Daily Horoscope

2017 Horoscope

Compatibility Horoscope

Zodiac Signs

Chinese Astrology

Dream meaning

Fortune telling

Birthday Horoscope

for July 5th

If your Birthday is July 5th and your Zodiac Sign is Cancer

July 5th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 5th of July are envisioned to be charismatic and loveable but also sometimes moody and unpredictable like all crabs. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Mercury influencing you to be independent with rational thought and a strong dislike of disharmony. If you have this birthday your need for variety directs you to
have lots of hobbies and pastimes and a fondness for conversing. Fairly ambitious and enterprising you prefer to live for the moment and although sensitive and understanding are likely to have an objective view of the world. Individuals with a July the fifth birthday are highly intuitive and inquisitive with an uncanny adeptness at foresight and anticipation of the future. Astute,
sympathetic and insightful you seek stability, permanence and a strong mental affinity with others. A slight lack of confidence in your abilities and energies may prevent you reaching your full potential.

Work and Finances

Work choices to a person born on the fifth of July could be influenced by your intellect, curiosity and sociable nature. These characteristics make you eager and quick to
learn new skills and this enthusiasm enables you to turn your hand to most jobs. A career in sales or within a hospitality environment should prove both stimulating and enjoyable. Rate of pay will often take second place to the type of profession you prefer working in. Problems with finances are as a rule quite rare as you are particularly good
with budgeting and careful not to waste money on frivolous buys or risky investments.

Personal Relationships

For a Cancer, the person born on the fifth day of July is typically desirous of independence but with a craving for emotional security and stable family roots. Charming, friendly and innately compassionate and loyal you are usually turned on best by a partner with heaps of
intelligence and wit. Your high levels of practicality, receptivity and sincere warmth give you a nurturing temperament and making you a very supportive soul mate. Brilliant at compromise you are ordinarily incredibly thoughtful to loved ones yet emotionally you are a bit fragile but you do not show this openly. This sensitivity and an underlying need to appear self sufficient
can cause you to be insecure at times and may result in occasional moodiness. An innovative subtly seductive lover your natural spontaniety allows you to be fun and exciting between the sheets.


The remarkable healthiness experienced by those born on July 5th is often down to luck rather than a consequence of you taking adequate care of yourself. Despite a touch of
laziness in maintaining your health it is unusual for you to be bothered by anything other than common colds or minor viral infections. When it comes to food you can be a little fussy so your diet could be lacking in required nutrients. Expanding your palette and incorporating more fresh vegetables and fruit is sure to improve overall vitality. Sporty playful
regular exercise will help you retain a trim body and clear mind.

July 5th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are probably seen in your charm, astuteness and inquisitiveness, these qualities assist you to find favorable paths in life. The power of your imagination is an additional forte and alongside your foresightedness it helps you anticipate events and make the most of opportunities. The negative personality weaknesses for those born on July 5th have
a habit of putting in an appearance when you are feeling especially overtired or insecure. In these circumstances you can display erratic unstable behaviors and it can prompt the initiation of dark moods.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 5th of July means that in your imagination you are likely to have lots of ideas concerning desired aspirations. However in spite of
your clever plans and willingness to work hard you frequently do not possess enough self discipline to see goals through to completion. As you mature you often acquire extra patience and determination enabling you to have greater success. You are not usually interested in material or monetary gains and seem to get most satisfaction from personal achievements. Dreams are also focused
on achieving happiness and contentment in your private life.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the fifth day of the month a Root number of Five is allocated to your birth date. This numerical reference to your birthday has the special keyword 'Inquiry' identifying your intense curiosity, rationality and imaginative thought. In the Major Arcana Tarot the 5th card featuring
the Hierophant is associated with your birthday. This is symbolic of your impartiality and resistance of being swayed by the opinions of others. The luckiest precious stone for July the fifth birthdays is considered to be a Diamond, wearing it promises added self-confidence, courage and calmer emotions.


