Daily Horoscope

2017 Horoscope

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Zodiac Signs

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Fortune telling

Birthday Horoscope

for June 10th

If your Birthday is June 10th and your Zodiac Sign is Gemini

June 10th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 10th of June are presumed to be chatty, witty and youthful with the competitive assertiveness typical to Gemini's. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is our Sun giving you high levels of independence, persistence and generosity. If you have this birthday a natural rhythm makes you a music lover and bestows you with
a creative streak. You are usually agile and versatile with an abundance of talents and energy that compliment your innovative expressive nature. Practical, friendly and disciplined you possess a strong will but also tend to constantly seek the approval of others. Individuals with a June the tenth birthday are intellectual and curious with a need to be knowledgeable. Your mental sharpness
encourages you to be always looking to learn something new to satisfy your dislike of sameness and boredom. Full of ambition and determination you are highly motivated and destined to succeed.

Work and Finances

Work choice to a person born on the tenth of June is often seen as an opportunity to show off their best faculties. Your love of learning and ambitiousness
inspire you to have the patience to study long and hard to be qualified for and enter a preferred profession. As a rule rate of pay and hours are not as important to you as job satisfaction. Your commendable math skills can sometimes direct career preferences and ordinarily means that you are particularly good at managing your finances. While working you
are happiest in a setting where you feel appreciated and valued for your effort and imput.

Personal Relationships

For a Gemini the person born on the tenth day of June is typically optimistic and adventurous concerning the subject of romance. Your bubbly youthfulness makes you a true romantic but you can be a bit idealistic and superficial in choosing the perfect partner until
you realize that beauty is only skin deep. Naturally playful and passionate you require a high degree of fun and variety to keep your interest in a personal relationship. You are usually very sociable and quite a bit more ardent and sensual than many other twins. A strong physical attraction is essential in a long term soul mate partnership. Spontaneous and
impulsive you desire a lover who is as keen as you to talk freely about and participate in sexual fantasies. Although you are inclined to be a loyal and loving mate you have the tendency to occasionally jump to jealous conclusions.


Illness is rarely experienced by those born on June 10th due to your common sense attitude to the importance of maintaining
healthiness. Your usual active energetic physical and emotional zest for life fills you with positivity helping keep you in tip top condition. This healthy approach is coupled with a sensible preference for wholesome natural foods and regular exercise. If you do succumb to a health complaint it is likely that you will be quick to recover and soon regain your vitality.
People born on this day may be especially prone to suffer from low mood if they spend too much time alone.

June 10th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are seen in the independent, daring and capable elements within your temperament. These qualities and your talented versatility allow you to competently and confidently go your own way. Your competitiveness, practicality and motivation are additional fortes that let you stand out and be noticed. Personality weaknesses for those born on June 10th have the
inclination to appear more often when you are feeling rather upset, angry or bored. On these occasions your negative tendencies become apparent and you will usually display overemotional, erratic and irritable behavior.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 10th of June favors you with plenty of curiosity and a sharp mentality giving you plenty of aspirations. Despite your wide range of abilities
you do not always have the confidence to aim higher without some kind of inspiration. An influential person or event can sometimes give you the push you need to accomplish desirable goals. Your touch of artistic flair and sense of adventure may be significant features in some of your personalized dreaming. Your wishes for success in all areas of life seems
to be partly inspired by vivid things that you remember from the contents of your dreams.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the tenth day of the month your birth date figures total to a Root number of One. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword ' Drive' emphasizing your ambitious, inventive and assertive traits. In Tarot the
10th Major Arcana card illustrating the Wheel of Fortune is mystically associated with your birthday. This signifies your ability to cope well with wins and losses experienced in life. The lucky gem for June the tenth birthdays is thought to be a Ruby. Wearing this precious stone promises to increase calmness, decrease tension and magically attract wealth.


Astrologically the planet Mercury is
imagined primarily accountable for the probable personalities of the typified Gemini. The actual day you were born on, the tenth of June is dominated by the cosmic rule of the Sun. Therefore your differentness is believed predicted by the influences of these two planets. Your self reliant expressiveness and discipline guides you to be decisive and controlled but not pushy with
it. Your talkative friendliness and enthusiastic outlook are ideal characteristics for getting along with almost everyone you meet. If you can try and minimize your reactions to distress, temper and periods of inactivity there is not much else to improve upon in your delightful disposition. A completing thought for people born on June the 10th is to attempt to integrate your
ideas and actions more effectively if you wish to fulfill your full potential.

June 10th Horoscope Comments

Sounds very similar to me. Need to get me a ruby.

[ Karen ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so true of me.I'm going to buy a RUBY for sure. Oh my word. Unbelievable

[ Tholi ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy Birthday to all Gemini's

[ Sharon ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Subham ] [ Post Reply ]

thats total me! buh what are rubies for?

