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2017 Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for January 4th

If your Birthday is January 4th and your Zodiac Sign is Capricorn

January 4th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 4th of January can be rather serious natured but at the same time have a great sense of humor. Like the Capricorn Goat symbol that represents your star sign you are a good mix of strong and protective yet kind and caring. The astrological planet designated to this particular day is Uranus and creates conscientious
personalities who are usually goal orientated. If you have this birthday you crave success and like to see things through to the end. You will be stressed by and loathe leaving anything unfinished. Individual's with a January the fourth birthday tend to be described as dependable and fun but also sometimes overly demanding emotionally. Your quick witted charm and your need
to be loved make you not as distant and guarded as other typical Capricorns. You have a touch more compassion and you present yourself as approachable putting others at ease in your company.

Work and Finances

Career choice is not particularly important to a person born on the fourth of January although they are usually quite ambitious. You will probably be undecided on
what type of work you want to do until you have experienced several different jobs. Your versatility and dependability allow you to turn your hand to most tasks. Individuals with this birth date are believed to have a fortunate influence looking after their finances. While this luck on the financial side will be beneficial in life you should be careful not
to be tempted by opportunities to take unnecessary gambles with money.

Personal Relationships

In relationships the person born on the fourth day of January can be somewhat reserved in the early stages. As you do not wish to appear to need a soul mate you often hold back your emotions for quite a while. Once you learn to trust someone you will slowly
begin to reveal your true self and let your guard down a little. As a committed partner you are supportive and practical and will want to be best friends above all else. You can be incredibly warm, devoted and sensual towards your other half and they must of course share your belief in being totally faithful. When in a long term
personal relationship you are at your happiest and do not enjoy being unattached. Becoming a parent will allow you to further develop the ease of the expression of your inner feelings and evoke your fun loving characteristics.


Those born on January 4th generally have good health if they can manage to keep stress levels down. You really love your food and will
often have a keen interest in cooking and experimenting with different recipes. Your diet should be healthy enough but you can be a little lax when it comes to getting adequate physical exercise. You are advised to listen more carefully to your instincts and the messages your body tells you. You should avoid getting stressed out as it can have negative
effects resulting in migraines or skin irritations as well as bouts of low mood or a bad temper.

January 4th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character that will help you progress in life are your commonsensical approach to things and your wittiness. These sensible but humorous qualities and your shy but friendly temperament are sure to gain you many loyal friends. On the negative side those born on January 4th are prone to be occasionally too opinionated. You can sometimes
be intolerant of certain people or situations and nothing will change your mind. Your stubbornness is your main weakness as it can prevent you forming an accurate judgment of circumstances so you need to tame it to flourish.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 4th of January means you are easily bored so you like to ideally structure your daily routines with
plenty of variety. You do not like mundane things and will often use your imagination to escape, and daydream, when having to cope with monotonous tasks. Your wishes for the future are usually based on ensuring that you are self sufficient financially as you are full of pride and hate relying on others for your income. Your levelheadedness and expert organizational
skills give you an abundance of talents useful in business. Staring your own enterprise should be a serious consideration.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the fourth day of the month your date of birth has a Root number of Four. Your birthday's number reference has the keyword 'Honesty' and highlights your sincere personality and straightforward outlook. The tarot card
linked to your birthday is the 4th card in the Major Arcana known as the Emperor. This is a symbol of stability, wisdom and the gift of strong willpower and shows the strength of your determined spirit. The gemstone bringing the most luck for January the fourth birthdays is Topaz. If worn this powerful gem is thought to increase your confidence
and luck.


Saturn is the celestial body that influences all Capricorns giving them their typical responsible but fun attitude. The actual day, the fourth of January, when you were born is influenced by the planet Uranus. So it is a combination of these two planetary forces that have determined your collection of unique traits and thought processes. Your sincerity and dry wit
make you a likeable person who can be relied upon to brighten the moods of others. If you are able to learn to be a bit more flexible in your opinions you can develop a greater understanding of the differences between us. An ending thought for people born on January the 4th is that you should always respect and not disregard
things that are obscure.

