Daily Horoscope

2017 Horoscope

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Zodiac Signs

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Birthday Horoscope

for July 12th

If your Birthday is July 12th and your Zodiac Sign is Cancer

July 12th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 12th of July are imagined to be expressive, cheerful and easygoing with the typical crab tendency to change their opinions often. The astrological planet that governs this particular day is Jupiter making you sociable with a wholesome life attitude and values. If you have this birthday a very ambitious and determined streak makes you charismatic,
confident and persuasive. You may have big ideas but they are likely to also be realistic and practical and you are able to easily differentiate between the materialistic and spiritual aspects of living. One of your strongest needs is for a strong emotional connection with others to satisfy your thoughtful, communicative creativity and empathy. Individuals with a July the twelfth birthday
are usually quick witted and eloquent with a curious inventive mind. You are naturally generous and warm with a modern outlook yet easily bored and at times a little tactless too.

Work and Finances

Working in any of the caring professions is a popular career choice to a person born on the twelfth of July due to your deep concern for others. Your
fondness for communicating in a creative and considerate way helps you brighten up a workplace atmosphere and be great to work with or for. You will ordinarily desire a decent salary and some financial security from your job choice. However money is usually fairly low on your list of priorities and you do not seem to require large amounts to
feel secure. You are budget conscious and prefer to have something set aside for unexpected expenses.

Personal Relationships

For a Cancer, the person born on the twelfth day of July is typically reluctant to break away from family for romance and long term commitment. This hesitancy concerning love is accompanied by your touch of idealism in choosing a partner and sometimes overly high
expectations from a soul mate relationship. Despite strongly craving affection and someone with whom to intimately share a special emotional unity you tend to be fussy and indecisive about settling down too soon. In a loving serious relationship you are usually protective, sympathetic and rarely fearful of responsibility. A peaceful home life is important to you so you are inclined to
try and avoid tensions due to your flexibility and willingness to compromise. Being criticized or having your intelligence insulted are really the only things that may cause sulking or brooding.


A temporary lack of focus on healthiness is sometimes experienced by those born on July 12th if they are especially stressed. If your feelings are hurt you have a tendency to sulk
into the comfort of your shell and brood occasionally suffer ill health as a result. Excess stress could also aggravate your proneness to suffer from allergies and a sensitive skin. Coordinating a personal fitness routine with something fun is often the key to igniting your enjoyment of exercise. People born on this day should look to nature and outdoor retreats to
assist with relaxation.

July 12th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are most obvious in your expressiveness, charisma and confidence allowing you to get noticed, be listened to and stand up for yourself. Your practicality and highly observant temperament contributes to anything you decide to undertake. The personality weaknesses for those born on July 12th appear to occur more frequently and intensify their strength if
you are feeling at all insecure. These negative traits revolve around you displaying overprotective or controlling type behavior along with a hard headed sulky attitude and occasional cold emotions.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 12th of July should fill you with an abundance of creative expression and an intense ability to innovate realistically. These qualities direct you to make rather ambitious
plans for your future. Building a secure and comfortable family base is usually a major aspiration that seems to dominate all areas of your goal setting. If you are happy and stable emotionally there are few limitations to what you can achieve in life. Amongst your greatest wishes is also to be able to visit some interesting places in the world,
fortunately you are destined to travel far and wide.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twelfth day of the month the one and two in your birth date totals a Root number of Three. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Innovation' referring to your imaginative inventing talent and ample helpings of determination. In the Major Arcana
Tarot the 12th card featuring the Hanged Man is closely associated with your birthday. This symbolizes the easy overcoming of obstacles and reflects the power of your spirituality and deep thought processes. The lucky gemstone for July the twelfth birthdays is Amethyst, wear one to dispel negativity and evoke calmness.


The Moon's

powerful authority is assumed to be astrologically accountable for the probabilities
of Cancer personalities. The actual day you were born on, the twelfth of July is ruled over by Jupiter's celestial presence. This pair of planets help decide the likelihoods of the uniqueness of your actions and ways of thinking. Your usual considerate and cheery but changeable manner is well balanced by your empathic generosity. Your wit and eloquence add to your
sociability and persuasiveness can make you a popular social butterfly. If you try and recognize and cope more effectively with your insecurity moments your sulkiness and clinginess should diminish somewhat. A concluding thought for people born on July the 12th advises to attempt to be a little more tactful. Being a bit overly nosy, interfering of any kind and not giving
others a bit of space are all things you should aim to avoid. Doing so could increase your sense of peace happiness and contentment.

