Persona Profile
People born specifically on the 25th of December are expected to be practical, serious and ambitious with the typical Capricorn reliability and ability to plan ahead. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Neptune gracing you with a compassionate, helpful, thoughtful and reasonable nature. If you have this birthday you tend to greatly value your privacy and usually
refuse to compromise on personal principles. In spite of this appreciation of space and morals you are also extremely communicative and a wonderful listener too. A mix of intense determination and dreamy thought you are often drawn to mysteries in an attempt to try and solve them. Intuitive and slightly impulsive you are ordinarily fond of variety, music, dance and travel.
Individuals with a December the twenty fifth birthday are likely to have high expectations of themselves and others and as a result can be occasionally overly serious, moody, reserved or restless. Purposeful and prudent you have a strong need to feel useful and efficient.
Work and Finances
An avid concern for earning a comfortable living standard usually drives the career choices popular to
a person born on the twenty fifth of December. In addition to this any occupation that indulges your keenness to increase your knowledge will be most personally satisfying and enjoyable. You like to cheer other people up with a combination your wittiness and positivity making you a lovely workmate. Your usual 'easy come, easy go' attitude to money is predicted to
be accompanied by plenty of good luck therefore you appear to have few major problems financially. Favorable investments concerning domestic or commercial property are a big probability.
Personal Relationships
For a Capricorn, the person born on the twenty fifth day of December is typically someone with a deep need to be loved but also some difficulty displaying emotions. Although rather sensitive to rejection
concerning affairs of the heart you will persist in your efforts for an individual you believe is your destined soul mate. In spite of your outward self sufficiency you possess lots of sympathy and tenderness making you a very loving and supportive partner in a long term relationship. Intellectual rapport, complete trust and clear communication are important to you as well
as a partner's understanding of your desire for solitude once in a while. You may consider your lusty sex drive to be a bit of a weakness so you need a lover who is capable of coaxing you into fully exploring and expressing your sexuality. You are not really romantic but your excellent memory guides you to be sentimental about love
Being fairly motivated to exercise regularly and watch what they eat is highly beneficial to the anticipated normal healthiness experienced by those born on December 25th. This healthy approach helps you to maintain a general sense of body and mind fitness and well being. Calcium intake has lots of importance within your diet to avert a potential proneness for brittle bones
in your later years. Excesses of caffeine and alcohol should be avoided as they could be especially detrimental to your overall vitality. People born on this day should also remember to aim to include regular visits to the dentist and optician in their usual health routine.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Your main strengths of character are probably seen in your bold reliable helpfulness and thoughtfulness as these qualities are a perfect match for your ample degrees of seriousness. Your fabulous communication skills and intuition are additional fortes that assist you to satisfy your keen sense of purpose. The personality weaknesses for those born on December 25th could be linked
to an unwanted disturbance or a challenge to your moralistic philosophy and standards. Your negative traits of restlessness and moodiness will present in these circumstances as you are likely to adopt a surprisingly stubborn response in order to express your annoyance.
Dreams and Goals
Being born on the 25th of December means you are inclined to be full of ambition yet sometimes lack
a motive to set specific definite goals. Achieving an aspiration is often a lot easier if you have an added emotional or materialistic reason to succeed. Setbacks may be a little disappointing but this does not usually deter you from your desired intentions. Dreams can be connected to your touch of dreaminess and possibly feature sexual fantasies.
Birthday Luck and Significance
As you
were born on the twenty fifth day of the month the two and five in your birth date add up to give you a Root number of Seven. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Mystery' relating to your attraction to anything unexplainable or unusual. In the Major Arcana Tarot deck the 7th card symbolizing the Chariot is associated
with your birthday. This is an indication of your logical thought and reasoning in addition to the power of your mind to shape your own destiny. The lucky gemstone for December the twenty fifth birthdays is Jade, wear it for a supposed increase in calmness, fertility, wealth and personal happiness.
Astrologically speaking the planet Saturn's influence is believed the strongest influence on
the probabilities of all Capricorn personalities. The actual day you were born on, the twenty fifth of December is governed by the authority of Neptune's presence giving an explanation for your differences form other zodiac goats. Your rational reasoning, efficiency and ability to listen intently are starred to serve you well throughout life. Your skill at effective time keeping along with
your many interests and wishes indicates that you will rarely be bored. An ending thought forpeople born on December the 25th is to be realistic in all you do and always remain open to the art of compromising to truly follow your fate.
Born 12/2584, This is 100% accurate. This is me all the way! Amazing
[ Michelle ] [ Post Reply ]
This so me . It's like u have meet me before. Like it's so real. =) :)
[ Mary ] [ Post Reply ]
Born Dec 25 1984 and think that's spot on about my personality 100%
[ Jordan ] [ Post Reply ]
1977 WOW I am at a loss for words this is dead on! Showed it to my BF and he was like that is so you! :angel:
[ Nicolas ] [ Post Reply ]
I believe people born on this day are special. I agree this is spot on!
[ NONI ] [ Post Reply ]
Yea All my Twins Lest go We Will Rein
[ Zay Hunter Bey ] [ Post Reply ]
--Very accurate. I'm not surprised at all. Well done!!! 2016 will be a great year for us Caps!!!
[ John ] [ Post Reply ]
these characters are true. me also my born day is 25th/dec
[ Robert christian ] [ Post Reply ]
Mine is in Dec 25 1996.. and it is true about my personality..
[ Aivanna ] [ Post Reply ]
Aivanna, I was born the same day as you :) I have to say though this article really discribes who I am... I don't believe how on point it is
[ Nasi ] [ Post Reply ]
Hi Gail, I was born Dec 25, 1963. Just thought I'd say halo
[ John ] [ Post Reply ]
It's true anywhere I go the moon and sun follows me
[ Angel ] [ Post Reply ]
That's my birthday Erin! And yes, I agree this is spot on!
[ Brandie ] [ Post Reply ]
Yeah, I'm a good listener. :) I get moody when I feel useless. ?)
[ Aki ] [ Post Reply ]
I'm was born 12/25/72 and yes this describes me exactly. How weird, is it really the stars and planets, or is it that over time Capricorn's just share the same qualities and that is what makes it right on? I'll never understand but it's right on for me!
[ Holly ] [ Post Reply ]
Turned 53 today 12-25-61 baby here... Very accurate
[ Deborah ] [ Post Reply ]
Wow before I read this I already felt these sayings we are the most powerful and interesting sign
[ Charles 12-25-85 ] [ Post Reply ]
i feel its i am having my birthday on 25th dec
[ Zeeshan ] [ Post Reply ]
Angel it's true and the sun and moon follow mwMe around anywhere i go it's above me head.
[ Angel ] [ Post Reply ]