Daily Horoscope

2017 Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for June 19th

If your Birthday is June 19th and your Zodiac Sign is Gemini

June 19th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 19th of June are imagined to be fast talking and impulsive with the usual intellectual wit attributed to Gemini twins. The astrological planet that rules this particular day is our Sun making your temperament likely to be spontaneous, youthful, sincere and direct. If you have this birthday your proneness for speaking and acting without adequate
thought can get you into bother. You have a sociable, fun loving nature that seeks variety and will enjoy travelling and mingling with others you find interesting. Your exuberance makes you like to be in the spotlight and gives you a great thirst for knowledge and lively debate. Individuals with a June the nineteenth birthday a strong creative streak bestows you
with good dress sense and a sharp eye for design and detail. You are naturally energetic, determined and humorous and ordinarily possess the ability to view the bright side to life whatever the circumstances.

Work and Finances

Set career paths are easily chosen to a person born on the nineteenth of June as you are lavished with intense ambition. You seem to constantly
strive to improve your wisdom and skills and will be attracted to specific job opportunities that allow you to show off your best talents. Your modern outlook, fine communication and sociability make you perfect for professions requiring a competent confident public facing image. Despite your ambitious intentions you are not usually very adept at managing finances. Your impulsiveness and love of
luxuries can sometimes drive you to want to spend beyond your means.

Personal Relationships

For a Gemini, the person born on the nineteenth day of June has a typically idealized perspective when it comes to romance. You are inclined to need and seek a special communicative chemistry with someone for a loving long term personal relationship. Optimistic, vivacious and charming you appear to
have what it takes to bring out other people's best and worst points allowing you to be a fairly good judge of character. You tend to be intently decisive and will usually elicit quick responses emotionally directing you to take love and any vows seriously. Along with a soul mate you trust you are willing and eager to express and carry
out your true sexual desires in the physical aspect of the committed partnership. Your touch of inflexibility and unwillingness to compromise is something a partner may have to deal with and tame alongside your lovableness.


The usual glowing health experienced by those born on June 19th is frequently primarily due to your brilliant attitude to staying well. You seem to instinctively know
the right things to do to encourage optimum healthiness. Your patience and motivation in this area sees you trying to eat healthily and often sticking to a regular fitness pattern. People born on this day should find that a pleasant environment helps relieve any build ups of nervous tension. This choice of calming scenery can decrease the likelihood of your
pronenesses for stress type headaches, nervy stomach and fatigue.

June 19th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main and most admirable strengths of character are modeled in the unique combination of intellect, wittiness and energy you have. Other positive fortes are seen in your belief in your opinions, persistence, optimism and general eagerness to develop overall. Negative personality weaknesses for those born on June 19th can sometimes project you as somewhat provocative in your manner.
These less favorable traits of stubbornness and a tendency to be occasionally a bit too opinionated can cloud your normal sunny mettle and disappoint those who see you through rose colored glasses.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 19th of June means that you are highly likely to adhere to moral and ethical conduct concerning achievements. You also usually believe that
effort always reaps rewards and nothing is ever achieved without some initial enthusiasm and form of action. Orientated by challenges and the chance to learn something new keeps you thinking big when setting a wished for goal. A real need to accomplish things fairly indicates that you will never normally be tempted by the opportunity to take shortcuts. You prefer to
do things properly to gain maximum satisfaction when chasing your dreams.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the nineteenth day of the month your birth date numbers equate to a Root number of One. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Drive' highlighting your motivated and enterprising spirit. In Tarot the 19th card in the Major Arcana illustrating
the Sun is closely associated with your birthday. This reflects your vitality and clarity of mind in addition to tiny harmless amounts of pride and vanity. The lucky gemstone for June the nineteenth birthdays is believed to be a Ruby, to be worn for longevity, courage, wealth and possible protection from negativity.


Mercury is assumed to be the primary planet most astrologically
responsible for the expectations of Gemini personalities. The actual day you were born on, the nineteenth of June is astrally governed by the Sun's influence. So it is these 2 planetary powers that help determine the originality of your probable thoughts and reactions and identify the differences you have to others in your zodiac circle. Your intelligent eloquence and stylish youthfulness
are a wonderful mix of favorable characteristics. Your creativity finds its way into everything you do while your positivism generally keeps you cheerful and continually looking forward. If you are able to remember to think carefully before you speak and act and try to be a bit more flexible it should prove advantageous. An ending two thoughts for people born on
June the 19th are to aim to improve your contemplation technique and remain open to the views and peculiarities of others.

June 19th Horoscope Comments

So we join the team along with wallis simpson and boris Johnson

[ Pam ] [ Post Reply ]

Absolutely accurate in everything as far as I see myself. Will try to work on my weaknesses. :)

[ Rizalind ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow so true!

