Daily Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for June 21st

If your Birthday is June 21st and your Zodiac Sign is Gemini

June 21st Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 21st of June are believed to be a lovely mix of intelligent and caring with heaps of the usual Gemini chatty wit. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Jupiter granting you a happy go lucky disposition and a genuine thoughtful concern for others. If you have this birthday your ethical standards are
high and you will usually make a point of being incredibly fair. You have a determined nature and are quite ambitious with a great sensitivity of timing and will ordinarily possess an uncanny method of subtly getting your own way. Sensitive but rational and family orientated you have a clever way with words and are generally a bit more open than
other twins. Individuals with a June the twenty first birthday are inclined to be insightful and naturally helpful. Educating others and solving problems are some of your humanitarian strong points often giving you an avid interest in politics or social causes.

Work and Finances

Choices of work to a person born on

the twenty first of June must be stimulating mentally in order to
counteract your low tolerance of boredom. Utilizing your intelligence in a practical communicative manner to help others seems to gain you the most job satisfaction. Your entrepreneurial edge makes you good at making the most of opportunities and so fairly destined to be successful financially. As you tend to believe that money is simply a necessity it is unlikely for you
to be greedy in your desires for financial security. You are sensible with spending and will usually manage to put finances aside for unexpected expense.

Personal Relationships

For a Gemini born on the cusp of Cancer, the person born on the twenty first day of June is typically romantic and a seeker of perfection in a personal relationship. Sociable and lively you possess
a warm heart and are likely to have plenty of friends and admirers. Very loving and perceptive you tend to do much better in life when romantically attached with a soul mate. You require a strong emotional bond and lots of shared interests and background similarities with your partner to feel truly contented. Tender, generous, fun loving and passionate you are
incredibly sensual and will really enjoy sex especially in intimate or unusual settings. You will usually be innately loyal and your combination of finely balanced emotions keeps relationships mostly harmonious. However it does not stop you from being occasionally irritatingly indecisive, demanding or moody.


The usual robust health experienced by those born on June the twenty first is frequently boosted by your
general optimistic approach to life. Your high level of optimism guides you to believe that a healthiness focused mind encourages the best chance of maintaining your well being. A bad habit that may let your good intentions down is the tendency to have a sweet tooth and sometimes gain weight as a result. Getting enough exercise is likely to be important
if you wish to retain your youthful figure in mid life. People born on this day should practice pacing themselves effectively for optimum vitality.

June 21st Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are prominently displayed within your ample degrees of kindness, fairness and thoughtfulness. These wonderful attributes and your easygoing wittiness and openness allow you to be both direct and understanding. Other positive characteristics include your plentiful levels of loyalty and determination. The usual personality weaknesses for those born on June 21st center around your
tendency to criticize. This weak spot in your usual kindly temperament occurs with a vengeance if you are upset or over tired, it can cause you random moodiness and to be overly dictatorial.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 21st of June should grant you an enhanced belief in your abilities to make personalized aspirations come true. As you are normally intensely
honest it is unthinkable for you to attempt to accomplish any of your desires by dishonest means. You would rather feel a real sense of accomplishment than achieve something quickly and without effort. Despite your touch of indecisiveness you appear to be constantly planning ahead while dreaming of your preferred future. When it comes to your dreams you may find that
some of them may be a tad raunchy due to your intensified sensuality.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty first day of the month the digits in your birth date add up to a Root number of Three. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Innovation', this relates to and identifies your inventive determination in the
face of difficulties. The Major Arcana Tarot deck's 21st card representing the World is associated with your birthday. This is a symbol of your inclination to be sincere in everything you do and also your enjoyment of the close company of family and friends. The lucky gemstone for June the twenty first birthdays is an Amethyst, wear it for extra confidence.


is assumed astrologically that the

probabilities of Gemini personalities are mainly influenced by the planet Mercury's power. The actual day you were born on, the twenty first of June is imagined to be cosmically ruled over by Jupiter's influence. These 2 planets are therefore thought somewhat responsible for your uniqueness. Your noticeable pleasant carefree but considerate outlook is a fabulous mix that
helps set you apart from other twins. Your skill at guiding things in your favor should prove a useful asset and make you naturally instinctive on life's journey. A concluding ponderable thought for people born on June the 21st is to aim to maintain your poise. This balanced state is best achieved by ensuring you do not push yourself too hard
and get enough sleep.

