the same day??

[ aiza ] [ Post Reply ]

This is sooo true

[ averianan ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow this is like so true I'm scared

[ Nia ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Sam ] [ Post Reply ]

it is really true...awsumm

[ Sooooraj ] [ Post Reply ]

Woah there, this is actually very accurate.

[ Brandon ] [ Post Reply ]

It's so true, it's almost identical to my life right now.

[ Jonathan ] [ Post Reply ]

I cannot believe this description as it describes everything about me...I am in awe!

[ Teresa ] [ Post Reply ]

OMG this is so scary!! THIS is me!!! and im currently studying to be teacher wow

[ Joelle ] [ Post Reply ]

So true. This is me to a tee.

[ Renee ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm also a 26 of Aug born. I can really relate to almost all the traits that has been told here.

[ Amongla ] [ Post Reply ]

Am a 26 of August born,Frankly speaking most of the things mentioned here are really true about me and am happy about it.Thank you

[ Harriet Adu Gyamfi,a Ghanaian and a student of Uni ] [ Post Reply ]

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