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Birthday Horoscope

for July 28th

If your Birthday is July 28th and your Zodiac Sign is Leo

July 28th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 28th of July are believed to be pioneering, self assured, responsible and like most Lions motivated by challenge and adventure. The planet with astrological dominance ruling this particular day is our Sun, also the ruler of your zodiac sign. If you have this birthday your thought is very independent and you will dislike being told
what to do despite your own bossiness. Full of passion and vitality your inventive mind is a bit idealistic and may be rather melodramatic too. Fun loving, open and immensely generous you can also be demanding of attention and emotionally exhausting at times due to your pronounced need to be appreciated. Individuals with a July the twenty eighth birthday usually possess
a strong competitive streak and an underlying fiery spirit that drives them to succeed. Your ego can sometimes get in the way of your empathy towards others nevertheless you aim to always fulfill obligations.

Work and Finances

Career choices to a person born on the twenty eighth of July are ordinarily based on your keenness to push your intelligence to its limits. This
eagerness is coupled with a feisty desire to compete allowing you to do well and stay ahead in your chosen profession. An ideal job should be varied, stimulating and challenging as well as providing an income that generously reflects your efforts. You are generally fairly cautious with the management of finances and so likely to only consider low risk investments. Good
fortune and financial gain is promised regarding any property purchases.

Personal Relationships

For a Leo, the person born on the twenty eighth day of July is typically a lover of pampering with a dreamy outlook concerning romance. Your affable social nature may be a tad egotistical but you are naturally caring, thoughtful and loyal. Preserving your dignity is as important to you as
loyalty and any kind of betrayal in love affairs is deeply hurtful. This and your requirement for plenty of emotional support from a partner mean that another Leo could be a perfect soul mate. A proneness to get jealous once in a while and a preference to lead in a relationship can occasionally create domestic disharmony. Spontaneous, imaginative and curious your
adventuresome disposition makes a partnership with you rarely dull. Between the sheets you are highly sexed and playfully seductive with a liking for acting out your fantasies.


The healthy glow frequently experienced by those born on July 28th is often assisted by your usual concern for your physical appearance. This ego based motivation encourages you to want to keep fit and to
take care to carefully monitor your diet. You have the inclination to gravitate towards moderately paced exercise routines and this seems to counteract any occasional overindulgences in your favorite foods. People born on this day could find the advice of others difficult but should contemplate it every now and then as talking about and sharing anxieties is usually beneficial to
overall health.

July 28th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are mostly apparent in your positiveness, confidence and independence. These specific fortes help emphasize the resourceful dynamic side to your personality. In addition to these positives your openness, generosity and sense of responsibility make you lovely to know and work alongside. Recognizable personality weaknesses for those born on July 28th appear to focus on
your tendencies to be sometimes self centered and absorbed. On these occasions you are especially likely to be insensitive in your remarks and succumb to bouts of moodiness.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 28th of July bestows you with innovative thought and a yearning to attempt to do things before others. A lifelong learner you are inclined to gain required knowledge
to achieve goals by utilizing educational methods and take your time to ensure you will get it right first time. Most of you are ambitious enough to want to make your mark in history in some way. When your imagination and curiosity go into overdrive once in a while they can dictate the themes of your dreams. This can include dreaming
about emotion quandaries or desired plans for a bright future.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty eighth day of the month your birth date numbers add up and reduce to a Root number of One. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Drive' in association with your self assurance and admirable determination to accomplish things. The
1st Tarot card in the Major Arcana characterizing the Magician is linked to your birthday. This represents your skill, logic and intellect and the way you put mind, body, heart and soul into everything you do. The lucky protective gemstone to be worn for July the twenty eighth birthdays is a rich red Ruby for balance and happiness.


The Sun is astrologically
singly predominant in determining both the probabilities of your personality and that of all Leo's. This is because the actual day you were born on, the twenty eighth of July is also governed by the Sun's authority. Thus your probable traits and behaviors are imagined to be primarily influenced by this planet. Your free spirited idealism and positivity lets you stand
out in a crowd and be noticed. Your wishes for stimulation and variety accompanied by your willingness to execute responsibilities help you pack lots into a day and be unlikely to be ever bored. If you are able to look beyond your individualized views and needs it should prove insightful in your ability to understand others better. A final surmising
thought for people born on July the 28th is that giving unconditionally and other acts of kindness often acquire you the most satisfaction.

July 28th Horoscope Comments

Happy birth day guys some times i feel alone but it was not writen above

[ inok ] [ Post Reply ]

Yeah, female July 28 Leo here, not competitive AT ALL! Idk if that's a male Leo thing or what but I'm very independent, confident, determined, proud, and extremely loyal..to a fault some times. Yes very protective of loved ones. Im not egotistical at all either & never been accused of that by others
. I'm not materialistic at all either like Leos are always described..I HATE shopping. LOL!