June 21st Horoscope Comments

Im june 21 1978 born at 9:09 am but i feel more like Canncer but love being a solstice baby especially because im Wiccan :)

[ alysia cattausa ] [ Post Reply ]

I love being a summer solstice, gemini dominant cusper WE are all so diverse and uniquely 'I"Thank you for joining in celebration on June 21, the longest day of the year! Cheers lovelies-Let's dance!333Blessings, be well333

[ Carissa ] [ Post Reply ]

I hate this cusp thing too... I feel more like a gemini. And i hate how some magazines say cancer and others gemini. June 21 1986 at 10:00am. Having to explain to people that in a cusp is tiresome to me.

[ Maribel ] [ Post Reply ]

i m still confused that am i cancer or gemini

[ madiha ] [ Post Reply ]

June 21st is the cusp. Babies born before 12pm are Geminis. Those after, are considered to be Cancer and will possess Cancer traits.

[ Nick ] [ Post Reply ]

You are a casp of both. Both signs apply to you. Study both. I am the same way!

[ Kirill ] [ Post Reply ]

June 21 1987 also my birthday was on father's day as well.

[ Alex B. ] [ Post Reply ]

June 21st 1990, i dont know if being of both horoscope has major outcome of our actions & choices made! Sometimes I feel more like Gemini than cancer.

[ Brendon ] [ Post Reply ]

i am sick of being me, 21 june 1986 damn shitty day. i find it uniquely absurd personality. it would better be dumb. does this date 21st june realy is different or 50% people born on different dates are also feel same

[ rahul ] [ Post Reply ]

June 21st 2000 boiii

[ Alora ] [ Post Reply ]

Aye it's lit

[ 6/21/2000 ] [ Post Reply ]

Ayyeee it is

[ Summerxo ]

June. 21. 1988

[ Annie ] [ Post Reply ]

June 21, 1985! I knew I was a cusp all along but never thought about reading about it until now and I gotta say it's on point!

[ Roselle ] [ Post Reply ]

I am june 21st but I am both the fell a 1/2 of both now about to marry a gemini, he makes me the best person . I wonder if our life makes us more cancer then gemini. Sometimes I feel more cancer

[ Kasie ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born June 21, 1995.My sun is Gemini, my moon is Aries, my rising is Capricorn.People thought that I have multiple personalities lol

[ Anggie Jhovanny ] [ Post Reply ]

My daughter was born June 21 2016 and I like what I am reading!

[ Stephanie ] [ Post Reply ]

62169.....yes I feel equally awkward as the rest of you..just different than most.... This year I'm seeking out ways to find out why I'm feeling like this..

[ Carie ] [ Post Reply ]

June 21st, 1972 here! Here's to all the fellow Summer Solstice babies out there! We Rock!

[ Teri Turner ] [ Post Reply ]

June21 1980 man I feel we have the best of both signs. ....

[ Panchi ] [ Post Reply ]

Cll me vhing borm 21 june;71 am creative; hardworking friendly frankly. Energytic.