The typical probabilities of Cancer personalities are believed to be astrologically predicted by the influence
of our Moon. The actual day you were born on, the fifth of July, is governed by the planet Mercury's dominance. The combination of these 2 planets influences are imagined responsible for your differences from other Cancerians. Your sociability and numerous interests fill your need for mind stimulation and lively conversation increasing your positivity and helping you stay busy. Your aversion
to disharmonious situations helps keep daily life less complicated and not as stressful. If you are able to identify and control the weak spots in your disposition should encourage you to be a tad more confident. A finalizing ponderable thought for people born on July the 5th is to aim to think of your own needs more often. Being unappreciated in
any way can really get you down so do not tolerate it and learn to stick up for yourself.

July 5th Horoscope Comments

Everything said here is about me omg

[ richard ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so true me all the way!

[ Conrad ] [ Post Reply ]

Oh my god... So me..

[ Lisbeth ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow. That is creepy. So accurate

[ Shawna ] [ Post Reply ]

OMG thank you my son is born on July 5th and he is always moody and a picky eater but he is caring and cute.I always wanted to know why he is like that thank you!!!

[ Channel ] [ Post Reply ]

Charming 5 th July..we more imagine in open eye.fitness is good.very very funny

[ Sam ] [ Post Reply ]

Thankyou for updating this apps..07-05 is my birthday very well said :)

[ daisy ] [ Post Reply ]

5th july... Soo true

[ push ] [ Post Reply ]

Can I get into a MBBS govt medical college in 2016 through neet 2??

[ Ashven ] [ Post Reply ]

How in the hell is this so accurate??? :ups: It like some finally got me pegged!!!

[ L.B ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow am so happy to meet my birthday mates here. Now we all know that we are special. I will be happy to meet someone here.

[ Adisi Johnbosco ] [ Post Reply ]

absolutely true....I am Ethiopian n am enjoying my life as my star sign defines.....ha sensitive,,,moody(not actually)....confident...

[ William Hadush ] [ Post Reply ]

Gee!!!for real?.....this is real crazy.you just wrote a story that describes everything about me....like seriously July 5th rocks...buh i dnt think i agrre with some stuffs tho...yeah,,,i'm linda from Nigeria also born on July 5th 97...here's my num in case if u wanna hook me up...+2348179838083...n
ice meeting y'all...real dope

[ linda ] [ Post Reply ]

:love: :ups: :D

[ jalinh ] [ Post Reply ]

Just me for real......Speechless....

[ Charles ] [ Post Reply ]

so true....Cancers Stand Up

[ Haafizah ] [ Post Reply ]

that is me no doubt social and caring for others also going down when not properly recognized or appreciated

[ Cancerian ] [ Post Reply ]

Sooooo accurate its scary lol, honestly it would be really cool to meet another cancerian born on July 5th like me, as it says we are a little different than other cancers due to the strong influence of mercury which makes so much sense because other cancers I know are either way too emotional and n
eedy or just way over the top lmaooo(still gotta love em though) but those born on the 5th seem a little more leveled like a balance between the two but for some reason just more INDEPENDENT ;) Im from Ontario Canada anyone born on the 5th interested in chatting can message me at shashuburth@yahoo.c


I too am from ontario kingston in fact and oddly I always wear an independent truck company item kinda wierd huh

[ James ] [ Post Reply ]

hey my name is antoinette born on the same date as you

[ antoinette ] [ Post Reply ]

Hi I am agree that this is undoubtedly true about me. I am from Jamaica

[ Chris ] [ Post Reply ]

Hey Shashi, Being a cancerian born on July 5th, we are totally different. I am based in NJ USA and would like to chat with you sometime.

[ Jitin khanna ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from Jitin khanna Hey Shashi, Being a cancerian born on July 5th, we are totally different. I am based in NJ USA and would like to chat with you sometime.
Hi Jitin,sorry for the late reply I haven't checked this page since my last post,I left me email on here you should've em
ailed me directly gurl! lol if you still wanna chat email me shashuburth@yahoo.com


July 5 alsobjausti5@gmail.com

[ bjausti5 ]


[ Jessica ] [ Post Reply ]

Born July 5th 83 in Pennsylvania. I now live in Texas and loving it !!!

[ Mike ] [ Post Reply ]

Me too Mike--July 5th 1983 too, in Chicago!

