Daily Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for June 18th

If your Birthday is June 18th and your Zodiac Sign is Gemini

June 18th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 18th of June are believed to be fairly self sufficient and responsible with the typical Gemini active restlessness. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Mars making you likely to be realistic, humorous, charming and tenacious. If you have this birthday an adventurous streak gives you a vivacious zest for life and you
will ordinarily find normality boring. Highly intuitive and articulate you are warm and fair towards others but also especially prone to moodiness. You possess a practical, sensible temperament and are usually ambitious and focused in your approach. Individuals with a June the eighteenth birthday are very perceptive and clever with a selfless and tolerant nature. Despite your strong concern for others
you have a sharp tongue that can be a little too blunt on occasion. You are also lucky to have a high level of intellectual persuasiveness that should take you far.

Work and Finances

Career choice can be rather varied to a person born on the eighteenth of June due to your intelligent versatility. Your paradoxical mix of serious and fun can direct
you to choose from a wide range of interesting and unusual jobs. You crave variety and commonly have a low tolerance of boredom so working in a fast paced challenging environment is a popular option. Financial security is inclined to be important to you and this concernment can sometimes encourage you to take a few risks with money. However your common
sense usually stops you from taking too many risky gambles with your finances.

Personal Relationships

For a Gemini, the person born on the eighteenth day of June is typically a little mistrustful of their emotions in romantic scenes. Loveable, friendly and outgoing you tend to long for affection and emotional stability but will ordinarily be quite fearful of commitment and feeling tied down.
With personal relationships friendship and mental stimulation are essentials that usually come way before physical attraction. Your touch of idealism and intense curiosity encourages you to be fairly good at using your imagination to fulfill both you and your partner's sexual fantasies. Your intelligent intuition, wittiness and receptive understanding help keep a soul mate happy. A free spirit you are playful
and flirtatious but also one of the most faithful of all twins in your zodiac group. Although naturally positively expressive you may easily display jealousy in love partnerships.


General healthiness and looking fit and well is especially important to a person born on June the eighteenth. You are usually keen to invest plenty of time and money into taking care of your
health and eating healthily. Your high level of endurance allows you to normally enjoy all forms of regular exercise ensuring you keep a trim shape. All these positives towards healthfulness mean that illness is rare and does not seem to debilitate you for long. People born on this day may find that their nervous system is a weak spot so you
could possibly benefit from occasional meditation type boosting therapies.

June 18th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are probably seen in your ample degrees of liveliness, intuition and practicality. These fine attributes and your unselfish approach make you a considerate, useful and nice individual to know. Additional fortes are apparent in your realism, humor and charm making excellent assets to accompany your earnest sense of responsibility. Recognizable personality weaknesses for those
born on June 18th are displayed in your pronenesses to be occasionally manipulative, erratic and restless in your behavior. These negative traits and your bluntness can sometimes land you in trouble.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 18th of June means that you are destined to be full of endless ambition to pursue extensive personalized and professional goals. In addition you are
not someone who fears failure so any of your many aspirations have a very good chance of being realized. In spite of obstacles, delays or discouragement you are unlikely to give up on the things you really want to achieve. This persistent determined attitude lets you follow your dreams and accomplish almost anything you set your mind to. Dreaming about being
rich and successful are not uncommon and add to your incentives.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the eighteenth day of the month your birth date figures total a Root number of Nine. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Seeker' relating to your direct instinctive perception and necessity for the truth. In the Major Arcana Tarot the
18th card featuring the Moon is associated with your birthday. This emphasizes your natural responsiveness, common sense, tolerance and empathy. The lucky gem selected for June the eighteenth birthdays is imagined to be a Bloodstone. Wearing this jewel is thought to improve courage and alertness as well as dispelling negativity.


The probable personalities of Gemini's are assumed to be astrologically influenced by
the planetary powers of Mercury. The actual day you were born on, the eighteenth of June is ruled over by Mars's influence adding to your uniqueness from your zodiacal counterparts. Your spirited confidence in your abilities sees you accomplishing lots of worthwhile things for yourself and others. Your warmth, sensibility and clear expressiveness and articulation all assist you to be
quickly understood throughout life. If you are able to learn to control your tendencies to be once in a while outspoken or overly persuasive it should help social interactions and preserve your niceness. A concluding pertinent thought for people born on June the 18th concerns discovering an equal balance that is right for you. Integrating all the various parts of your
life and prioritizing them in order of importance could prove the best way to bring you the most happiness.

