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Birthday Horoscope

for June 29th

If your Birthday is June 29th and your Zodiac Sign is Cancer

June 29th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 29th of June are believed to be friendly, imaginative and sensitive and like all crabs mostly ruled by emotion. The ruling astrological planet assigned for this particular day is the Moon, the same celestial body that rules your zodiac sign, adding to your likely well tuned perceptiveness. If you have this birthday anticipating the thoughts
and actions of others comes naturally and you tend to listen carefully to your inner voice and let it guide you through life's ups and downs. A touch of idealism and a strong sense of purpose makes you full of enthusiasm and determination and gives you a business mind. A mix of intuitive and inquisitive you are very compassionate and home
loving with an artistic streak that directs you to fill your home with beautiful things. Individuals with a June the twenty ninth birthday have a warm heart making you helpful, practical and accommodating as well as rarely argumentative.

Work and Finances

Careers in creative fields are a popular top choice as an ideal job to a person born on the twenty ninth of
June. Your depth of perception also encourages you to opt for work in any of the caring professions. Financial security in the form of working rewards is important to you but this is unlikely to be a deciding factor. Your ambitious purposefulness requires you to choose an occupation that provides a stimulating variety of challenges and the opportunity to progress and
better yourself. Creating a stylish comfortable lifestyle is a big priority and seems to be where finances are spent most.

Personal Relationships

For a Cancer, the person born on the twenty ninth day of June is typically quite idealistic when in search of a special love partner. You are likely to know exactly what qualities you want in a soul mate and are
unlikely to settle for anything less. Friendship is valued very highly by you and you crave the closeness of a committed partnership. This makes you eager to settle down but in your youth it can mean that you may give your heart away too easily. Romantic, tender, affectionate and sentimental you are usually intently generous and understanding towards a partner. You
are not destined to be as insecure emotionally as many Cancerians and your yearning for a stable relationship keeps you focused. Your nurturing nature can be a tad too possessive at times but you will normally avoid arguments and are willing to compromise to keep a loving relationship harmonious.


Easy weight gain is probably a common health related problem experienced by those
born on June 29th. This susceptibility may be a concern and is a consequence of your fondness of eating luxurious foods. Chocolate is something that you could find immensely difficult to resist especially if you are feeling a bit low in mood. A daily walk or regular light exercise is usually all that is required to stay in trim and physically
fit. People born on this day could discover that their usual healthiness suffers greatly if they are particularly upset. Avoidance of stressful states is advised to stay at your healthiest.

June 29th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are expressed in your lively childlike friendliness and determined attitude. Alongside your high levels of practicality and compassion you are favored with a fine set of attributes to face life head on. Among all these abundant positive traits the personality weaknesses for those born on June 29th are ordinarily rather minimal. These are the
negative tendencies to on occasion display passive or procrastinating behaviors if you are overly tired or stressed out. Aside from this occasional moodiness you may additionally frequently succumb to your proneness for certain comfort foods.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 29th of June bestows you with heaps of unique creativity and an unselfish approach to the achievement of goals. These talents,
your curiosity and ways of thinking sees you enjoying involvement in activities that bring hope to others or greatly inspires them in some way. Achieving things purely for yourself seems to gain you little satisfaction but your ambitiousness forces you to try and acquire the means to finance your desire for a rich homely environment. Among your other most cherished wishes
you are inclined to dream of simply being loved, fully understood and appreciated.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty ninth day of the month your birth date digits added together and reduced give you a Root number of Two. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Harmony' emphasizing your preference for peace and tranquility in your
life. In the Major Arcana the 2nd card depicting the Priestess is closely linked to your birthday. This symbolizes your inquiring mind and instinct guided actions as well as reflecting your inclination to procrastinate. The luckiest gemstone for June the twenty ninth birthdays is a Pearl to be worn for the promise of healthiness and wealthiness.



the planet imagined to be the
strongest influentially on the probabilities of Cancer personalities is the Moon. The actual day you were born on, the twenty ninth of June is also cosmically governed by this identical lunar influence intensifying its authority on your originality. Your expansive imagination and wide ranging perception can take you far and allow you to see beauty in everything. Your noticeable helpfulness and
ability to accommodate various and varying needs quickly attracts you lots of admiration and a reputation for being kind, capable and responsible. A final few thoughts worth pondering for people born on June the 29th involve development. This advice is to consider lowering your expectations of others and aim to step out on your own once in a while.

