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Birthday Horoscope

for February 2nd

If your Birthday is February 2nd and your Zodiac Sign is Aquarius

February 2nd Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 2nd of February are assumed to be less headstrong and more emotionally sensitive than other Aquarians. The ruling astrological planet for your particular day of birth is the Moon giving added sensitivity and friendliness to your water bearer self sufficiency. If you have this birthday you have a youthful modern outlook and are full of
compassion and consideration for others. Your amicable, unselfish nature often has trouble saying No as you gain most satisfaction from pleasing someone else rather than yourself. Individual's with a February the first birthday have the typical honesty and independence of their zodiac group mixed with a highly cooperative and diplomatic approach. You also possess a wonderful imagination, intense curiosity, lots of
initiative and an appreciation of beauty. Disharmony is something that you dislike immensely and so you usually tend to avoid any sort of quarrels or side taking situations.

Work and Finances

Employment choices to a person born on the second of February are normally not easily decided as you prefer work with set hours. Working arrangements are one area where your agreeability does
not reach. You are the type of person who likes to forget their work once they have finished for the day and you are not motivated solely by financial gain. You are capable of doing any kind of job and as long as you are happy doing it the pay rate is not something you consider particularly important. Balancing your finances
is easy for you no matter what income you generate as you are likely to have a natural aptitude for figures.

Personal Relationships

As an Aquarian, the person born on the second day of February has the typified air of emotional detachment and caution when it comes to romance. You feel the need to always hold back a little in order to protect
your fragile emotions. Although you crave the freedom of independence you also yearn for the stability of a permanent personal relationship. This makes you enthusiastic but cautious about soul mate relationships so you could take a while to settle down. You occasionally struggle with expressing your true feelings and need a partner that fully understands this. They must also fulfill your
high expectations of physical and mental togetherness. You seek an intellectual union that you can give a whole hearted loyal commitment to. In a long term partnership you are affectionate, caring and will be intuitively sensual between the sheets.


Any health complaints experienced by those born on February 2nd are commonly associated with you not paying sufficient attention to your needs. Your
selfless kindness to others can cause you to sometimes neglect your own body and mind requirements. This can often lead to you getting run down and becoming vulnerable to illnesses like coughs and colds and the suffering of low moods. Eating a nutritious, high energy diet and getting adequate rest is essential if you have a hectic schedule. Learning to pace
yourself more effectively and to be able to put yourself first every once in a while is recommended.

February 2nd Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character aside from your considerate traits, are to be found within the originality of your thoughts and in your honest self reliance. These strong set of attributes and your naturally curious mind allow you to assimilate and comprehend things that others may miss. The strongest weakness in personality for those born on February 2nd can
be quite confusing or surprising to others. This is because you have the tendency to occasionally switch from being most agreeable to highly disagreeable but without any aggression. This weakness usually manifests itself as grumpiness rather than a bad temper.

Dreams and Goals

Being an individual born on the 2nd of February means that you do not generally bother setting yourself specific goals.
Instead you are often very open minded regarding your future and like to consider opportunities and challenges as, and when, they present themselves. Even though the idea of committing emotionally to someone special is scary to you, it does not stop you dreaming of having a perfect loving relationship. Your dreams of contentment in your personal life with someone who has
the same simple wishes for stability and happiness are accompanied by a wish for peace in the world.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the second day of the month your date of birth has a designated Root number of Two. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Harmony' and this illustrates your desire for peacefulness when interacting
with another. The 2nd Tarot card in the Major Arcana the Priestess is specially attached to your birthday. It highlights your qualities of high perceptiveness and discretion. The luckiest gemstone for February the second birthdays is believed to be the stunning Pearl. Wear it for a rise in luck and for acquiring a sense of inner calm and heightened confidence.


As an
Aquarian the dominant planetary influence on your personality is considered to be Uranus creating personalities that are self willed and humanely natured. The actual day you were born, the second of February is governed by the astrological forces of the Moon. This combination of cosmic influences makes you more receptive and thoughtful as well as less stubborn than the majority of
other Aquarians. Your original thinking and inquisitiveness can take you far in life if you channel them in the right directions. If you are able to control your proneness to every now and then be cantankerous you could find you make better progress. A concluding advisory thought for people born on February the 2nd is to try and retain your
caring forward looking perspective as it is one of your best assets.

February 2nd Horoscope Comments

Awesome good stuff

[ Akuhata ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so interesting..... I'm proud to be born on the 2nd day in February

[ sirwalexy ] [ Post Reply ]

The Rapper GUCCI MANE Shares Our Born Day 02-02

[ E.NORMOU$ ] [ Post Reply ]

Very very true please which carer am I destiny to ? Please I will be very grateful if you can reply to this email everlastingblsn@gmail.com many thanks.

[ Adewale ] [ Post Reply ]


[ MoonyMermaid ] [ Post Reply ]

Quite inspiring to read about ppl born on 2nd Feb. Wish gud luck to all...