June 18th Horoscope Comments

Wow! This is true of me. Love all my birthday mate

[ Julet ] [ Post Reply ]

Nice babies born on18th of june

[ sana ] [ Post Reply ]

People born on june 18 are the best kinds of people. I could be kind of biased being one of them, but just disregard that fact and look towards the truth.

[ Sad ] [ Post Reply ]

This is all so true, every single remark. Amazing, nothing to fault. Now I truly understand myself at a deeper level. Thank you so much!

[ Lily Foo ] [ Post Reply ]

Hbd to all the Gemini. The flirtatious People btw it's really cool, be blessed.

[ Abraham SN Ekbal ] [ Post Reply ]

smile :)

[ :) ] [ Post Reply ]

happy b'day tu us !hehe

[ kheljit ] [ Post Reply ]

every single words are true guys, but we need to see this as a notes to make us better, which you know this and you can make the bad one into the good one and also, the good one into the best one.. because we have a bigger imagination and sensitivity, don't waste away. please spend it to be a better
person and make worlds better.

[ Tanaka ] [ Post Reply ]

my birthday is 18th june,1994 but my sign is virgo

[ Siva ] [ Post Reply ]

wow hbd to all the June18th celebrant....HBD to me

[ Morenikeji ] [ Post Reply ]

Am so happy to be born on 18 June

[ Galiwango perezi ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Fredcole ] [ Post Reply ]

So true of me. And nice to see so many of me commenting.

[ Harsh ] [ Post Reply ]

Yes ..it describes me to the letter ...I am a Gemini...18th June born

[ Arindam ] [ Post Reply ]

Scary read. I couldn't fault it. That charming, restless, tolerant, open minded, full of ideas, creative control freak ! I'm thinking of trying yet another profession, film directing. wish me luck I'm off again on a calculated risk learning curve. ?)

[ SARA ] [ Post Reply ]

All this is True for me as well 6/18/1990

[ Ashley looman ] [ Post Reply ]

My Twin I am 06/18/1990 too

[ Jacob ] [ Post Reply ]


[ kate alison ] [ Post Reply ]

Yassss! heheheh :)

[ Holly Curnow ] [ Post Reply ]

hahhah Good one

[ fahad ] [ Post Reply ]

I thought Gemini's ruling planet was Mercury

[ Nas ] [ Post Reply ]

Born on 18th june, i can say is soo true .woow!

[ safura Abdallah ] [ Post Reply ]

Agreed to every single letter... Thanx alot

[ Mayuresh ] [ Post Reply ]

perfect my bday is 18-06-1979

[ sameer ] [ Post Reply ]

I was borne on June 18th. This horoscope is the best one I have ever seen. There were a few things I didn't agree with at first. But after some thinking time, I realize it's all true! The fitness, the bluntness, the money thing. All true. I try really hard not to be too convincing (manipulati
ve). But this came with age. It was a big problem for me when I was younger. Thank you very much for the horoscope. Namaste

[ Marian ] [ Post Reply ]

Well that it is all me then...thank you sir/madam for giving me more insight of how i really am. :-)

[ jerome andric ] [ Post Reply ]

Yeah its all me! Happy birthday to us!

[ Irish ] [ Post Reply ]

Well my birthday is on June 18 but most of this is ture and then some of it just Doesn't make sense too me

[ Yasmin ] [ Post Reply ]

Well this is an article that describes me the way I am although I find arguments one of my major weak points but all the same I doff my hat for u as this article gives me more insight on who I am

[ john ] [ Post Reply ]

All .all of it is me.trueWould work on the given suggestions

[ Salman ] [ Post Reply ]

Dear Sirs,Completely read the profile and other related descriptive article which is more than 100% true as I am also a gemini born on the 18th day of June, 1948 - Marvelous and appreciate.Thanks and best regards

[ muhammad yunas masood ] [ Post Reply ]

perfectly describe me. yup fitness freak. hahaha

[ siti hajar ] [ Post Reply ]

