Daily Horoscope

2017 Horoscope

Compatibility Horoscope

Zodiac Signs

Chinese Astrology

Dream meaning

Fortune telling

Birthday Horoscope

for July 3rd

If your Birthday is July 3rd and your Zodiac Sign is Cancer

July 3rd Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 3rd of July are imagined to be cheerful, easygoing, determined and not usually as shy as most crabs. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Jupiter bestowing you with great taste and an enjoyment of the good things in life. If you have this birthday your temperament is likely to be very warm,
expressive and compassionate with a genuine concern for others. Highly creative, curious and forward looking you are destined to be guided by intuitive and analytical thought. You are often unwilling to compromise on your strongest views yet flexible on most things due to your sincerity and tendency to try and stick to promises. Individuals with a July the third birthday are
ordinarily rather sensitive and empathic but also quite sociable and sometimes a bit of a flirt. Intensely observant and philosophical you usually have something to say about everything and this can sometimes be mistaken for nosiness.

Work and Finances

The most preferred career choices to a person born on the third of July may depend on the position offering the best combination
of variety, satisfaction, purpose and pay. You are prepared to study hard in order to be able to learn or improve upon specialized skills required to apply for your ideal job. A humanitarian outlook and your naturally caring nature direct you to frequently choose work that is of assistance to the welfare of others. You can be fussy about financial matters
and prefer to keep them private making you usually extra cautious in trusting anyone else with your finances.

Personal Relationships

For a Cancer, the person born on the third day of July is typically friendly and open to the emotions of love but also greatly value their personal autonomy and privacy. Fun loving and flirtatious you adore partying but also instinctively crave the
stability of a permanent romance and this is one of your greatest emotional requirements. Although fairly rational it is common for you to follow your heart above your head when seeking the warmth, trust, respect and lifetime company of a soul mate. You tend to favor expressing your sexual desires verbally and are not afraid to talk about your feelings or
insecurities. A partner who is capable of quickly picking up these signals attached to your libido and coax you to relax. Your mix of seductive sensitivity and natural curiosity encourages you to be both adventurous and spontaneous between the sheets.


Symptoms of illness experienced by those born on July 3rd are often quick to surface as a consequence of your proneness to
take inadequate care of health. If your lifestyle is a little disorganized you can overlook the basics of staying healthy especially regarding nutritional and exercise concerns. People born on this day should benefit a lot from any sort of team sport to help release nervous energies and discourage unwanted weight gain. Emotional support from loved ones is important to your well

July 3rd Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are most evident in the large amounts of observancy, cheeriness and determination you possess. These qualities are perfect accompaniments for your understanding compassion, flexibility and truthfulness allowing you to get along famously with almost everyone. Noticeable personality weaknesses for those born on July 3rd are mainly concentrated on your all knowing nosy side. Negative
tendencies stemming from this weakness include becoming over critical or acting uncharacteristically with withdrawn, mardy or erratic behaviors. Feeling sorry for yourself is often a trigger.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 3rd of July means you have a touch of idealism in addition to a fondness of bringing joy and happiness to others. This idealistic view can cause you to regularly
change your personal priorities and goals to accommodate current circumstances. You are often prepared to put your own desired aspirations aside if the opportunity to assist others achieve something worthwhile is presented. You have a passion for luxuries and sharing good fortune and will on occasion find that these are features in your dreams. Other yearnings are for the chance to
see a few different parts of the world.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the third day of the month your birth date gives you an associated Root number of Three. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Innovation' referring to your highly inquisitive disposition, sharp intuition and carefree sense of adventure. The 3rd Major Arcana card in
a Tarot deck representing the Empress is linked to your birthday. This is a symbol of your search for perfection and it highlights your charm, intelligence and creativity. The lucky gemstone for July the third birthdays is an Amethyst, wear one for calmness, positivity and the dispelling of negativity.


All the probable traits of Cancer personalities are assumed to be influenced astrologically
by the Moon's authority. The actual day you were born on, the third of July is governed in astrology by Jupiter's presence explaining your similarities and subtle recognizable differences from your zodiac sign counterparts.The combined influences of these 2 planets appear to decide the probabilities of the uniqueness of your behavioral manner and likely ways of thinking in specific situations.
Your warmth and expressiveness make you popular and add to your overall high degrees of empathy. Your chatty interesting firm opinions and fairly optimistic outlook help you be knowledgeable with modern ideas and a futuristic focus. Conquering your occasional pronenesses for self pity and mardiness should prove advantageous. An ending thought for people born on July the 3rd is to try
to take part in things instead of just observing them. If you contemplate doing so once in a while it could be very enlightening and most enjoyable.