[ vilma recibido ] [ Post Reply ]

June 21st 1954 Cancer???/Gemini??? One website says Cancer and another says Gemini which dam sign am I this is very flustrating for me at least to hear from different appinions of astrologers

[ Wayne Rhodes ] [ Post Reply ]

I also have the same issue in the newspaper im cancer in the magazines im Gemini

[ kerwin ] [ Post Reply ]

June 21, 1947....A BABY BOOMER!!.this looks right on for me too!!!:-) Anybody else out there with the same birthday? Wow!!! I really do love me and my personality... the only one part of it that I don't like...and I'm working on is the criticizing. this can truly be a downer for others and very h
urtful, so be very careful Gemini/Cancers when you find yourself doing this! I have now formed the habit over the years of counting to 10 before I speak because sometimes we speak quick and fast without thinking about what harm our words can do to others! other than that, I love that I'm special, di
fferent and born on such a fantastic day of the year... the longest day of sunshine, lively fun and optimistic! it's cool... I'm cool too, being such a lively and energetic senior citizen!!! :-). :-) =)

[ Jeri ] [ Post Reply ]

I have found my people! This is where I belong. I have always looked for a true definition for why I seemed different from other Gem's. Now I know it's cause my cut is rare. Good to know I'm not alone trying to save the world :) June 21 1976

[ Monique Simone ] [ Post Reply ]


[ LINDA ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow nice to know why I sometimes fail to understand why other people cannot see life the way I DO. Gemini's you rock =)

[ Jeminah Botha ] [ Post Reply ]

June 21 1990 !! Definitely true about us very witty and take no shit from no one... We're way too loyal for this generation lol shout outs all everyone born this day

[ Crafty_flea ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born June 21 1969 this is me exactly

[ Renae gonzales ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born June 21st 1954 The first day of summer and the longest day of the year. at 62 years old I can still date any women I want to date from 18 to 80 no kidding. Women are drawn to me for some reason. Some just stand and stare with a slight smile as to say please talk to me so I do at times if
I think she is charming and hast to be extremely beautiful.

[ Arless ] [ Post Reply ]

It is very accurate. We are unusual people. Any way that we can connect to June 21ers privately? We are kind of shy person, are we? June 21 59

[ Michael ] [ Post Reply ]

Im born on 21june1980!Our lucky no. Is 3?Im am e youngest out of 3 siblings!!! Weeeeeee!!!

[ Aiza ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy birthday to all fellow geminis born on the summer solstice! WE ROCK!!

[ Sumra ] [ Post Reply ]

I read this and the honesty, fairness quality and money savy is very true. I also have a lot of indecisiveness and I think that is due to the twins pulling me in two different directions. I also seem to attract people that are different, just like a magnet. The dreaming part is also true.

[ D. Sweet ] [ Post Reply ]

Being on the cusp of Gemini and cancer is like having the best of both signs 1959 hello 57

[ Debbie ] [ Post Reply ]

Well I just met a twin. Same birthday June 21, 59=57 too. Hello sister!

[ Lisa ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born June 21st, 1977.

[ Jackie ] [ Post Reply ]

Born June 21 1995, the year of rock n roll lol People born on this day are revolutionary!First day of summer!! Born to rule, people born on this day.We always attract the attention in a room!

[ Jade ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on the 21 June 1995!!! And when I was in school I rode the bus and there was 3 of us with the same birthday.one was born 94 and the other 96. Talk about Coincidences.

[ Will charles ] [ Post Reply ]

i was born 21 june 81it is exactely me, only what i do t like is the mood , we are 2 ppl in one person,happy and suddenly sad with no reason

[ Bouchra ] [ Post Reply ]

Hi so was I ho birthday twin

[ LaBerry ] [ Post Reply ]

06/21/1982 Yep pretty strange stuff

[ DBL ] [ Post Reply ]

Ok This was the reason why I always felt I am unique and here I am with you guys. We rule !! 21st June 70s

[ A Lazaros ] [ Post Reply ]

Yes, I am so different with the rest. June 21 59

[ Michael ] [ Post Reply ]

21june1946 bit older than most here but in good company. I feel as though my whole being has been quoted in the description of those born on this date

[ L.G. ] [ Post Reply ]

Im June 21st 2001 , year of snake and on the day summer begins as well as all this with Jupiter and mercury i feel like a god of the human race couldn't be happier

[ Avia rose ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on the 21st day of June 1966. So a cusp but my month and year is 666. Not sure if I have any luck, if I do, it's bad. LolActually I find my good luck and bad luck equal out. Meaning when one bad thing happens to me I can usually expect one good thing. I can almost bank on it. I do believe
my birth is special just not sure why yet.