[ Amber ] [ Post Reply ]

I totally agree on above horoscope.

[ Anam ] [ Post Reply ]

Some of this sounds like me, but the part about being confident that isn't me like at all. I also have very low self-esteem I don't really try all that hard in what ever I do. I'm actually quite lazy and I'm not competitive at all. And I hate people with egos and I don't let a little ego get in the
way of my emotions to anyone. But everything else was like yeah that sounds like me' this was fun to read. I don't know how to add this or if I'm doing it right so if I've made multiple of the same thing I'm sorry.

[ A non-egotistacal Leo ] [ Post Reply ]


[ SILVANUS NJENGA ] [ Post Reply ]


[ abubakary mwarabu ] [ Post Reply ]

Most of this is very accurate but some I feel don't follow me at all.

[ cortez ] [ Post Reply ]

Yeahhh,my family !

[ syaidi ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy Birthday guys WERE LEO'S but I am so late

[ Kelly ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy Birthday guyz. Sry I'm late.

[ marty ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy birthday to all my fellow 28 july people,,,,,

[ mo ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from mo Happy birthday to all my fellow 28 july people,,,,,
yeah awesome July 28th although the one thing they alwAys say that doesn't fit me is confidence which I seem to lack . I despise arrogance and have somewhat low self esteem I've often seem to blur the lines or can't
seem to tell much difference between confidence and arrogance which I guess is why I tend to hold myself back and don't feel good about myself ....super hard on my self OK this damn long run on sentrncevis proving the obvious traits of wanting/needing attention haha well nevertheless I like being a

[ Stephen ] [ Post Reply ]

HBD one and all! Today is a good day to try and go out and make a good business deal I suspect. Sooo, without further ado, I shall.

[ Kelly ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy Juky 28th birthday to all of us. Jackie Kennedy was born on July 28th!!!

[ Carole ] [ Post Reply ]


[ SALMAN ] [ Post Reply ]

Absolutely rite,,,, Thumbs up to 28th July,,, Eceptional

[ Kebba ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy birthday to all of those who share my July 28 birthday!

[ Kay ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy Birthday to us!

[ Justice ] [ Post Reply ]


[ SUNNY ] [ Post Reply ]

Very very true.... Proud to be born on this day, the great july28...!!!

[ Gautam ] [ Post Reply ]

Soooo very true, no other can be like a Leo born on the 28th July, and we r da luckiest peeps to alwys have a solar return.

[ Michelle Dupraj ] [ Post Reply ]

Interesting to know that the current prime minister of Greece, Alexis Tsipras was born on this date as well.

[ michael ] [ Post Reply ]

wow its so true its scary

[ rose ] [ Post Reply ]

Hello to my 28th of July family. Did you guys know that there are 377,000 of us that was born on the same day and year?

[ Derrick ] [ Post Reply ]

Make that 377,001 - same day, not yr.

[ Jbar ] [ Post Reply ]

Very true....

[ Neelam ] [ Post Reply ]

yap 28 july leo thats me

[ amit ] [ Post Reply ]

Omg." It's nice to know about my character " like it! Proud to be a leo."

[ mae cyril ] [ Post Reply ]

so true

[ paula ] [ Post Reply ]

thats me no doubt it is a very accurate description of me

[ vik ] [ Post Reply ]

hahah it's true!!! :)

[ Cristhea ] [ Post Reply ]

Extremely accurate. Wow

[ Fierce Lioness ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow, this pegged me to a T!!!

[ Amanda ] [ Post Reply ]

It's so true about myself ... I was so amazed how accurate it explained my birthday... Thank you

[ Michelle ] [ Post Reply ]

Exactly... Daaaaaaammmmmmnnn

[ gang ] [ Post Reply ]

true. .

[ IC Gavilangoso ] [ Post Reply ]

Yeap... That's me, people think m on steroids or something, I do things that they anly do when they drunk but I can't help it, it's the way I am, I'm naturally high and fun comes naturally to me

[ Miss 28July Leo ] [ Post Reply ]

Not very accuratI mean it used to be like that for me but not anymore because I let a Capricorn break me. I sooooo long to be my beautiful, confident self again.

[ Leona Mountview ] [ Post Reply ]

almost true like it!!! =)

[ jocelyn atilano ] [ Post Reply ]

Horribly! True.....wow!,,,,,

[ Pilot ] [ Post Reply ]

Awesome truth real Leo character

[ lohith ] [ Post Reply ]

This is unbelievably accurate.. so crazy!

[ :) ] [ Post Reply ]

Very accurate; it's right in for this Leo!

[ Patty G ] [ Post Reply ]

Omg, this is sooooo true!

[ Maria ] [ Post Reply ]

Pretty accurate!!

[ Proud lioness ] [ Post Reply ]

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