July 3rd Horoscope Comments

Mee tooo

[ Dave ] [ Post Reply ]

I really enjoy reading this astrology stuff on us cancers. I honestly feel like I can truly relate to this stuff because it makes sense to me. I'm glad my birthday is on July 3rd. We are caring, wise, intelligent, extremely fantastic, and special in our own way. Embrace your flaws, stay focused on y
our goals, and love yourself. To all cancers and anyone celebrating a Birthday on July 3rd, Happy Birthday ! !;)

[ Lex.D ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy to see all this things about me i was born on this date but i beleive we write our own karma how we do with or behave with people decides our future karma but still happy to see such traits of me and yes they are all true i am like this love to all who were born on this date and also love for
those who will born on this date

[ Kamal talyan ] [ Post Reply ]

I belong to this family

[ Adama ] [ Post Reply ]

Love reading all the posts. It's nice to know I am not alone. Please be strong, and do not forget... we are leaders of the free world!

[ Kelz ] [ Post Reply ]

Im also born on this date..Im glad to know i have a large family out there.Smiles

[ Joanne ] [ Post Reply ]

i m included too.. i m little disliking abit my birth date

[ kulo ] [ Post Reply ]

happy birthday! iam also on 3rd july born.We need also to be brave when needed, doing fast things, avoid laziness and not allow someone to offend us.

[ khayrullo ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy birthday to all my fellow July 3rd babies. Sometimes I feel left out because so many people are preparing for the 4th, but today is the best day.

[ Lynn ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy birthday to us, one love

[ Bright ] [ Post Reply ]

my birthday is on the third

[ Jasmine ] [ Post Reply ]

super on point about caring too much for others. But it's gonna be a fantastic year for us. Self pity aside, you already know and is aware of all your strengths and embraces your weaknesses. Because it's you and that there's nothing more amazing than to be comfortable in your own skin.

[ Chelsssss ] [ Post Reply ]

my sister birth date......but seem she is not interested in zodiac things.....she is cool.......!!!!....but low in comunication.....Iam Gemini Taurus cups....Cancers rocks..!!!!

[ shone ] [ Post Reply ]

We are great, happy birthday to us born on July 3rd.

[ Bright ] [ Post Reply ]

Same to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

[ Chinnu ] [ Post Reply ]

So true it's scary! I love my Birthday and I get to celebrate a long holiday weekend every year! I always feel blessed during this time and always go out with a bang!

[ Crab03 ] [ Post Reply ]

We share our birthday with Tom Cruise, Olivia Wilde, Patrick Willson, Elizabeth Edward, F1 racer Sebestian Vettel, Indian Cricketer Harbhajan Singh!! Isn't that enough to be proud of

[ Molly ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy Birthday to All of us we rule

[ Fatoumata.M ] [ Post Reply ]

hey i m too born on same day n m innovative 222222222

[ sohit ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy birthday to all of us.iam 55 and the above observations are96% right on dot.Lets all do something to give back to the society and Mother earth , who have made us to live Happily

[ Ganeshram ] [ Post Reply ]


[ kelly ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy Happy Birthday to Me, and You, and You, too :like: This scope fits me to a Tee, I am 50 today, and am looking forward to many more days, on this fabulous ride we call life. I am blessed to live and love the life I have created. Sitting in my pool, with the snow capped mountains, behind me. Lo
ve yourself and everything good flows from there.

[ Curlysue ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Fatoumata ] [ Post Reply ]

happybirthday to all of us. today is a wonderful day. people born today, ROCK

[ IVY ] [ Post Reply ]

JULY 3 BIRTHDAYS ROCK ...THIS IS WHO I AM..Happy Birthday to all my people born on JULY 3! #WeRock #loveyourselfs

[ Serina ] [ Post Reply ]

Every body keep calm its our bday =)

[ ed ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy Birthday to all of us, born on July 3rd! What a great day to be born!

[ Judi ] [ Post Reply ]

i love having my birthday on july 3rd. i get fireworks every year for my big day!

[ juli ] [ Post Reply ]

I GET FIREWORKS 2 but i am not like what it says about the meaning of my zodiac sign ?)