[ Twins ] [ Post Reply ]

i Was born on 21th June 1983 and i will like i can see the game of life more clearly these days ;)

[ Asif ] [ Post Reply ]

06/21/1991 I It! Geminis, we Rock! The best thing about us is that we are honest, caring and loyal!!! Everything I just read is true 100%!!!!

[ CANDICE KIRKLAND ] [ Post Reply ]

Hey Candice! I was born on 21st June 1991 too. We are like twins from different mother's LOL what you said was right, we are very caring and true to our families and friends but I do find some difficulties with personal relationships how are things going for you? Let's connect to know more.

[ Ravishankar ] [ Post Reply ]

born on "The Cusp of Magic" 1957, I like the date of my birthday.. thanks to Jupiter))

[ lena ] [ Post Reply ]

this is me too a tee. i always though 2 was my number. maybe 3 might bring me luck

[ juls 21st 1960 ] [ Post Reply ]

6/21/98 This Is definitely me

[ Zyshawn Moore ] [ Post Reply ]

Birthday twin

[ kiara ] [ Post Reply ]

the narration perfectly suits me born on 21st june 1950

[ mohanbabu ] [ Post Reply ]

go good witches,,,we are a special group enjoy it

[ jim ] [ Post Reply ]

This is mee!! I was born on June 21, 2000..

[ Aly ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm 21st of June 2000 as well

[ Nini ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born June 21, 2001

[ Tay tay ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born June 21 2002

[ Lydia ]

I was born ONE year before you haha

[ Allison ] [ Post Reply ]

2001... :)

[ Eli ]

I feel like someone reading a book about me

[ Ali ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on June 21st 1988. I definitely feel it was a blessed day to be born on!

[ Clarissa.M.M ] [ Post Reply ]

Born same day n year too lol

[ Lexy.m.s ] [ Post Reply ]

Born same day n year

[ Sunny ] [ Post Reply ]

Me too

[ Dee oh ]

June 21st, 66

[ Jkn ] [ Post Reply ]

Born June 21st, 1966 as well!! Always thought it was a magical wonderful day to enter this world!! Happy almost 50th!!

[ Kristen ] [ Post Reply ]

#tom said d words right out of my heart..n i thought i was d only one who attracts people whereve i go...be it a total stranger...as far the horscipe goes it us fairly accurate

[ Yogi ] [ Post Reply ]

June 21,61 This is who I am.I love it.

[ Dolores ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow!!! This is me

[ Faz ] [ Post Reply ]

This is fairly accurate when it comes to me. However, as far as faithfulness I disagree on loyalty unless I am with someone I feel is perfect for myself.

[ Ryan ] [ Post Reply ]

yep i'm with you on that one.

[ Brently ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Karessa ]

surprised by the accuary of the discription.I to have the ability to attract drunks etc they cross the road to say hello.I ahve found that I can now turn off the attraction,I sometime have the beam on,,this is where everybody i pass sense my aura and nod in my direction as if the know me ..esp po
werful people along Macquarie st politicians etc,I laugh and mention to who every I am with that my beam is on ! I agree about the need to moniter use of energy because if I use too much energy for to long ..I will end up in bed exhausted for a couple of days ,,my body will just turn off, Although
naturally positive I have found that I am pron to depression .Ialso find winter can be tough so try to get to a sunny place in winter.Hope this helps tom

[ tom ] [ Post Reply ]

I know someone with this birthday, this 29 year old canadian is obsessed with lust, although chatty, witty and caring sometimes. She's so obsessed that she may be seen as a freak by others. Me, as a born cancerian, is too sensitive to deal with this cusp sign, despite the similarities. Cancer and Ge
mini-Cancer cusp is not a very good match. The critisizing & dictatorial bahvior hurts ppl their feelings, especially for those who are sensitive.