January 4th Horoscope Comments

That's my day! Jan 4th.

[ yetty ] [ Post Reply ]

The similarities among us 104 people are crazy cool. We should form a club. :like:

[ DC ] [ Post Reply ]

Guys which of you has a Lover here? And whats his/her zodiac sign? and tell me if your relationship is good or not please, Just wanna know- sorry if my english is bad. thanks :)

[ Ern ] [ Post Reply ]

waaal thats true me yaah

[ deon ] [ Post Reply ]

100 description of all that I am Add I read this, I felt a bit of weirdness, how can my behavior and lifestyle be this much predetermined.

[ See South Africa ] [ Post Reply ]

I am a proud Capricorn, but am always fast emotionally lost.am thinking slow but very prosperous and people trust me alot.

[ Puff polycarp ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born in 1986. Been single 6 years now and I have lost trust in everyone. I'm suffering bad addictive habits that will bring me bad consequences and I don't know what to do. I'm trying to read about the afterlife and see what awaits me on the other side but deep inside I'm skeptical and the oth
er part of me truly believes. I'm gay in a single mother family so I'm very close to my mom and two sisters. One is handicap and my other sister helps me with so much. She is an Aries so is my mom, very hard to live with three Aries hehe. Sorry guys I guess I just vented. Would love to connect with
another 1/4/1986 person. Richard,Palm Springs, CA

[ Richard ] [ Post Reply ]

You are amazing the way you are,keep love in your heart and fear nothing,if you come from love and authenticity,I've never trusted anyone,being a Scorpio that's not my bag,be happy to be you,just wanted to tell you that.

[ Twinkle ] [ Post Reply ]

not so true!

[ bella ] [ Post Reply ]

Interesting to read what other fellow 4th January born people have been through since around 2005+ as I have experienced the same, anyone know when this period will change? 2017? I have worked hard during this period to improve myself and ignore the difficulties this period has provided and have als
o been surprised that it continued for so long. I do believe that we will all come out of this period a better person if we don't allow depression and such to take control as that can only hinder looking at what to improve and achieve during this period.

[ Jane ] [ Post Reply ]

I would like to Marry one :love:

[ Z...... ] [ Post Reply ]

That's so true, but i have a BIG problem, i dont know what should i do, what job to chose, i like music, i would like to be a music producer, but is the capricorn zodiac on 4th made for music?

[ John ] [ Post Reply ]

I am also interested in music, and being a producer I funk we are made for music. It's so creepy how all the people here have all the same interests as me, but it's also awesome!! :)

[ Hanna ] [ Post Reply ]

So true. My main issue is that I don't tolerate all kinds of people. I am literally trying to cope with living with a libra person.

[ Fjay ] [ Post Reply ]

Very accurate! Have any of you been experiencing serious life changes since 2008?These last few years Have been nothing short of stressful. I've been studying astrology and know we're smack in the middle of a huge internal transformation...no one really knows or understands the hell I've been experi
encing internally for the past few years - externally, I've become a lose cannon. If any of you we're born in 1981, I'd like very much to connect with you (as long as you don't present an alter ego of weirdness and super-crazy personality traits). If for anything else just to give and receive moral
support. The current landscape of my life is so dramatically different from what it was even 5 years ago...all I can do to keep from drowning in the middle of this chaos is keep on believing that life will continue to improve - force the positive. I never reach out like this, but this shit is deep..

[ Lindsay ] [ Post Reply ]

You are so right... I didn't realize the year till you mentioned it and started thinking about when my life started going to pieces. It actually started late 2007, especially in my career, finances and love life.It's been downward spiraling since then and I'm suffering a great deal of anxiety and de
pression. Like you, I keep telling myself there will be light at the end of the tunnel... but heck, this tunnel has been too long already!