July 12th Horoscope Comments

sooo me ... this is truly a description of ME !;)

[ flora ] [ Post Reply ]

This is very true.

[ ayaem ] [ Post Reply ]

This is freaky accurate on my part

[ Jade ] [ Post Reply ]

It's our birthday today guys! May us all have a good life ahead =]

[ Daniel ] [ Post Reply ]

true az....lov it love you love me haha

[ sassycancer67 ] [ Post Reply ]

Sounds like we are all one :)

[ Aaa ] [ Post Reply ]


[ AMALAHU ] [ Post Reply ]

The part of leaving my family for love, is precisely me. I can sever any ties with anyone for love or a promising friend. I have huge ideas and cheerful, but my inconsistency can see my cheerful into an opposite. 7/12 is my true sign of life.

[ Tyrell ] [ Post Reply ]

yeahh very true

[ erniestine ] [ Post Reply ]

This is So Me!!! very very true

[ alen ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so me, even the part about being sometimes tactless and stubborn. That part is due to my jerk of a boss. I wonder what HIS says on August 22nd. I'll have to check it out. Meanwhile, my husband is classic September 17th. Love reading these and will check out other family members' birth dates
as well.

[ Babby ] [ Post Reply ]

is it ever possible that 2 people born on same dates have jerk bosses born on 22nd August.

[ J ] [ Post Reply ]

me too all is true about me...and sorry for those is not true,maybe when you when little yur parents change the month yu were born that why urs is not true

[ josie ] [ Post Reply ]

My baby girl born on 12 july 2015 01 AM.. is my baby going to have treatd ofcancer?

[ chandra mohan singh rauthan ] [ Post Reply ]

true i'm born on july 12th :)

[ blableblibloblu ] [ Post Reply ]

I find this to be very true

[ Hari ] [ Post Reply ]

Right on for me. :)

[ Ana ] [ Post Reply ]

It fits me perfectly

[ lish baby ] [ Post Reply ]


[ anziya ] [ Post Reply ]

July 12 is my day and everything that is said about July 12 is true because dts how i am.

[ Favour from Nigeria ] [ Post Reply ]

Somehow True

[ Amanda ] [ Post Reply ]

this explains me

[ Chara ] [ Post Reply ]

This describe me absolutely!

[ Anna ] [ Post Reply ]

I did this for my dad. It's the exact OPPOSITE of him. My dad is a big ball of tension anger and grumpiness lol

[ Littlelolita ] [ Post Reply ]

Amazing - everything here is so specific to me it's scary.

[ VH ] [ Post Reply ]

this all matched perfect!!!

[ leanne ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow! This is sooooo true. I love it!!!

[ Barbie Snow White ] [ Post Reply ]

Hello,My son was actually born on 12th July which was not the right date he was supposed to be delivered. His due date was supposed to be any day in the month if August. Now my question is this, is my son going to have traits of a cancer or a leo?

[ Ayodeji from Nigeria ] [ Post Reply ]

definitely the traits of a cancer. If his rising sign is Leo he may exhibit some of these characteristics. July 12 is my bday as well

[ **lisa ] [ Post Reply ]

A lot of what you said matches my personality. Also was very surprised and pleased to learn about the amethyst I have always been drawn to it and always joke that I should have been born in February

[ Rodgersangel ] [ Post Reply ]

it realy match my personality!!Its our bday:)) more bdays to come earthlings :)

[ Lorraine ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy bday people's

[ Dave ] [ Post Reply ]

today is our birthday.hope for best AND "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" :)

[ juneasa ] [ Post Reply ]

I found a lot of this to be very accurate :)

[ Sarah ] [ Post Reply ]

This explains me totally wow

[ Christabel from Nigeria ] [ Post Reply ]

Man I hope tomaros a decent birthday its been a rough month.

[ sugar bear ] [ Post Reply ]

our birthday is tomorrow

[ ken ] [ Post Reply ]

some thing match with these comment if becomes true it will be fine

[ ashme ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born july 12 :)

[ chippy ] [ Post Reply ]

some thing match with my personalty

[ mandeep kaur ] [ Post Reply ]

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