June 29th Horoscope Comments

This is pretty perfect to predict how m I as a person.As a girl born on 29th of June I'm really satisfied with what is written by the astrologist. Thank u for providing this information. :)

[ Moon Taylor Swift ] [ Post Reply ]

Maybe we should all link up and fall in love!!! Lol hit meh up on face book if you wana talk a bit lol my user name is WyattNunes

[ Wyatt n ] [ Post Reply ]

pretty cool... and extremely close... it is obvious I am commenting on this since I read it coz I am born on the 29th of June 1986... and I normally just find these things interesting... not really follow it from word to word... but this was pretty cool and quite close to how I am as a person... eve
n the -ve traits... but yeah ... I don't know why I have also found myself being impatient with people sometimes now... which I wasn't earlier ... maybe it is the age :P ohh well... thanx for sharing this :D

[ Arun Sengupta ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow it's cool almost right! !;)

[ Dametria ] [ Post Reply ]

Everything said here is true..wow I'm impressed
trust yourself

[ ann ] [ Post Reply ]

almost right

[ sumi ] [ Post Reply ]

I m so surprise its totally matched with my personality.

[ somya ] [ Post Reply ]

That's true about me every thing

[ wilhelmetta m. Montgomery ] [ Post Reply ]


[ ho ] [ Post Reply ]

It is all true specially those goals and which I'm an imaginary person.

[ ezra ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Bbb ] [ Post Reply ]

80% of the information is surprisingly accurate...this involves love, choice of partner, imaginative nature and much more ...:)

[ Arpit Saxena ] [ Post Reply ]

I loved this. For some reason I almost cried. Very accurate! :-) :-) :-)

[ Kameron ] [ Post Reply ]

That is sweet that you almost cried.

[ Darlene ] [ Post Reply ]

Very cool, for the above or below... if your horoscope isn't matching its because the year you were born has an impact too ... anyways Cheers to all of you born on the 29th! I know there are many!

[ J ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so accurate. I

[ Ryleee ] [ Post Reply ]

All true,especially the love aspect..how about the inner pride of patience being d only way to charm a woman for life.works 100% for me.

[ VeekThor Jesus ] [ Post Reply ]

Very accurate

[ Thomas ] [ Post Reply ]

Amazing...I couldn't write a better synopsis of my own life than the one here. For most of my life I felt like I wasn't a "textbook" cancer being closer to Gemini.If I may be so humbled as to chime in regarding this article... we could add the innate and instinctive ability to put a spell on a lot o
f women...also comparing everybody to mom is getting a little old. We need to get Gary Busey to chime in here haha, cheers to all you June 29th brothers and sisters.

[ Anthony ] [ Post Reply ]


[ bunnie ] [ Post Reply ]

I thought that this was very scary for me to read on how accurate it was but I still don't know my place in life.

[ kiwi101 ] [ Post Reply ]

Same.. Images do awaken when we were wrong.. True!!What I wonder here lies on keeping harmony now that I am alone.. Do committed to seek a future but like anyone else do!! The tendencies do differ! Being the only one left..

[ Remote places- :) ] [ Post Reply ]

I am of June 6th but this June 29th description also fits me to a T!

[ misty ] [ Post Reply ]

nice.. thank you :)

[ Gael ] [ Post Reply ]

Very insightful; accurate personality analysis

[ Lette ] [ Post Reply ]

very true I'm just like this. especially about the love and relationship thing

[ Sky ] [ Post Reply ]

loved reading this :)

[ me ] [ Post Reply ]

Load of rubbish. Grossly inaccurate.

[ Nix ] [ Post Reply ]

Am relate much :) nice one :like:

[ Redj ] [ Post Reply ]

Very very accurate...

[ Fatima Grace ] [ Post Reply ]

Thank you! Great and generous insight

[ k ] [ Post Reply ]

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