Daily Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for January 1st

If your Birthday is January 1st and your Zodiac Sign is Capricorn

January 1st Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 1st of January are believed to be ambitious high achievers and as determined in their stance as their Capricorn Goat zodiac symbol. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is the Sun creating cheerful personalities that will enjoy challenges and are often full of innovative ideas. If you have this birthday you expect high
standards of yourself and others and possess a cautious but optimistic approach to life. You present yourself as cool, calm and collected but inside you can sometimes be impatient and a little insecure. Although you are loyal and dependable you could find it difficult to compromise with others especially on your strong principles. Individual's with a January the first birthday tend
to hide their inner anxieties and may appear aloof or bossy at times as a result. Underneath that nonchalant exterior you are an extremely affectionate and caring person.

Work and Finances

Work is important to a person born on the first of January and they take their responsibilities seriously. Career path decisions are often inadvertently influenced by family members and usually decided early
on in life. Individuals with this particular birth date will have a sensible attitude towards finances and so will find saving quite easy. You will desire success in your working life but are not particularly motivated by financial incentives. You are more inclined to choose your profession for its purpose and degree of personal job satisfaction rather than its rate of

Personal Relationships

For a Capricorn, the person born on the first day of January is untypically warm and enthusiastic about matters of the heart. Despite this, emotionally you are generally tentative and may have difficulty expressing your feelings fully until you know someone really well. You are generous with your emotions to family and friends but in soul mate relationships you can
be accused of being somewhat controlling and overly possessive. Partners will need to be understanding of your insecurities and also supportive of your ambitious streak. You could find it hard to commit to one to one partnerships but realize that without someone special to distract you there is a danger you will turn into a workaholic. Once you make a long
term commitment you begin to relax a little and your romantic and passionate side emerges.


Any health problems experienced by those born on January 1st is generally associated with not getting enough exercise. You are not really a sporty person but you should ensure that you participate in a regular routine of physical activity. As you enjoy your food, if you want
to keep in trim and keep stress levels to a minimum, you should consider walking as often as possible. You do have a lazy side to your personality and a tendency to overindulge in sweet things. People born on this day should also avoid alcohol and try to drink plenty of water for maximum vitality.

January 1st Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are that you are highly responsible, organized and competent and these qualities will always help you progress. These characteristics along with your cheery calmness enable you to be versatile, reliable and flexible in all areas of life. Recognizable personality weaknesses for those born on January 1st are that you can be oversensitive and allow
stress, insecurities and negativity to creep in. You are advised to share your emotions more often, be less serious occasionally when circumstances allow and not to keep things bottled up inside.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 1st of January you will probably know from a young age exactly what you want to be and what you want to do in life.
Early decisions are likely to have secured your wishes and aims for your future preferences and probable preferred directions. You will work determinedly to achieve your goals and even though you do not like waiting for anything you will be prepared to be patient for the fulfillment of your dreams. You mainly strive for emotional and financial security and usually acquire
it fairly easily with your high level of motivation and perseverance.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the first day of the month your date of birth has a Root number of One. The keyword for this numerical reference to your birthday is 'Drive' and highlights your strength of mind and will to accomplish things. The Tarot card associated with
your birthday is the 1st card in the Major Arcana the Magician. This symbolizes the need for more flexibility in your moral code in order to fully utilize your best talents. The lucky gemstone for January the first birthdays is the Ruby as it is believed to increase the power of the Sun and bring happiness and wealth to its wearer.


are thought to be astrologically influenced by the planet Saturn that rules this December and January star sign. The actual day you were born, the first of January, is governed by the Sun so these two planetary influences help form the basis of your unique set of personality traits and ways of thinking. Your resolute but hesitant nature gives you good
judgment while your loyalty and reliability gains you many friends. If you can conquer your proneness to being over anxious and are prepared to give love a chance there is no limit to what you can actualize. A final pertinent thought to ponder for people born on January the 1st is that 'It takes two to tango' and so sometimes you
may discover that you do need the help of others.

January 1st Horoscope Comments

I was born 1january 1981 this is real about me

[ biodun ] [ Post Reply ]


[ HAPPINESS ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born 1st of January 1991. all of these things are true about me.

[ Happiness ] [ Post Reply ]

this is everything about me

[ abiodun ] [ Post Reply ]

Was born on the 1st January 1991 at 00:00 exactly on new year and this is really who I am.