[ Allison ]

I dont believe in star sign etc..i find it pretty accurate.. not socilable though :p

[ Saima ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so true am not a fan of jewelry and my birth stone is ruby but since i was small i always wanted a diamond stone ring to symbolize my birth month i cant believe i knew the right choice for me all along."The luckiest precious stone for July the fifth birthdays is considered to be a Diamond, w
earing it promises added self-confidence, courage and calmer emotions".  :like: :love:

[ susan ] [ Post Reply ]

Hmmm.wel, i feel u tried a little buh u cnt knw al,u aint God

[ Temmy ] [ Post Reply ]

Me all day long from the bottom to the top

[ Real Petty ] [ Post Reply ]

Pretty accurate though when it comes to health I'm not lazy - in very good shape. !;)

[ KB ] [ Post Reply ]

July 5 ;) !

[ Sankalp ] [ Post Reply ]

emotional and bravo

[ priyanka ] [ Post Reply ]

Crazy accurate description of me!!! I'm learning to be more confident, to let things go. Still moody. Ha!

[ Adam ] [ Post Reply ]

I just dont like being a cancer at times, moodiness and sensitivity is just getting in my way. Its not easy.

[ cancerian ] [ Post Reply ]


[ DamselDistress5 ] [ Post Reply ]

is all about me. looooooo

[ chidimma ] [ Post Reply ]

kul...bt cnt rily gv in 2 al

[ dowis ] [ Post Reply ]

bravo!...very excellent!..clap!clap!.. :love: :like:

[ cancer girl ] [ Post Reply ]

Being a very rational guy, I tend to stay away from astrology and other sources of non-quantifiable data. However, 95% of the points made were, more or less, extremely accurate. So hey, other July 5th friends, seeing as we're all very sociable, how's it going everyone? :)

[ Brian ] [ Post Reply ]

july 5th right here and so true!!! when I was younger I was horrible with money though....i'm really good with it now though

[ rdb ] [ Post Reply ]

Well only thing it got wrong was the knowing how to budget, I must have missed that meeting

[ esm ] [ Post Reply ]

I saw my self while i am reading all about this zodiac sign of 5th of july; because i am cancer :love:

[ ruffa mae ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow that is so rude. U do not know everything u are not god

[ Pops ] [ Post Reply ]

What makes you think that it's okay to f*ck*ng write this sh*t. I know who u are u don't know everything get over yourself. We don't lack confidence sometimes we just don't feel the need to show confidence because we're okay with being vulnerable because we know who we can trust and let our guards
down around AND because we're completely comfortable with ourselves and we don't give a f*ck. You're reading it all wrong. Sit the f*ck down. A Leo would write something like this.

[ Jennifer ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from Jennifer What makes you think that it's okay to f*ck*ng write this sh*t. I know who u are u don't know everything get over yourself. We don't lack confidence sometimes we just don't feel the need to show confidence because we're okay with being vulnerable because we know who w
e can trust and let our guards down around AND because we're completely comfortable with ourselves and we don't give a f*ck. You're reading it all wrong. Sit the f*ck down. A Leo would write something like this.
Looks like someone was scorned by a Leo... Let it go fellow cancer, let it go. Y
ou sound like me on a bad day when someone holds a door for me... "YOU REALLY THINK I CANT F*CKING OPEN IT MYSELF?!" Looool

[ PJ ] [ Post Reply ]

Could and can if u let it, it will, which do u perfer ? Just do ur best, be honest an kind, watch out 4 the shit heads an do u! Love ur family, an eat right

[ Jessica ]

perfect description of mine

[ Nitika Sharma ] [ Post Reply ]

mine too

[ kichu ] [ Post Reply ]

I am a Cancer. This is all me

[ Brandie C ] [ Post Reply ]

I loved reading that it's great to know these facts about my birth date

[ BT bilal ] [ Post Reply ]

Have we met before?

[ Wayne Taggart ] [ Post Reply ]

hey can you tell me anything else :like:

[ jadeohyeh ] [ Post Reply ]

tell me about my further future that how can i pass my successfull life

[ shabana naz ] [ Post Reply ]

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