Daily Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for March 16th

If your Birthday is March 16th and your Zodiac Sign is Pisces

March 16th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 16th of March are believed to be philosophical, artistically inclined and wise with typical Piscean clairvoyant senses. The ruling astrological planet assigned to this particular day is Neptune, the selfsame cosmic influence that determines all zodiac fish personalities. This double planetary power makes you highly perceptive with a curiosity that can border on the genius
level. If you have this birthday your intellectual observant temperament is enhanced with a very creative imagination, sometimes gaining you the reputation of an impractical dreamer. This is partly true but you are also commonsensical underneath and have both feet firmly on the ground. You are especially good at compromising and appreciating the views of others. Individuals with a March the
sixteenth birthday usually possess an independent streak that prevails everything they do including the need to seek solitude occasionally.

Work and Finances

Work choice can be a difficult decision to a person born on the sixteenth of March as you are not often interested in the usual career paths. With your mind full of innovation and observant nature you tend to be drawn
towards jobs that offer challenges and attention to detail. When you find an occupation particularly enjoyable it can sometimes be hard to not become a workaholic. Balance between your working and leisure time is considered important if you have this birth date. You can struggle with managing financial cash flow every now and then but always seem to stay on top

Personal Relationships

For a Pisces, the person born on the sixteenth day of March is typically guided by their intuitiveness regarding romance. You are affectionate, loyal and responsive to a partner but you expect them to understand your occasional moodiness and requirement for space. Although you are brilliant at sensing the thoughts and feelings of others it can often be difficult to
interpret your own emotions. Your sex drive is more often than not at the top end of the scale and you will enjoy flattery and foreplay. Settling down with in a long term relationship is not easy for you but when you commit it will be completely with heart and soul. The perfect mate will benefit from your quickness to learn
and your willingness to compromise. Once settled you warmly welcome the responsibilites of love commitment and raising a family.


Health imbalances experienced by those born on March 16th are sometimes connected to overworking or the build up of too much stress. While adequate rest can solve some issues regular exercise can help alleviate the chances of becoming over stressed. You are ordinarily
a private person who can bottle up worries and so could also profit from creatively focused outlets that will assist you in maintaining body and mind harmony. People born on this day have a fairly responsible attitude to healthiness but may need to be reminded every now and then to attend their medical and dental appointments.

March 16th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

The most admirable strengths of character you own are probably within your imaginative active practicality and finely tuned observance. These positive traits along with your artistic ability, intellect and understanding give you a privileged detailed perspective of the world and fellow human beings. Two main personality weaknesses worth mentioning for those born on March 16th are your tendencies to
be fanciful and neglectful. These negative characteristics of unrealistic or careless thought or actions appear to occur more often if you feel restricted in any way or deeply hurt emotionally.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 16th of March means that your extra perception and dreaminess is likely to add a fanciful edge to your lifestyle ambitions. You generally aspire to do
things in your own unique way and time, with monetary success often lower down on your list of desired achievements than acquiring useful knowledge and skills. Your dreams of satisfaction are usually for simple happiness, to feel loved, contented and totally unconfined by your circumstantial surroundings. By having belief in yourself and the future you are sure to locate the keys
to the accomplishment of your personal aspirations.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the sixteenth day of the month you are allocated a birthday Root number of Seven. This numerical reference based on your birth date has the keyword ' Mystery' indicating your ingenious curious individuality and dreamy perception. In the Major Arcana the 16th card, the Tower, is the
symbol most associated with your birthday. It highlights your alertness and sense of independence. The lucky gemstone recommended for March the sixteenth birthdays is thought to be Jade. Wearing this precious stone is imagined to increase energy and enhance memory as well as bring good luck.


Astrologically the leading influence on the determination of Piscean personalities is assumed to be the planet
Neptune. This celestial body also rules the actual day you were born on, the sixteenth of March. So the complexities and ESP of your reflective personality are a consequence of this doubly strong Neptunian authority. Your skill at switching from down to earth to fantasy and everything inbetween makes you interesting, proficient and adaptable. You are a fast learner who sticks
to your principles and is destined to do rather well in life. Your artistic inclinations help you express yourself and your inquisitiveness lets you explore and dig deeper for answers. You will be able to beat your occasional negatives of absentmindedness or carelessness with a little effort. A final thought relevant for people born on March the 16th to consider concerns
accomplishment. The best progress and enlightenment can often be attained easier through the generation of positivity and progression should be measured internally as well as externally.

March 16th Horoscope Comments

My birth day mrch 16 1992

[ Ch vinod goud ] [ Post Reply ]

Yo baby! I'm 100% the same guy and i really wanna learn this thing! I don't really believe in this thing called astrology or whatever but I'm gettin a bit more curious right now after reading the whole thing! How you people know or assume this much! I mean hell yeah! That seems so correct when i put
meself in this thing! Ammmazing yo!

[ aim ] [ Post Reply ]

Oh yes. Pisces sun and ascendant Leo here! Very intutive, I often know how to make decisions when they have to be made espescially when they're based on emotions. People describe me as the strongest man they know. That I impress them by my looks and appearance without having an attitude. I can talk
with almost everyone, even those people with walls around their frozen hearts. My mission in life is making a big change in this world. Something where we all grow from. There's a strong energy inside me that connects with this earth that I can't describe. Unfortunately I got controle issues. Want t
o be the boss all the time. I am protective as hell and I can't stop it.. Greets from the Netherlands by the way!

[ 1993kid ] [ Post Reply ]

I am nearly "pure Pisces" as per this article and I don't believe in astrology. But who knows!

[ karina ] [ Post Reply ]

they got me right i can see the future and i am artistic and creative i am also a really big dreamer :D

[ march color jade ] [ Post Reply ]

Same! =)

[ Daez ] [ Post Reply ]

OMG! On the dot, I'm known for being an artistic and creative person! :

[ Zamira ] [ Post Reply ]

Born on the 16 of march and i am a dreamer and my gf says I'm controlling..

[ jerry ] [ Post Reply ]

Absolutely correct! 3-16-93

[ Army ] [ Post Reply ]

They were exactly on point about me :angel:

[ Selina ] [ Post Reply ]

March 16th is the best!

[ Beep316oh ] [ Post Reply ]

My bf is march 16 born and he is a total dreamer who can be selfish and immature and aloof

[ karen ] [ Post Reply ]

My boyfriend of 7 years is March 16th born he can be aloof but he's also kind passionate and caring, I know how to handle him bcos I'm patient and tolerant, we have a fantastic rapport.

[ karen ] [ Post Reply ]

proud 16 marchborn! =)

[ richard ] [ Post Reply ]

said nyc but things are sometimes so much unexpectedlyu different.....

[ duke drknez ] [ Post Reply ]

a good read, full of insight and hope :) 3 it

[ Nicola ] [ Post Reply ]

13Love thanks!

[ Rejouis13 ] [ Post Reply ]

Thank you!It seems credulous)

[ Olga ] [ Post Reply ]

if agree as above said pls share

[ sanjay ] [ Post Reply ]

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