Daily Horoscope

2017 Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for August 27th

If your Birthday is August 27th and your Zodiac Sign is Virgo

August 27th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 27th of August are imagined to be rather kind, warm sympathetic spirits with a touch of the typical Virgo critical idealism. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Mars giving you a strong sense of purpose and direction making you naturally perceptive, persuasive and precise. If you have this birthday your generous self
sacrificing temperament is fairly optimistic, practical and responsible. A high level of curiosity and dislike of injustice makes you a careful listener who likes to help others with advice but this may be occasionally a little blunt or opinionated. You are inclined to be family orientated and quite sociable but you tend to enjoy your own company too. Individuals with an
August the twenty seventh birthday ordinarily possess a great imagination and although idealistic this is mostly an unselfish wish to make the world a better place. Your thoughtfulness and inner discipline perfectly compliment each other.

Work and Finances

Likely job

choices to a person born on the twenty seventh of August are often within any of the care or social work professions. Your way
with words, natural inquisitiveness and passion to assist others seem to direct you to these type of careers. A slight lack of confidence in your talents when younger can sometimes deter you from pursuing a more unusual occupation connected to one of your many interests. However you are also destined to achieve some form of financial security early in life as
a result of your adeptness at handling money and predicted favorable outcomes from well timed investments.

Personal Relationships

For a Virgo, the person born on the twenty seventh day of August is typically easily disappointed by their expected ideals of love and romance. Despite your high expectations you are in addition slightly fearful of falling for someone too deeply and losing your highly
valued independence. You will definitely know when you meet your soul mate as they will really sweep you off your feet. A perfect partner should boost your self esteem and be capable of coaxing you into revealing the intensely responsive emotions concealed under your somewhat aloof front. If you are unsure of a relationship you try and keep things slow and
without meaningful commitment. In a long term loving partnership lots of appreciation and a willingness to compromise instead of arguing are important signs of loyalty to you. Relaxing at home with loved ones is something you consider blissful.


Health issues experienced by those born on August 27th may occur every so often as a consequence of a disinterest and taking for granted
of general well being. In spite of normally eating sensibly and mainly enjoying exercise you can sometimes take responsibilities a tad too seriously. This often results in the straining of your physical and mental resources causing extra stress and the possibility of disturbing restful sleep. People born on this day should aim to avoid heavily caffeinated drinks, excess sugar and
overly spicy foods if they want to maintain skin and digestive healthiness.

August 27th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are viewed in your usual expressions of kindness, warmth and sympathy. These positive attributes guide you to be caring and socially aware as well as emphasizing your generosity. Your mix of curious perception and disciplined persuasiveness and precision are additional fortes that help you quickly find things out and get things done. The predominant
personality weaknesses of those born on August 27th focus on your proneness for the occasional depressive mood and symptoms of anxiety. These can generate negative responses such as insensitive comments or inflexible behavior.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 27th of August usually encourages you to be unmaterialistic and more interested in experiencing things than achieving them. While you generally welcome a
challenge to your physical or mental abilities you prefer to leave non academic goals to later in life when you are less busy. Your purposefulness stimulates you to tackle ambitions in order of their importance to your current circumstances. Dreaming will frequently consist of resolving any worries and fulfilling hopes and wishes you have regarding finances, your working arrangements and close
personal and family relationships.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty seventh day of the month the two and seven in your birth date produce a Root number of Nine. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Seeker' recognizing the intensity of your curious investigative side. In the mystic Major Arcana Tarot deck the 9th card featuring
the Hermit is closely associated with your birthday. This reflects your tendency for self-analysis, listening skills and loathing of unfairness. The luckiest gem for August the twenty seventh birthdays is a Bloodstone to be worn for calmness, clarity and for a helping hand in overcoming obstacles.


Mercury is considered to be the planet most astrologically influential on the basic probabilities of all
Virgo personalities. The actual day you were born on, the twenty seventh of August is ruled over by Mars's dominant presence explaining your likenesses and subtle differences from other Virgoans. Your unselfishness, focus and helpfulness accentuate your mixture of perceptive optimism and compassion making you a resourceful nice person to know. Your independent streak and idealist attention to detail helps
you make balanced decisions and allows you to rarely miss favorable opportunities to expand your knowledge or bank balance. If you can discover ways to lift your mood when feeling down it should lessen your touches of bluntness, obstinacy and criticism. A concluding thought for people born on August the 27th offers a recommendation for your future development. This is to
not permit your fixed ideals to cloud or limit your thinking or creativity.

