Daily Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for August 28th

If your Birthday is August 28th and your Zodiac Sign is Virgo

August 28th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 28th of August are presumed to be strong willed, levelheaded and genuine with the usual Virgo friendly kindness. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is our Sun influencing you to be very independent with an uncanny knack of getting your own way. If you have this birthday your naturally curious, observant and honest
temperament can also be critical too. Intuitive with high morals and idealistic standards you are inclined to be clever, meticulous and especially good at planning. A wonderful imagination, highly practical ideas and a witty repartee make you creative and communicative along with a skill of noticing things other may miss. Individuals with an August the twenty eighth birthdays are fairly confident
but this is soon bruised by insensitive remarks. Emotionally you are destined to be warmhearted yet likely to waver between hot and cold in your responsiveness, something loved ones can find quite frustrating.

Work and Finances

The common sense and sound judgment typical to a person born on the twenty eighth of August comes in useful to secure favorite job options. Your talent
for motivating and managing teams of workers can usually generate a generous income level if you choose this career route. You are also likely to consider working for yourself if the opportunity presents itself. You are fated to acquire financial security early in life so this could see you retire sooner than others giving you time to pursue an artistic hobby.
Investing in property and its related professions should reap you great monetary rewards.

Personal Relationships

For a Virgo, the person born on the twenty eighth day of August is typically in search of a lover and lifelong partner with similar interests and tastes. An inner voice seems to keep tight control on your emotions leaving you finding it hard to relax and lower
your guard to be receptive to love and romance. You tend to need someone who can uncover your natural affection as well as keeping pace intellectually as an intense emotional bond is essential to your contentment. Worrying a bit too much is a weakness and so you cherish somebody willing to share your anxieties and offer reassurance and support. Your perfectionist
side may be hesitant to settle down until you meet your soul mate. Family ties are important to you along with a comfortable private home life. Bursting with imaginative sexual energy you are often fantastically innovative in the bedroom.


Healthiness experienced by those born on August 28th could be up and down due to your mixture of careful and carefree attitude to
diet and exercise. An avid concern regarding your appearance will usually motivate you more towards carefulness in looking after yourself physically. Your usually robust constitution seems to be able to quickly shake off minor viruses but may take much longer to recover from stress induced conditions. People born on this day should find that a vigorous workout every now and then
reenergizes the look of your skin, tones your body and induces a feeling of overall vitality.

August 28th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are displayed in your articulate intellect, preciseness and sense of humor. These positive traits along with your sincerity and sharp intuition are excellent guides that give you all you require for viewing the world positively. Noticeable personality weaknesses for those born on August 28th are seen in your touch of stubbornness and in the
cooling of your emotional reactions. When activated randomly this negative part of your nature can cause you to act in an unacceptant, inflexible or stern manner. Luckily this negativity appears to be roused infrequently and soon calmed.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 28th of August gives you an inclination to always be striving to improve yourself and your surroundings. A propensity
to be rather ambitious is accompanied by your tendency to be greatly motivated by the setting of goals. You generally know what you want in life and are prepared to make sacrifices and work intently to achieve yearned for aspirations. When inspired your confidence and effective communication skills prove useful attributes for accomplishing your aims and desires. Dreaming time is either
spent putting current circumstances in perspective or visualizing a bright happy future.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty eighth day of the month the digits in your birth date reduce to a Root number of One. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Drive' emphasizing your raised levels of purpose, ambition, enthusiasm and detailed assessment of
situations. In the Major Arcana the 1st Tarot card representing the Magician is closely connected to your birthday. This pinpoints your passion for making visions a reality in addition to your playful wittiness. The luckiest gemstone for August the twenty eighth birthdays is a Ruby to attract positivity, peace and prosperity.


The planetary influence of Mercury is thought to be mainly astrologically
responsible for the probable characteristics bestowed on all Virgoans. The actual day you were born on, the twenty eighth of August is governed by the influences of the Sun accounting for the little differences you have from others in this specific zodiac group. Your kind commonsensical disposition shines through into everything you do. Your alertness and vigilance helps you plan ahead
while your moralistic idealism is not too excessive, it is just enough to give you ample motive and vigor. If you can recognize your stubborn cooler moments emerging you may be capable of counteracting their intensity. An ending thought for people born on August the 28th advises listening to the opinions of others more often as it will be enlightening. Another
advisory suggestion is to try and avoid shortcuts as they will rarely prove productive.

August 28th Horoscope Comments

Happy to know this..... God bless us all.+917202020172

[ Siddharth ] [ Post Reply ]

i cant belive it

[ carey ] [ Post Reply ]

wow i am so happy i came into this world on this day. i am most delighted to know that we are good people. looking forward to make friends with my birth mates. still searching for love and life partner. born on 8-28-1982. i will appreciate someone older than i am.email- cnelo911@gmail.com phone-+

[ Tina ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm still in search for the love of my life my birthday is 8 28 1966 phone 256 810 8411

[ Keith ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy 28th to all of us! 83 today. Happy for soulmate & children, gr.children & gr.grandchildren!