[ shucks ] [ Post Reply ]


[ THATO ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so true of me.

[ Yve ] [ Post Reply ]

I asked for a ruby for my June birthday.

[ T ] [ Post Reply ]

Totally me!Describes me to the T.. love it

[ Sue ] [ Post Reply ]

I think this is quite accurate. I'm going to get a ruby...

[ Sue ] [ Post Reply ]

This is SO me! I just had my hibby read this and he is in awe! I am super chatty, super friendly, independent and possibly the best friend you could ask for. Now, I must go purchase a ruby!

[ Jenny G ] [ Post Reply ]

this is true even for those who think not.you have more in you than you think it is easy to understand what we see and what we don't you just have to di deeper

[ special kind ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow, thi is the most accurate description of me and my personality. Thank you so much. U great. Thank heaps. Eric1359

[ Eric ] [ Post Reply ]

I am a cashier, where I work at if that means anything

[ nicole ] [ Post Reply ]

That. Is. Not me wealthy. Please. That. Part. Is. Wrong. I am poor. Single. Broken..wheres my. Break

[ Asia bee ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow its me alright.but I dont have ruby.how about emerald

[ angie ] [ Post Reply ]

this is me. 100% true. :like:

[ Catherine ] [ Post Reply ]

describes me to a T. I need to go out and buy a Ruby immediately.

[ Tracy ] [ Post Reply ]

This is all quite true for me except for the math skills!

[ Marie ] [ Post Reply ]

I am amazing at math. so this is 100% me. :D!!

[ Evan ] [ Post Reply ]

Me too! Lol

[ Nikki ] [ Post Reply ]

Ditto, it's time for me to get a Ruby

[ Justin ] [ Post Reply ]

Hi all- If your wheel of fortune has been anything like mine, I would love to chat. Especially if you've been having prolific dreams.

[ Jonathan Wade Forrester ] [ Post Reply ]

it is really amazing.it is 100% true :D

[ Jamie ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm also a bit chatty.This is 90% true

[ Sandy Anawar ] [ Post Reply ]

C'mon you know me better than me!!!!

[ ajay ] [ Post Reply ]

Got me figured out quit alright !;)

[ Imokz ] [ Post Reply ]

To be honest this is 100% Correct. Although I dont know how to control my weakness that you described so well. Im very moody especiallu when things dont go my way. The sad part is I cannot hide it...

[ Deliwe ] [ Post Reply ]

100%, ITS ME.. AND JUST ME******* :like:

[ SANGEETA ] [ Post Reply ]

This isn't me at all. -_-The only thing that's accurate is, Negative tendencies become apparent, and I'll display overemotional behavior. Something along those lines. I'm a horribly mean, blunt, and cold person. I somehow have friends but, this "article" is untrue. Do your research.

[ Sina ] [ Post Reply ]


[ SLIM ] [ Post Reply ]

This is really ME. :like:

[ Judicil ] [ Post Reply ]

Its true this is me. My birthday mate please follow me on facebook: iliyasu minms on twitter:@minmster let's chat

[ iliyasu ] [ Post Reply ]

My friends bday is june 10th and i can say this totally her

[ kk ] [ Post Reply ]

Bang on ...

[ Praveen ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so true :D

[ Estephani ] [ Post Reply ]

this is so me its like they are talking about me

[ koye ] [ Post Reply ]

This was a dead on description of me!!! IT WAS FREAKY!!!!!! It's like the Internet knows more about me than I do!

[ Madison2003 ] [ Post Reply ]

thats me :like: n i love myself but it difficult enough to find a perfect gf hehe ... add me those who are born on the same day over fb. with name joshi ajay (mr jazz)

[ mrJazz ] [ Post Reply ]

this is defanetly me amazing right =) :love:

[ molly ] [ Post Reply ]

This is almost 100% true about me and the way I live my life!!! Sooo weird!!! But good and true;).

[ Smilin rob;) ] [ Post Reply ]

Woww! This is amazing.. It exactly described how I am :D

[ Nivedita ] [ Post Reply ]

hai nive i am also june 10 1986. can you please tell about my character if u can. my add p.samvijay@gmail.com

[ vijay ] [ Post Reply ]

Some words are true

[ wendy ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow! Amazing

[ funshybongel ] [ Post Reply ]

OMG this is so SPOT ON !!! This is me to a T!!! Amazing. Love it!

[ Care ] [ Post Reply ]

Grt article man.. !! 85-90 % about me is correct! ! My bday is on 10 june. .. dis more or less describes me...!! (Y)

[ Ritesh ] [ Post Reply ]

So very Untrue...the article lacks research !!

[ James ] [ Post Reply ]

LOL! Almost NONE of this is true about me. Oh well! Happy Birthday to me!

[ Mary ] [ Post Reply ]

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