August 27th Horoscope Comments

Very much accurate

[ Sargam mittal ] [ Post Reply ]

Spot on this is how I am exactly and I have just gained a Diploma in Listening skills!! :)

[ Soo ] [ Post Reply ]

I have gone through thick an thin of life and now seems contender at 59 but am never secured, positivity is in my blood though.

[ Swapan Lahiri ] [ Post Reply ]

this feels so right...

[ ash ] [ Post Reply ]

this feels so right...

[ ash ] [ Post Reply ]

I am a social worker and alwayw wish to help others. I am very analytical and curious. born many moons ago. Horoscope is close.

[ Sandra Hamberger ] [ Post Reply ]

Very close...A broad brush paints the future in the zodiak. Good advice and sound observations. It should be remembered we all.make are good and bad days through are actions and the way we treat others. Let us go east to meet the Czarâ„¢

[ RASPUTIN ^¶ ] [ Post Reply ]

Born 1960 male as always some things apply there is 50 / 50 on all. Didn't give up there is a light at the end of the tunnel for all. There are good days and bad be thankful for the good days, use them wisely and more will come.

[ Johnnie ] [ Post Reply ]

seriously. U guys bliv this . although its kinda true.

[ robin ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm. So happy I am born on this day , wow! , but I do not agree with the spicy food thing.

[ (: ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm happy to say that this does sound like me!! Especiall the curious personality!!!

[ Megan ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm sorry to say this but if u take your life, u sinning against your own body, u die here on earth but wake up in hell, DON'T!!

[ xolani ] [ Post Reply ]

Sounds a lot like me. happy Birthday to me the hermit.

[ Marie ] [ Post Reply ]

RIGHT ON!!! WOW..like looking in the mirror :)

[ Laura ] [ Post Reply ]

Not to bad

[ K ] [ Post Reply ]

I am 50- 50% satisfied

[ Vijay kumar ] [ Post Reply ]

I need some luck, where can I find some bloodstone?

[ Max ] [ Post Reply ]

M so happy

[ Tenzin Zangpo ] [ Post Reply ]

iam so happy to be born on this day.Be positive and live life fully.

[ rubeena ] [ Post Reply ]

Im realy fedup of my life no one happy with me sometime i think only death help me to get releaf all my problem My birth date is 27 aug 1984 plz help how n when i must death

[ mukesh wadhwa ] [ Post Reply ]

Dont ever think of dying. I can understand your situation because I have lived the same life as yours and tried ending my life. Forget everything and try to be positive. and remember that god help those who help themselves. if you will be positive, you will attract positiveness in your life.

[ Manisha ] [ Post Reply ]

We share the same birthday. Same year too..I used to be depressed like you do, until deceased of the loved one.. I learned more on treasure every single thing in my life now. I appreciate everything I see and keep telling myself everything sure happen for a reason. Keep positive! Fighting!

[ Chua ] [ Post Reply ]

Rue reflection of myself

[ presh ] [ Post Reply ]

Oohh.. me too was born on this day years back .. :)

[ jarken gadi ] [ Post Reply ]

I like this

[ B ] [ Post Reply ]

This is the day I was born and I'm surprise this is me to the nitty gritty..I'm so happy I looked this up

[ Ben ] [ Post Reply ]

itszzz. really true ...I m being amazed

[ aadarsh ] [ Post Reply ]

A carbon copy of who I am

[ Joe ] [ Post Reply ]

Yesss, This is definitely all me!! It's crazy!!!

[ Jessica ] [ Post Reply ]

who wrote this its so on the money

[ Denise from NY ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on 8-27, and this description of personality reads like a summary of who I am.

[ laura ] [ Post Reply ]

Does anyone own a bloodstone? If you do, does it bring you luck?

[ meiger leeger ] [ Post Reply ]

i was born on this day...its true

[ sam ] [ Post Reply ]

Itzz really me...i like it....

[ femi mary ] [ Post Reply ]

m lucky to born on dis day
:) !;)

[ gouri ] [ Post Reply ]

:) i like it

[ umar ] [ Post Reply ]

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