[ Happiness ] [ Post Reply ]

want to know about my life in 2017

[ Amita Srivastava ] [ Post Reply ]

All of this is very true. I believe we all come out when we get older. As they say we are born old and as we grow through the years we get younger. Up and onwards Capp.

[ Teri ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born January 1 2000 {12:10 am on the dot}

[ Momin raza ] [ Post Reply ]

Born on Jan 1, 1996 All this was really pretty close yeah. :)

[ Ankita ] [ Post Reply ]

Me too! I also agree the description is dead on. Happy Birthday!

[ Terri ] [ Post Reply ]

1 january 2000 =)

[ syed zaadi ] [ Post Reply ]

1st jan 2001

[ darpan ] [ Post Reply ]

Hey caps :D was born on January 1,1996 ( 12:00 on the dot ) Hahaha

[ Jennifer ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born 1•1•02 {12:00am on the dot!!} This is all very true for me.... Lol and I am very organized

[ Kylie ] [ Post Reply ]

I represent my sign 100%.. very proud!! born January first 1988 12:02 midnight

[ lena ] [ Post Reply ]

lot of things are true I was born January 1 1991

[ Suvi ] [ Post Reply ]

nice message for more encouraging & motivated person to achieve dreams come true.January 1,1988. It is true & correct.God bless our journey...

[ NOVIA ] [ Post Reply ]

my step-grandaughter megan was born on january the 1st 2007 and is truly what they all say!!!

[ paul ] [ Post Reply ]

A lot of things are true I was born January 1 1988

[ Kiawayna ] [ Post Reply ]

It suits me totally

[ Aishwarya ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy Birthday fellow Caps..

[ New Years Baby ] [ Post Reply ]

Born on 1/1/2001 Moslt true for me :))))

[ JX ] [ Post Reply ]

ME TOO! :)

[ Angie ] [ Post Reply ]

Only 10% true about my birthday.jan 1st 1995 my birthday...

[ rAz ] [ Post Reply ]

January 1st 1996. Everything was correct for me but the whole saving thing. I tend to spend.

[ Mel ] [ Post Reply ]

Same, and I am not at all organised!

[ livb98 ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born January 1 86 and yup this pretty much sums me up.

[ Nic ] [ Post Reply ]

Yas .i waS bron 1 of jan 9977 .nearly 75% are correct ..I am shocked.....

[ priyu talokar ] [ Post Reply ]

January 1, 1998

[ A'Nyeshia ] [ Post Reply ]

January 1st. 1999

[ Tyree S. ] [ Post Reply ]

Yes its true im january 1 1991 Capricorn thanks

[ Lady lacelei castro ] [ Post Reply ]

My mom would say to me you are true to your sign. A Capricorn Abd know what it means to you. I've always felt a sense of pride being a cap. I am impatient do not comprise. If I can't get what I want in a job I dont or in a man. I'm aloof and loyal and family values matters. But my stone is a garnet
colored Ruby. So for me its true

[ ms Rustie ] [ Post Reply ]

A lot of things are corrects

[ Nadeesha ] [ Post Reply ]

all this is true nt now more than anything i am willing to work on my weakness

[ lexi ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born January 1st 2004 and i find it very fascinating that 90% of these things are true about me. I been wanting to find out about my self . I'm very impatient and I cheer So I have to do slot of exercise cause I travel around the world and yes im a girl and i am very proud to say I'm a Caprico
rn!!!!! luv you guys I never knew anyone that had the same birthday as me and I'm happy yo see someone like me

[ alijah ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born January 1st 2000. my birthday goes with the year and I find it to be cool. like the first day of 2016 I'm 16 and when I was born we got free diapers for years

[ sofia ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on the same day as u and one of this stuff is true bout me

[ John ]

I was also born on 2000 :)

[ Cristian ]

Personally, 90 percent of this can be applied to most of the population. Come on, who doesn't have at least a small perception of themselves as being "lazy" in some area of their life? Way off on the rest. 1/1/82.

[ Dh ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on 1st January 2002 and its astonishing that almost many things mentioned above are indeed true about me.

[ Bhavya ] [ Post Reply ]

my twin :D

[ Georgia ] [ Post Reply ]

i think i can believe this.about its quite correct

[ chand ali ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on Jan the 1st 2001

[ JX ] [ Post Reply ]

I was also born on 1st Jan 2001!:)

[ Meg ] [ Post Reply ]

1jan 2001.... me too

[ Pragati ]

OMFG So am i!