[ Jitender ] [ Post Reply ]

Am nt a february born but my guy is and wat u say is tru

[ nel ] [ Post Reply ]

Love :)

[ Bishop ] [ Post Reply ]

Almost correct. High to all two-twos

[ Farooq S ] [ Post Reply ]

very much true . its good to see 2nd feb born. i always wanted to know the 2nd feb born anybody 2nd feb 1992 here. we can form a group on internet to share our views.

[ galactus ] [ Post Reply ]

very very true. but i find that is procastination a feature too.

[ bibhu ] [ Post Reply ]

stunned .... very true :-) FEB 2 club :-D

[ girish kamanuri ] [ Post Reply ]

I am simply amazed at the accurate reading you have done of my date of birth. Every single thing you have said is very true. I am really thankful for suggesting that I wear the 'stunning pearl' I shall follow that advice. I have not been successful in my love life, do you know why? Which star si
gn would be the best for me. Your comment will be much appreciated. Many thanks.

[ Manelle ] [ Post Reply ]

All Thats here are true indeed.But, What sort of a career is much suitable for me. here is may mail address. mareena.fernando@yahoo.com

[ Mareena ] [ Post Reply ]

Very much #true#. But, which career can we do perfectly well?Please, reply to this email address: kennyann4@gmail.com

[ Ann ] [ Post Reply ]

very true happy to be a feb 2 baby

[ noku ] [ Post Reply ]

I get all is about me.

[ Dany srun ] [ Post Reply ]

Reading this made my day. This horoscope is right.

[ Jordan ] [ Post Reply ]

Its all true for me

[ Wasim Akram Biswas ] [ Post Reply ]

yess itz very true i m proud to be a very special one. tnx

[ ashish dogra ] [ Post Reply ]

Honestly, I've never associated with the sign Aquarius (Feb. 2 birthday myself), but this description is by far the most accurate for me and it’s quite correct. I am very tender hearted and not "aloof or cool" like Aquarians are described to be. This is really cool.

[ Kate ] [ Post Reply ]


[ BRIDGETT LONDON ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so true and I'm proud to be me. Feb.2,1994 :)

[ Jackylen ] [ Post Reply ]


[ anupam ] [ Post Reply ]

now I know I'm kinda special. This is true!

[ Melissa ] [ Post Reply ]

How we Love can save the world, not how we love in bed, but even that can change a life ;). its time for us to focus on our unique ideas and watch them grow. I have the hardest time with personal motivation and look for it from other people. I have recently began to trust myself and that is so impor
tant to figure out. Best of luck to all of yall out there blessed with being a FEB2. We are definitely blessed with special intuitive gifts for a reason.

[ ElekTroe ] [ Post Reply ]

very true :) bt why our love life is not strong ? :(

[ Rajat kumar Aryan ] [ Post Reply ]

Don't worry much. I'm sure you can have an amazing love life if you start expressing yourself better and let down your guard. Let your beloved know that you care. Don't be afraid to show your emotions. Good luck!

[ Sherlock ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow, thanks! This is really true about my friend!

[ Sherlock ] [ Post Reply ]

Well i was so scared at first, i thought the article was talking directly to me because these are all the qualities in my life... I dont know why i can't stop helping others even after they dissapoint me... I am so pleased with this article now i know why i did all the things i've been doing... Anyw
ay i thank the editor of this article.. Please keep up the good work ok?

[ Samson Collins ] [ Post Reply ]

Now let's all get together n form a society n let's do what we are ment to do , let's save the world ;-)

[ HK ] [ Post Reply ]


[ RAHUL ] [ Post Reply ]

All else is true except from the relationship part. I do hold back my own emotions for the fear of sounding too weak or pathetic but I shower love upon my partner. I don't understand this why am I different?

[ sukhman ] [ Post Reply ]

I am the same way. When I love I live to love and love that person fully.

[ Billy ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so true..its all me..sometimes i dont like the way i am..i get so frustrated and i wish i could be like others nobody understands me but i end up saying myself i love the way i am.. at least m not the only one like that!

[ Aquarian ] [ Post Reply ]

ssssoooooo trueeeeee I love myself :)

[ Madhuri ] [ Post Reply ]

Its great almost true

[ Bankim ] [ Post Reply ]

Crazy how true all of it is!!!!! Hit the nail on the head :D

[ patrick ] [ Post Reply ]

Same name, same feb 2 and same personality..Amazing!

[ Patrick ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm seriously considering sending this to any next person who asks me about myself haha..

[ Elle ] [ Post Reply ]

this is almost scary because its so true.

[ Lauren ] [ Post Reply ]

yes everthing that i read is true..and similar to me.... =)

[ rafiah bebe ] [ Post Reply ]

Yes its trueIts defined well.

[ shreeen ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Rebecca ] [ Post Reply ]

such truth that defines me a lot

[ emilyy ] [ Post Reply ]

thats true

[ shehwar ] [ Post Reply ]

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