[ Cancerian ] [ Post Reply ]

Absolutely on point with who I am. Like you've followed me around my whole life. Oh -- FYI to those above... I've always thought all the sad, less fortunate, slightly mentally off, friendless, awkward people, etc., have been attracted to me like a magnet. I think this is where our compassion and min
dless comes in. We must have a sort of mission, in part, to be kind and a listening ear to these slightly broken people. I'm used to it now and adore talking to them and giving them a better sense of self!

[ tami ] [ Post Reply ]

This website is so wonderful. Wish we could have a party together for all 6 21ers The description is so accurate. I always feel I am very different from the rest. Clearly I have some kind of learning disabilities but I am considered to be successful in what I do. Eager to hear from everyone

[ Michael ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Patrice ] [ Post Reply ]

me too

[ Drew ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so accurate for my Daughter Kalea c

[ Bonnie ] [ Post Reply ]

Thank gooooodness for this article!!!! I've always looked up zodiac signs and it's characteristics trying to figure out what I am. I always felt like I was more a Cancer but now that I read this I realize why I am a more distinct type of Gemini on the cusp of Cancer. Fantastic post.

[ Sasha ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow... Very interesting, I'm almost speechless.

[ LadiGem ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born 21june 2004. Am I cancer or gemini

[ lucky ] [ Post Reply ]

I was also born on 21 june but 2000 my sign is cancer

[ naveed ] [ Post Reply ]

Any one elese have dreams come true or alone alot I usually feel dark people seem to like me but it doesn't last on both ends far as iam concerned this birthday is cursed

[ Chad ] [ Post Reply ]

Yes, I agree. People says they like me specially men but it doesn't last.

[ Marissa ] [ Post Reply ]

June 21 1991. Also a twin! :)

[ Amanda ] [ Post Reply ]

i agree with everything u said , but i am a home maker as well is it because were born on the cusp ? 21 06 56 pps i love being a gemini !!

[ nic p ] [ Post Reply ]

June 21,69

[ blee ] [ Post Reply ]

Some of the most fun and exciting folks I have hung out with are Gemini. I am definitely a June bug..3

[ leigh ] [ Post Reply ]

Absolutely right about me :)

[ Ishtiaq Khan ] [ Post Reply ]

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my fellow twins

[ Doris ] [ Post Reply ]

That's absolutely right about me! !

[ kiran ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy birthday June 21 baby's !! And to my self to !!!!

[ Estefany ] [ Post Reply ]

June 21 1994 here! :)))

[ Isay ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy birthday to us all

[ Murry 24DD642A ] [ Post Reply ]


[ D'havid ] [ Post Reply ]

sure true 21-6-1986

[ yatheesha ] [ Post Reply ]

Very sweet!! My bday & year!! We have an awesome bday!!

[ Fefe ] [ Post Reply ]

This is all i possessed too

[ TRUTH ] [ Post Reply ]


[ twin21 ] [ Post Reply ]

June 21st is a special day!!! The longest day of the year with the most sunlight in our region. it gets dark around 9pm on that day! I am glad to be born on that day(6-21-67) =)

[ Lee ] [ Post Reply ]

Same birthday and year as me! I agree it's special. Happy Birthday twin!

[ Infinite ] [ Post Reply ]

Abosulately Right !

[ Pat ] [ Post Reply ]

So true ... Who born on June 21 1982

[ Dk ] [ Post Reply ]

6.21.82 this was spot on. who else does escape for their bdays?

[ Chellesummer ] [ Post Reply ]

June 21, 1996....anyone except me?

[ renzo williams ] [ Post Reply ]

I was also born on 21 June 1996 we are 19

[ Jhoana Masango ] [ Post Reply ]

Same birthdate this is so awesome, we both turn 19 on the same day.