Described me to a "T" besides the millions of other parts they left out that go with my mind thinking 25/8/369 and how I feel I'm already ten steps past myself thinking I'm onto the way everyone thinks and my favorite line that goes thru my mind every time I hear someone telling me their thoughts "T
hey don't lie very well" "And they should look in the mirror next time they say this or that"We gemini's male or female are that one astrological sign that has a "clue" as for the rest' I'd say they're clueless" LoL and yes we know its true. 2funny as when I read horoscopes I don't compare the astro
logists view that he or she was right or wrong as much as I feel they should be a gemini to tell me what my horoscope should be for that day, but hey nobody is perfect in that its just a reason of insanity trying to contemplate the actions that pertain to an individuals personal forecast for the day
based on planet alignments.Really for this particular description of someone born on June 18th, I thought it was fairly accurate, except for the rest of the million parts of the story left out" Awesome read !!! :like:

[ BigMike ] [ Post Reply ]

Perfect! Describes me as i am...

[ drake ] [ Post Reply ]

True in my case but i wish i was more confident & more expressive......i speak up only when its too late, wish i was more audible to the world out there :(

[ Anushree ] [ Post Reply ]

i can relate to this, especially the moodiness part lol

[ Roxana ] [ Post Reply ]

This is me to a T. No doubt that it has all my personality and inner traits down to a T. Oh my lol

[ Addy ] [ Post Reply ]

Yah.......its kinda truebt, I dont think i am good in fulfilling my goals coz of my moodinessI am always confused of what to do with my lifeGuys, if any of u feel the same .Let me know

[ Vivek ] [ Post Reply ]

I agree with you. I sometimes get discouraged. Though I am well versed in may areas, I am not confident that I should commit to any 1.

[ Dezi ] [ Post Reply ]

I used to feel the exact same way. But I learned that the struggle was that my intellect was trying to tell me what was the logical choices for goals, while my spirit (hence the moodiness) was not in agreement! Biggest challenge for us - and all Geminis actually - is to recognize that our brillian
t minds don't have all the answers... the heart knows the truth! Ahh.. seeking balance. forever!

[ Patrice ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm the same way

[ Robert Ewing ] [ Post Reply ]

Well it is a little like me

[ Matthew ] [ Post Reply ]

Partially true but doesn't exactly relate my personality.... But surely has helped me gain some confidence.... Thnxxx xo

[ rosy ] [ Post Reply ]

This has given me much awareness exp the last one nice one

[ lady lc ] [ Post Reply ]

yoooh to d point & describes me just tooo well

[ Jessi ] [ Post Reply ]

This inspires me to take up chess

[ Madsi ] [ Post Reply ]

After reading this piece, there's an inner sense of confidence that's quietly growing within me. I liked the part of integrating all pieces in my life and prioritising them.

[ Anirudh ] [ Post Reply ]

Nails me to the wall too! Hahaha wow.. we can't all be that wonderful?! Well I guess some of us can lol

[ C.T. ] [ Post Reply ]

I m also one of them,exactly true :)

[ Sarika ] [ Post Reply ]

hope it will be true as i born on 18th june :cool:

[ raghu ] [ Post Reply ]

100% true.... thnx buddy

[ Mastrang ] [ Post Reply ]

ya it exactly matches to d character i m ...but could plz tell how can i overcome mh lackings

[ Anchal ] [ Post Reply ]

Dat's so true...nd im 1

[ Wolf ] [ Post Reply ]

I am every bit of what is written above.

[ Jonas ] [ Post Reply ]

this is what exactly I am :) =)

[ pooja ] [ Post Reply ]

Exactly Matches!!Thanks : ) =)

[ Payal ] [ Post Reply ]

Thanks & May be fits me

[ Sowmyu ] [ Post Reply ]

omg im just likr this oomg ?)

[ Ashley ] [ Post Reply ]

I think everything fits me

[ Jenny ] [ Post Reply ]

Yoh,I can't believe this I was just been described what kind of a person I am and yes everything that is written here that is just me in full im impressed hah!!!!.

[ Itumeleng ] [ Post Reply ]

I was worried about my lyf.I was thinking different way.But after reading this,I thought that my date resembles so. But i even got what my date resemble and in what way can i achieve and what all characters i have and from that what can i do. So thank you friend!

[ SHILPA ] [ Post Reply ]

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