[ Nina ] [ Post Reply ]

have been tired and sick.Stressful life.. Though born in 1978...really really painfulNothing happens in life.Don't know wht to do only.Anyways nice sharing ur thoughts.

[ Hasan ] [ Post Reply ]

Yes, though I was born in 1983. It started maybe in 2005 but by 2008 my life somewhat fell apart. I'm currently trying to pick up the pieces.

[ Yuki ] [ Post Reply ]

Bad temper-Very Lost-very loyal-read people well-hate fakers(Too Real) Awake)

[ Sid Sad ] [ Post Reply ]

Yep but not the honesty part lol

[ Xxx ] [ Post Reply ]

yah true

[ owen ] [ Post Reply ]

Exactly me no doubt

[ Elvis N ] [ Post Reply ]

Exactly me no doubt

[ Elvis ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm Not Sure On The Loving Food part! XC I'm very boney and don't eat that much for some reasons! DX

[ Emily ] [ Post Reply ]

we the best mehhhhnnnnnnnn!!!!! dancing alingo

[ blaq dremz ] [ Post Reply ]

Am i the only one reading this in chinese accent

[ syihen ] [ Post Reply ]

Hahah!! Me too!!!!

[ Gwynn ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Nick ] [ Post Reply ]

This is soooo true damn!

[ Shy ] [ Post Reply ]

=) very accurate, but im not sure about the honesty part lol

[ Geee ] [ Post Reply ]

Got me to a T

[ Elvis ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Pratik ] [ Post Reply ]

Yep. Not angels though.

[ tullric ] [ Post Reply ]

so true, so me, .........

[ Debs ] [ Post Reply ]

Ashish here... yoooo... Whatsup my fellow caps =)

[ Ashis ] [ Post Reply ]


[ stamatia ] [ Post Reply ]

ohh totally me...... :D

[ Maha ] [ Post Reply ]

I loved it.

[ Gee ] [ Post Reply ]

Yeah its true! f*ck life!

[ Unluckiest ] [ Post Reply ]

This got me smiling.. we great

[ lawrence ] [ Post Reply ]

Hi everyone.... We all are OWsmmmmmmmmmm.... =)

[ Rahul ] [ Post Reply ]

Another Rahul with the same birthday , what are the odds

[ Rahul ] [ Post Reply ]

its true

[ dolly ] [ Post Reply ]

TRUE, so much truth here about me and love tge accuracy from begining to end! :cool:

[ tara ] [ Post Reply ]

Does anyone else with this birthday have psychic gifts? Interested in the study of angels

[ christy ] [ Post Reply ]

Yes I am !

[ Stef ] [ Post Reply ]


[ T ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Richard ] [ Post Reply ]

So true....... its meee

[ kirti ] [ Post Reply ]

So true its me.

[ Kay ] [ Post Reply ]

oh totally me. haha well everyone else i guess tooo...

[ kk ] [ Post Reply ]

I need one if those topaz because I need a lot of luck here...

[ adam ] [ Post Reply ]

What color of Topaz?

[ Marlena ] [ Post Reply ]

Time to use that wit and charm to start the enterprise. Good luck everyone! Can I get some spare topaz from the older January 4th-ers? I'll use it with good intentions; truly.

[ Micheal Reese ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow didnt know so miny people were born on this date and searched for the same things lol

[ Noah ] [ Post Reply ]

truth!;'' :)

[ ronafe ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow that's crazy lol definitely me

[ risab ] [ Post Reply ]

explanaition in so much depth,totally me

[ camry ] [ Post Reply ]

yeah!!! very true!

[ mariel ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Lindsay ] [ Post Reply ]

So true

[ Jar ] [ Post Reply ]

yeah its true

[ johns patric ] [ Post Reply ]

wow this is totally me

[ ShadowFang ] [ Post Reply ]

This is totally me.

[ Rock ] [ Post Reply ]

so true

[ joffre ] [ Post Reply ]

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