[ Caleb Newmna ]

I was born on January 1, 1990 and am really shocked. Its the same with my character traits.

[ Francis ] [ Post Reply ]

thats awesome....garnet is the gemstone.. ?) ?)

[ marigel... ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born January 1st 1997

[ Dhameer ] [ Post Reply ]

Me tooooooo!!! Soo sick

[ Kim ] [ Post Reply ]

I am very shocked that this astrology is nearly 70% correct i am proud to be an capricorn

[ Nutan pustode ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on January 1st, 2003 and I have to say that this horoscope was quite accurate. Glad to admit that I am a Capricorn.

[ Gisela ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born in 2003 too!

[ Callum ] [ Post Reply ]

=) yeah of course ...my job is like my eyes...& the ppl around me aso imp 2 me as my job...

[ Vanya ] [ Post Reply ]

My Capricorn in law is very stingy and the one who broght destruction to my family. I can't love or hate him but I just get away from him.

[ Sue ] [ Post Reply ]

I met a guy born on Jan 1st and believe you me this is a man with no integrity. He is lazy and loves to be around wealthy women. I dont think these readings are 100% they could be positive or negative. This scammer doesnt fit anywhere in these readings. So not all Carpricons are hig achievers. This
man is like a hynea..opprtunists...only waits for the kill.

[ judith ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born January 1st 1962 and this is pretty amazing this reading but only thing I think garnet would be the gemstone for January 1st not Ruby does anybody know out there I think I do :like:

[ Laverne ] [ Post Reply ]

Ruby is the lucky stone for jan 1st but garnet is birthstone for the whole month, not a lucky stone.

[ Josh Jan1st 1985 ] [ Post Reply ]

Garnet is the birthstone for us new years baby's. Ruby is July's stone.

[ Angela ] [ Post Reply ]

Could apply to every man everywhere or even every person in life.

[ New Years Baby ] [ Post Reply ]

This is True.

[ Vin Lagrisola ] [ Post Reply ]

oh yeah my birthday is on 1 of january

[ misha ] [ Post Reply ]

That's awesome .. I was born last January 1st 1992 .

[ Mary Joy ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from Mary Joy That's awesome .. I was born last January 1st 1992 .
really, 'm also born on same dayJanuary 1st 1992....... yaar

[ radhe ] [ Post Reply ]

That sounds very general. My birthday is January 1st and everything you said about being a bad parent and basically a douchebag does not apply. I actually have been told several times I am a good mom, very hard working and very loving and passionate in relationships so. That doesn't apply to everyo

[ kelly k ] [ Post Reply ]

i am born on januray the first cool

[ kes ] [ Post Reply ]

'm 1sy born baby 3 i love my self! :angel:

[ lala ] [ Post Reply ]

I am a 1st of Jan baby and I am always giving my husband and kids affection I absolutely adore my children and really strive on trying to be a good parent maybe you just haven't met the right type of people.

[ Smitty ] [ Post Reply ]

Every person i know born the first week of January have started out great but end out to be awful. Yes great workers once you get them out of the self loathing and selfishness. I know of 8 born within January 1-7 and all of them are bad parents. They simply don't care about their own children as muc
h as they do themselves. I'm waiting to find a first of January person not like this, but i haven't yet. They also expect a lot in relationships while they don't return the affection.

[ Laurey ] [ Post Reply ]

so tru my kids daddy is not a good daddy i have to talk to much and always he dont give his kids his time at all

[ kel ] [ Post Reply ]

I really hope I don't turn out like that when I have kids! ?)

[ Hannah ] [ Post Reply ]

hey i m also bron on first january ur waiting for me

[ Muneeb ] [ Post Reply ]

Yhoo I agree with u there they r exctly like my boyfriend was born 1 jan and I must say u described him as he is an Ass

[ zama ] [ Post Reply ]

What's your boy friend's name??

[ Mickey ]

I'm in love with a January guy.(1st)..its really true about him he take his job responsibility very serious.this is worse when he is the boss.i really hope he pay more attention to me,adores me more and show me his love :( he is really busy. thanks a million to admin..it was really helpfull :love:

[ marya ] [ Post Reply ]

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