[ Aleta ] [ Post Reply ]

happy birthday to me this August 28th

[ vanessa ] [ Post Reply ]

We are the best n will always remain the best.leggingshouse1@gmail.com

[ Yuvraaj ] [ Post Reply ]

So, all are great people... then me also added with u bcz my happy birthday also Aug 28

[ Ram ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy birth day to Rameesha. You are one of the best persons i ever met. God Bless you

[ A Dil ] [ Post Reply ]

I'll be 15th this 28th

[ Sudhanshu Pandey ] [ Post Reply ]

Great descriptive of August 28th personality profile

[ Rhoda ] [ Post Reply ]

I am an August 28th Born as well and highly motivated...I Give thanks to God for bringing me to the world on August...So Lucky we are...!!!!

[ Prince ] [ Post Reply ]

I believe us 28ths could rule anything =)

[ Monte ] [ Post Reply ]


[ uche ] [ Post Reply ]

My birthday is August 28 i'm happy .so happy birthday to me:angel: :D :like:

[ FERNANDA ] [ Post Reply ]

Me too

[ bish ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy Birthday to me today, and all born today! Yes, indeed, we're the best! :)

[ DD ] [ Post Reply ]

I'll be 21 this 28th!! Happy early birthday to all!!

[ Elise M ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy 21st birthday, Elise M. It's my 67th.Cris

[ Cris ] [ Post Reply ]

really really happy birth day to me and i am so lucky to born on august and also happy bithday to them who r born on august best wishes to all !!!!

[ Isha Shrestha ] [ Post Reply ]

haha same name same birthday

[ isha ] [ Post Reply ]

Hi...Isha Happy birth day .my birth also in this month on 28th Aug.I wanna friendship with u.my email address is bidhanm6@gmail.com.U can contact on Facebook.Thank you

[ Vishnu ] [ Post Reply ]

Good luck to us.. 8-28 and advance happy birthday .. im male and i am becoming 25 years old this year.. and im still at the search for love..

[ Gerald ] [ Post Reply ]

august the 28 the best birthday ever happy to you all when it comes :love:

[ terry ] [ Post Reply ]

I think Virgos are unique,August ones are uniquer, and28ers are the uniquest,, if thereare such superlatives !;) Enjoy being you!

[ Wael ] [ Post Reply ]

I wish good luck to all of us born on 28 August, we deserve it, we are the best.

[ Maria ] [ Post Reply ]

I always wondered why i wasn't a typical virgo at last i know why.just love that sun.my closest friends have always been around my birthday they are the only ones who understand me i think.happy birthday to my fellow 28ers

[ LIVIA TAROT ] [ Post Reply ]

we are the best ..... =)

[ Nikky ] [ Post Reply ]

yar tumbhi 28 aug ho kya.mantu jena(stupid mantu)is my facebook name. i want to make friendship wid u.u r same DOB thts why i want..

[ mantu ] [ Post Reply ]

this is true we are great people

[ fatima ] [ Post Reply ]

Not greatGreatest

[ Khurram ] [ Post Reply ]

We are the best . Lets get a union of 28th august virgos all round the world.

[ anzaanbajgai ] [ Post Reply ]

we are the greatest ,hooray virgos.union is a must

[ maseratiman ] [ Post Reply ]

this is so true it felt weird reading it....happy 28th to all fellow Virgos..we are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ nicole ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so true :) happy birthday to us

[ prince ] [ Post Reply ]

when my job should be seceourde

[ mrinal ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm 84 today, still kicking!

[ Katie ] [ Post Reply ]

congrats on that

[ vinny ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy birthday all...you have to play Beatles birthday and Marilyn Monroe's happy birthday Mr. President

[ john a ] [ Post Reply ]

I thought this was right on!Enjoy your day 28ers!

[ lisa ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy Birthday to US...

[ Mark ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy happy bday to all of us today! Let's make this year kick ass & live our dreams love & hugs XOX!

[ Maureen ] [ Post Reply ]

Sounds like me ... happy birthday all!

[ Donna ] [ Post Reply ]


[ mathilda ] [ Post Reply ]

lets see...!

[ Rahul ] [ Post Reply ]

Interesting Description. It almost reads that one would need to meet and be involved with someone also born on the 28th of August... then again two very similar personalities would be conflicting. Meh... anyways. Happy coming Birthday to all you other Aug 28thers.

[ Samuel Sadi ] [ Post Reply ]

:) Almost life story in short

[ Antaryami ] [ Post Reply ]

My. Birthday will be tamrow. On. A. Friday

[ tyhrenesha. Jones ] [ Post Reply ]

my birthday

[ laura ] [ Post Reply ]

my birthday date

[ maddie ] [ Post Reply ]

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