[ noel khawaja ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so true about me.. I always go by gemini even though June 21 can either be gemini or cancer.. June 21 1990 :)

[ Jessenia ] [ Post Reply ]

We had the same birthday! Advance happy birthday to you :D

[ Midnight ] [ Post Reply ]

We have the same birthday 6/21/90! : )

[ Sarah ] [ Post Reply ]

21/06/1983, looking forward to meeting a lady born on the 21st of june, single and free, would not mind marrying her and our wedding would be on the same day as our bday, murrypraise@yahoo.com

[ Murry Praize ] [ Post Reply ]

I don't think two June 21st's marrying would be a very good idea.

[ Cate ] [ Post Reply ]

I am so surprised at how accurate this was about me. June 21st 1999. Hey, guys

[ Vivian ] [ Post Reply ]

hi vivian pls can u add me up in facebook =onubeze valentine chidozie

[ valentine ] [ Post Reply ]

All of it seems to be right about me21-06-1998Junxian320@gmail.com thats my email if u wan to know more about me feel free to email me

[ junxian ] [ Post Reply ]

Closest to what I am.

[ Abhijeet Sharma ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so right, they must be a spy or something :D ,someone actually gets me, no one actually know me that well not even my best friends

[ Karl Warren ] [ Post Reply ]

Damn. So spot on!

[ Julles ] [ Post Reply ]

june 21 1999

[ ella ] [ Post Reply ]

Mine toojune 21 1999

[ sam ] [ Post Reply ]

Oooohhhhh...thats me unbeliverble

[ aisha ] [ Post Reply ]

This is totally accurate, more like the person who wrote this was observing me overtime.I sometimes worried about my personality, but now I am even comforted knowing, there is a bunch of us.My heart Totally pours in hard for You'all

[ Bona Mc Summer ] [ Post Reply ]

wowww..this is soo meee :o unbelievable..:

[ supriya ] [ Post Reply ]

OMG!! This is totally me! Every single word! 21st June 1990.

[ Riti ] [ Post Reply ]

June 21st 1990 as well!

[ Anish ] [ Post Reply ]

yeeeeenoiiiii June 21 1995

[ Jamie ] [ Post Reply ]

Me too:) June 21 95.

[ Jake ] [ Post Reply ]

So am i.. 21 june sme year..

[ zee ] [ Post Reply ]

21 june 1984 an tht just described me

[ diana ] [ Post Reply ]

I am 6/21/1984 as well.... !;)

[ galiah ] [ Post Reply ]

Can I get to knw you

[ praize ] [ Post Reply ]

I was Born June 21 90 so Where Gemini Right

[ Reggie ] [ Post Reply ]

i am born am born on june 21 hi birthday twins lol

[ matthew ] [ Post Reply ]

Wzup birthday twins :')

[ helen cuttie ]

Oms.oms.oms 2001 21 june!!! Unbelievably spot ON

[ andrea schutte ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so true im june 21 1989 =))

[ tracy ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow.... im on the 21/6/88..I'm speechless at how spot on this is!! Everything is true!! :ups:

[ jess ] [ Post Reply ]

hi my name is Sami,I was born in 21st of June 1988.I would like to meet people who are same my age :)my email is below if you would like to discuss your life journey so far.samishamta@gmail.com

[ Sami ] [ Post Reply ]

So so true... Unbelievably true!

[ Brinda ] [ Post Reply ]

Born 21 6 94 and this is more me than me

[ brasscoooer ] [ Post Reply ]

I was dating a Gemini woman but it did not work out.

[ Taylor costa ] [ Post Reply ]

im june 21 2001

[ princess ] [ Post Reply ]

Which stone have to wear

[ rahul sidhwani ] [ Post Reply ]

My bday is June 21 1989 I think it's 3 5 21

[ Fox trucking ] [ Post Reply ]

What is the three lucky numbers in a whole year my birthday is june 21st 1988?

[ Eleniel pentinio ] [ Post Reply ]

Im born 2000 June 21 all of this is really true wow! !;)

[ Jessie ] [ Post Reply ]

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