[ Qqjelly ] [ Post Reply ]

They are soft and kind hearted people as far as I know

[ River ] [ Post Reply ]

everyone born on this day is a big dog

[ hater ] [ Post Reply ]

Why? :-(

[ ana ] [ Post Reply ]

You are just jealous ;))

[ Babycorn ] [ Post Reply ]

The discription fits me. Am a real june 19th born. I love my birthdate.

[ Paa Kwesi Monney ] [ Post Reply ]

Dfaq it's true ...

[ Alekh ] [ Post Reply ]

Completely accurate

[ Enge ] [ Post Reply ]

wow that is so me//i can't believe it

[ Florence ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow, impressive, it has a lot about me. Awesome, the only negative that is not me is about finances because I managing well my finances, I manage my own business. I support my family with my hard work and hard earn money. Description about weak finances handling doesn't apply on me.

[ Norma NCL ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow, dis is me.. 100percent accurate

[ precious ] [ Post Reply ]

Yep, that's me for sure! And so glad ruby is my lucky gem, I will have to get one! I also have been gifted pearls and alexandrite.

[ Jill ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Debbie ] [ Post Reply ]

This is me, to a "T"!! :o)

[ Frantk ] [ Post Reply ]

This is the best ever article for my self introspection.......200% accurate

[ Ajey ] [ Post Reply ]

Cool! I never knew I was a ruby. I've been getting pearls and alexandrite gemstones all these years! I love rubies

[ Julia ] [ Post Reply ]

i am mad and i know it

[ suchita ] [ Post Reply ]

Crazy, dude how can they know me like that is freaky that Is me doubt,,, awesomely awesome

[ Hector Adam Elizondo ] [ Post Reply ]

Omg ikr

[ Carey ] [ Post Reply ]

u all are right it is same like my sis character she is also born on june 19 and i m also born in june

[ no one ] [ Post Reply ]

This is very true... Defined my personality..!! Yes i am a Gemini and a fast going person..

[ vishakha ] [ Post Reply ]

The description fits me to the T.. No coincidence.. 619/89

[ Nick ] [ Post Reply ]

I am the trueest gemeni of them all for I am the one and only chosen one the true Gemeni!!!

[ Chosen1Gemeni ] [ Post Reply ]

Well said. My whole character is summed up here. Awesome.

[ ajit singh ] [ Post Reply ]

619 reversed 619 we still up upside down or downside up regardless hehehaa ...so accurate Oy! .. I do music, acting ..pencil art n Muay Thai .. N just started to learn how to drift e30 is life baybeee

[ IzzyFLY ] [ Post Reply ]

This is 100% correct.I have all the personality characteristics mentioned above. Amazingly true..thumbs up!!

[ Mashal ] [ Post Reply ]

Its all rubbish making peope more pathetic towards theirdreams nd love life :love:

[ xxxxxx ] [ Post Reply ]

wooooooooowwwwwwww awesome =)

[ Srinath ] [ Post Reply ]

like everything in this article is true!

[ jamacia ] [ Post Reply ]

hahahahahaah, in all your analysis in this article, am surprise you were talking about me,I still need horoscope base on I want to be wealthy

[ prince ] [ Post Reply ]

So accurate everything they said is me and I'm a metal singer from heavy to black to death I also sing deathcore Hit me on bbm pin:28BC76A7 or whatsapp +5926678499Charming as hell lol and Gemini's Rock

[ Mohammed Shaheed ] [ Post Reply ]

Thank you i am talkative and i do speak very fast im very healthy i weigh 65 pounds and im 8

[ Addie ] [ Post Reply ]

OHH, many things match, i luv my birth dateaccurate totally true.

[ arpit ] [ Post Reply ]

I just feel like I'm absolutely the bomb.Com right now!

[ Shalik Williams ] [ Post Reply ]

I knew myself, but it was wonderful to see it tthru this horescope. It fits me like a glove. Awesome, awesome. Thank you

[ Sara ] [ Post Reply ]

lyk someone was lookin thru me and write this thing

[ feelbetter ] [ Post Reply ]

This scares me. And it pisses me off cause I hate astrology. .... too accurate

[ 2K ] [ Post Reply ]

this is so accurate..i luv mah birth of date..

[ Saineta ] [ Post Reply ]

Amazingly accurate, undeniably true!! Loving my birthday!!

[ Charmaine ] [ Post Reply ]

We Rock!

[ Valley girl ] [ Post Reply ]

Me too--amazing!

[ Kathee ] [ Post Reply ]

Its crazy how true this is

[ Sydney ] [ Post Reply ]

Absolutely true 100%. This could not be more accurate

[ Lorraine ] [ Post Reply ]

Totally true.

[ Adela ] [ Post Reply ]

this is so spot on, its unreal.

[ Jillian ] [ Post Reply ]

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