Persona Profile
People born specifically on the 21st of March are imagined to be outgoing, friendly and free spirited with lots of can do Aries attitude. The astrological planet that rules this first day of the zodiac year is Jupiter giving you your masterful creative expressiveness and the desire to be noticed. If you have this birthday a youthful vitality and an
abundance of energy and drive is bestowed upon you. Adventurous and impulsive in nature you are a courageous risk taker with highly independent thought and enthusiasm for life. Your very active individualism likes to be where the action is and others may have difficulty keeping up with your fast pace. You have a proud temperament but present yourself exactly how you
are with little insecurity and just enough ego. Individuals with a March the twenty first birthday are usually emotionally strong and fairly resilient. You are able to take disappointments in your stride and seem to quickly learn from any past mistakes.
Work and Finances
The most suitable occupations to a person born on the twenty first of March are those that are energetic,
progressive and interesting. You are inclined to opt mostly for careers requiring plenty of versatility where there are different challenges presented to you every day. Your creativeness is plentiful and sometimes directs your profession choices too. A person with this particular birth date is usually instinctively adept with finances and budgeting appropriately. You respect the importance of keeping your financial
matters in order and are often capable of saving or economizing if you need to.
Personal Relationships
For an Aries, the person born on the twenty first day of March is typically passionate and romantic with a heart on their sleeve approach to love. You are easily swept off your feet in your search for affection and understanding. While you are likely to
have many friends and admirers you seek someone special with whom you feel an intensely personal emotional affinity as well as finding physically attractive. You need variety, excitement and spontaneity emotionally but also strongly crave the warmth, companionship and security of a long term relationship. In a soul mate you seek responsive tenderness and witty intellectual conversation to keep the spark
alive in a loving partnership. You are persuasive but sweet talking and will be eager yet unselfish in lovemaking. Protective and devoted you will put a partners desires before your own.
The physical and mental wellness experienced by those born on March 21st is not often disturbed by episodes of illness. You usually possess a robust constitution alongside your high spirit and
vigor that can sometimes get by on less than the average sleep and rest times. You are good at monitoring your healthiness and not adverse to exercising if your sweet tooth gets the better of you and you gain excess pounds. People born on this day could find relaxing difficult as it more often than not involves being still. Periods of
solitude and quiet are generally the most beneficial for total relaxation.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Your main strengths of character are most likely to be within your bold self expression and direct positivity. As a ram zodiac sign your determination to climb to the top and not be discouraged or distracted on the way is another of your admirable fortes. Pronounced personality weaknesses for those born on March 21st focus on you sensing you
are misunderstood or disliked. These sort of situations can evoke the negative sides to your individuality and cause you to act in an ignorant or bossy manner. They tend to occur more frequently when you are among strangers not aware of your slight self-doubt.
Dreams and Goals
Being born on the 21st of March ordinarily gives you an equal balance of emotions creating
your combined sensitivity and firmness. This balances your overall views and expectations of the world and has an effect on your personalized goal setting. Due to your balanced outlook the aims you set yourself tend to be realistic and well suited to your capabilities. Dreams may concern your independence and keenness on the taking of risks. When dreaming you will occasionally
visualize achieving things that are unusual and exciting or risky but you are rational and so these wishes as a rule stay as fantasies.
Birthday Luck and Significance
As you were born on the twenty first day of the month, the two and one in your birth date total a Root number of Three. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword
'Innovation' emphasizing your resourcefulness, autonomy and proactive thought processes. The Tarot card associated with your birthday is the 21st card in the Major Arcana representing the World. This is a symbol of your yearning for the attainment of harmony and happiness in your surroundings. An Amethyst is regarded as the luckiest gemstone for March the twenty first birthdays, to be worn
for inner peace and to dispel negativity.
The likely personalities of Aries individuals are assumed to be primarily astrologically influenced by the planet Mars. The actual day you were born on, the twenty first of March is however cosmically ruled over by Jupiter's influence. Therefore your unique set of traits is thought determined by the presence of these 2 planets. Your quick
mind and body and ability to learn from errors are useful attributes that should make your advancement in life fairly easy. Your amiable unreserved spirit and resoluteness help you inspire others to be optimistic about the future. Learning to relax will be most advantageous to your well being. A finishing thought that may be relevant to those born on March the
21st focuses on pride. This can on occasion cloud your judgment and restrain your true feelings.
This is so accurate. very very right. That's my id above, y.a.h.o.o and g.m.a.i.l too
[ cisse7575 ] [ Post Reply ]
wow right on the money! Most accurate profile of me I have ever seen in writing or received period! I'm adding a link to this page so I can show someone who doesn't get me lol!
[ Morris ] [ Post Reply ]
I normally scoff at these things but as of late I've been checking some out and this is as close to accurate a horoscope as I've found. I know many people can relate to many of the things but god damn, this really nails home some of the most major aspects of my personality. Good job.
[ Joe ] [ Post Reply ]
Yes this is so me. I've only met 4 other people with my bday. We are so good at reading new people and their intentions, it becomes scary lol. So happy to read this
[ Amiria ] [ Post Reply ]
Ummmmm.............I'am tired..*ZZZzzzz*
[ Lalala what the HECK! ] [ Post Reply ]
this is the time and lets rock the worldbecause if you love life donot waste time because time is what life is made of
[ prachi ] [ Post Reply ]
Yuppers, this is a way better catch of my personality than just an aries general description. Love it!
[ Starla ] [ Post Reply ]
Ours is the best day of the Zodiac! Much love to my fellow March 21st babies. Keep on leading the way!
[ Christine ] [ Post Reply ]
Finally I read a true profile. Thank you! !;)
[ Bella ] [ Post Reply ]
Love the truth I read as it all matches my life.1978 March 21!!!
[ johnny ] [ Post Reply ]
Hahaha crazy but it was so true...we're all the same...
[ Gjoy ] [ Post Reply ]
Passionate, wit Can do attitude. Dats me everything is true
[ Rosemary ] [ Post Reply ]
What if I am in love with someone that has the same birthday as me, and on the same day but he more shy compare to me? How does this effects our relationship in the feature?
[ Karla ] [ Post Reply ]
Very Loyal. Outgoing, Friendly, Optimistic with a lot Of CAN DO attitude.
[ Cindy ] [ Post Reply ]
Yes pretty accurate...I would also add " hung like an elk"
[ Golden rod ] [ Post Reply ]
Yup, that's my birthday March 21 this is so me .
[ Karla ] [ Post Reply ]
Used to be true, but now I'm pretty boring and dull. Not even bossy anymore!
[ SB ] [ Post Reply ]
Yup! That's EXACTLY how my personality is like... and I'm truely glad it makes up who I am
[ Pinkstar ] [ Post Reply ]
Yeah! I see all of this to be true! Proud to be an Aries! :33
[ Drobot Dragon ] [ Post Reply ]
Cool page just found it out and most of all I found some of these story to be true .Love it
[ Kantaake.Tokataake ] [ Post Reply ]