[ reagan ] [ Post Reply ]

My people of this day, 3rd of July is a very unique day I am please to have you guys as my birthday mate I am so so happy to meet you guys. Happy birthday to you guys. Please call me and let's be friend if you are a 3rd of July birth. 080327118545

[ Ginus ] [ Post Reply ]

TO ALL OF U GUYS, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 03/07 is the most epic day& month! I love my life and I wish u all the best! follow YOUR DREAMS! You have the intelligence inside of you, discover it with meditation.Sorry for my bad English. And never forget that LOVE is the key to everything :)

[ Vlady ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Blah ] [ Post Reply ]

People always say to me that being born right before the 4th of july must suck. I always reply, "I might not be a firecracker, but i still pack a big bang."

[ CrayCray68 ] [ Post Reply ]

Thats just what happens to me. I love the firework shows every year on my bday. I just turned 18 and i spent my bday this year visitin my grandpa in upstate new york and he and my grandma had the coolest firework show for my bday. HAPPY LATE BDAY TO ALL OF US :D

[ Keitlyn Gail ] [ Post Reply ]

I agree . .. That's really me.. hahaha.. anyway, advance happy birthday to us.. =)

[ Angel Malpica ] [ Post Reply ]

I am really into philosophy, I don't know if it has to do with my birthday or not, but I guess it's funny that this mentioned it...... Also, I honestly think this is one of the best days you can be born in July. =) Or in general. =) =)

[ noname ] [ Post Reply ]

Most are correctAdvance Happy Birthday ...Enjoy it

[ Suresh ] [ Post Reply ]

Omg! I wish i could meet you guys. I always tend to feel so alone on my birthday. I neva seem to enjoy my 3rd of July @ all. I hope you guys will this year. Happy birthday in advance my fellow Twins lol

[ Sarah bogatsu ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy bday Sarah!!!

[ July 3rdbdaytoo ] [ Post Reply ]

hey, twin. really nice 2 meet you =)

[ abdulsemiu ] [ Post Reply ]

Hey my birthday is that day

[ Kaylee ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow, this is so spot on. I love it!I've never met anyone with my birthday before, but I wonder if it would be like meeting a twin?Anyways, this is awesome. x}

[ blahh ] [ Post Reply ]

never realize that i carry my heart in my palm. iam july 3

[ i i a ] [ Post Reply ]

thank u god for giving me life on 3rd july :)

[ Dimple ] [ Post Reply ]

omg this is me!

[ mlg lord ] [ Post Reply ]

That's so true me !!!

[ linda ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from linda That's so true me !!!
omg this is me

[ evan ] [ Post Reply ]

Pure me

[ mokhutli ] [ Post Reply ]

so me :')

[ aarushi ] [ Post Reply ]

No wonder why Im like this. This article fits my personality! July 33:

[ clary ] [ Post Reply ]

This page really fits my personality. I love it.

[ Xylah ] [ Post Reply ]

Thank you Jesus for my birthday! I am such a flirt. ;)

[ Ric Rod ] [ Post Reply ]


[ NOLUTHANDO ] [ Post Reply ]

THANK U JULY 3 rd.......................

[ AMAL GEORGE KURIAN ] [ Post Reply ]

this is just me...well the immotional thing,i have no boyfriend yet but when the time is right i hope things will be just as written in the horoscope.guys,do u ever realise how special u r to be born on 3rd july...lots of love :love:

[ celine ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm surpised this is not like me at all... I wonder why oh well lol being honest tho idk why no horoscope fits me is it just me or anyone here feel the same?

[ AkUnAnonymous ] [ Post Reply ]

Love my life, =)

[ Claribel ] [ Post Reply ]

Oh yet for me! :)

[ sheila rick ] [ Post Reply ]

All praise to jah the living god for giveing my life on this bless day

[ big vic ] [ Post Reply ]

That is my birthday lJuly 3

[ Jalynne Jackson ] [ Post Reply ]

Gratitude to God for these a great previlage of been born on the 3rd of july. Jesus I thank you

[ Liberty ] [ Post Reply ]

this is just me I love the way I am

[ John ] [ Post Reply ]

this is me damn

[ Laz ] [ Post Reply ]

O.m.g this describes me on my attitude kindness and love to help others when i have my own problems to solve i bring back best friends i am nosy at times ,emotional basically what im saying is im pround to be born on July 3 12 years ago. =)

[ alexiyah ] [ Post Reply ]

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee rrrrrrrrrrrrr veryyyyyyyyyyyyyy luckkkkkk........ Besttttttttt wishessss..........

[ Purva ] [ Post Reply ]

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