Daily Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for March 3rd

If your Birthday is March 3rd and your Zodiac Sign is Pisces

March 3rd Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 3rd of March are believed to be kind natured, sociable and highly imaginative with the typical Piscean sensitiveness. The primary ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Jupiter giving you a quick innovative mind. If you have this birthday your sense of humor is fabulous and you have the gift of a silver tongue
making you verbally expressive and fun. You tend to be a bit superficial but this is only on the surface, underneath a deep concern for others exists. Clever and ambitious, you are inventive and full of great ideas but are prone to easy distraction and sometimes being rather opinionated. Time planning is one of your most valuable attributes allowing you to
fit lots into your daily schedule. Individuals with a March the third birthday have a seemingly dreamy perspective and a colorful imagination. This can be deceptive as you are really focused, more serious than you first appear and quite pragmatic.

Work and Finances

Work choices are important to a person born on the third of March as you need to feel a sense
of achievement when working. Your high independence and creative but practical abilities often also help determine the type of career paths you choose. You like to be surrounded by nice things but are not financially orientated when it comes to choosing a profession. Job satisfaction is usually a bigger consideration than salary rate. You are skilled at managing your money
and generous with it when you can afford to be. Saving is sometimes a little harder as you ordinarily like to live for the moment.

Personal Relationships

As a Pisces, the person born on the third day of March is untypically fairly independent minded when it comes to matters of love and romance. Although you crave the stability of a permanent love partnership
it should allow you to retain your individual autonomy. You usually know instinctively exactly what you want in an ideal partner and are unlikely to settle for anything less. A meaningful long term personal relationship should ideally be a lifelong friendship above all else with someone who you trust implicitly. They must also be as sincere, thoughtful and loving as you
are and share similar interests and your humanitarian views of the world. With your special soul mate you will be playful, affectionate and extremely loyal. However you have a possessive streak that can cause issues if you do not manage to keep it under control.


Health problems experienced by those born on March 3rd are sometimes a consequence of you pushing yourself
too hard. You organize your time very well but occasionally try to accomplish too much in one day. Excess drains on your energy can lower your immunity or make you slightly accident prone so knowing your limitations can help you avoid some ailments. People born on this day may also need to keep an eye on their dietary intake as they
have a tendency to gain surplus weight easily. Even though you are sufficiently active you also love your food so discovering a suitable balance should help.

March 3rd Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your principal strengths of character are often within your purposeful well prepared approach and conceptual thought processes. Although you are sensitive and given to daydreaming, your resoluteness and good organization counterbalance this and ensure that you look at things realistically but with an open mind. Personality weaknesses for those born on March 3rd include the tendencies to sometimes be
a bit biased and become easily distracted. You could also have the proneness to overdo something or soon get jealous. These negative traits can be troublesome but they are controllable with a little effort.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the

3rd of March usually means that you are not especially confident in showing off your talents or accepting challenges. The fanciful contents of,
and the possibilities posed by your dreams can assist with the improvement of self confidence, direction and motivation in these areas. If you set any specific goals to attain in life they are more often than not to achieve something worthwhile for other people, in preference to for yourself. Personal wishes are generally centered around acquiring happiness from a simple settled
lifestyle with emotional and financial security.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the third day of the month your date of birth is allocated a Root number of Three. This numerical reference to your birthday has the associated keyword 'Innovation' identifying your inventive ability and mind full of brilliant concepts. The Tarot card connected with your birthday is the 3rd
in the Major Arcana, the Empress. This symbolizes all your eloquence, charm, creativity and kindness. The lucky gem for March the third birthdays is the Amethyst. This purple quartz stone should be worn to boost wealth and healthiness and evoke a feeling of contentment and calm.


Neptune is the planet thought to be the most astrologically influential in the determination of the
personalities of Pisceans. The actual day you were born on, the third of March is nevertheless presumed ruled over by the planet Jupiter. Therefore your individuality is imagined to be influenced by the forces of both these planetary bodies. Your sensitivity and caring consideration for others gains you many friends while your witty repartee can get you noticed, if you want
to be. Your thoughtfulness and realistic outlook help guide you towards your desired aspirations and where you want to be in life. If you can overcome any doubt in your potential to succeed and avoid too many distractions it should speed up your progress. A concluding thought for people born on March the 3rd is to try and not let self
criticism prevent you from either aiming high or looking forward.

March 3rd Horoscope Comments

My brth date is 03.03.1995

[ Taslim Ahmed Mazumder ] [ Post Reply ]

Yeah that is the reality of my whole entire life lol 03/03/95

[ katherine ] [ Post Reply ]


[ REEMA ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from REEMA MY DATE OF BIRTH IS 03/03/03

[ Lela ] [ Post Reply ]

Thank God i found this, coz it's 100% me, so, i shall try live right

[ Dan ] [ Post Reply ]

So truth but i have d luck of dating my same month nd date nd i lernt it very boring marrying same pisces am confused

[ Ola ] [ Post Reply ]

i was born in march 3 2002

[ akhil ] [ Post Reply ]

i was born 3/3/2009

[ moshoodat ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born 3rd of March 1993

[ Ismahan ] [ Post Reply ]

Me too 3rd march

[ Jamal ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on March 3rd 2003 all of this writing is too true. I love this!

[ Charlotte ] [ Post Reply ]

I turned 33 on 3/3/3003!

[ Marivel333 ] [ Post Reply ]

So so morris 03/03/1993

[ morris bah ] [ Post Reply ]

Well if we really are ruled by jupiter ..than jupiter is the planet of luck ..;) alor on danse

[ Shreyash ] [ Post Reply ]

This is also "so me". Very sensitive, intuitive, generous, but l can also be very self critical, and easily distractedly.I almost wish l was an Aquarius, as l admire their aloofness, and confidence.

[ Sara ] [ Post Reply ]

Born 03/03/01Most of the things are true but I haven't realized the others yet :like:

[ melmeg03 ] [ Post Reply ]

03/0382 all true thank u for the words of encouragement.

[ sheena ] [ Post Reply ]

This is spot on! Especially the negative traits. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the positive attributes but the negative ones are what really intrigue and encourage me to aim to be a better person. I'm surprised they didn't mention commitment issues... Well perhaps that's just me!

[ Mariama ] [ Post Reply ]

Every bit is true. 03031973

[ shane ] [ Post Reply ]

That ish is real almost all of it seems to be a reality as we speak

[ Vic Canon ] [ Post Reply ]

Gud to hear people from 3rd marches. It seems so real. As I face the same being 3rd march.but my life is now extremely in trouble don't know what to do.waiting nd hoping that god will do well soon with me

[ Naz neen ] [ Post Reply ]

this is a trouble date,,,,,,,,for most of us i guess...............so better coupe with it

[ saqib ] [ Post Reply ]

Is ur name nazma

[ Subrao ] [ Post Reply ]

Those are mostly true about me, maybe I don't realise the rest yet

[ simone ] [ Post Reply ]

Be true to YOURE SELF

[ deenise ] [ Post Reply ]

My birth On 03 03 1991 .please tell me what kind of job i will get ?

[ vijay ] [ Post Reply ]

yes exactly..living for these moments..anyway m hpy with my number..i am 3 march as well..hye all march 3..god bless all

[ salya ] [ Post Reply ]

really we r so emotional

[ asif ] [ Post Reply ]

lol so meeeeeeeeeee 030301 haahah

[ asian ] [ Post Reply ]

YES!!!! This is totally me!! Born on 3/3/00

[ Natalie300 ] [ Post Reply ]

Noting stops 3rd March born to invent new idea.

[ sohail hassan ] [ Post Reply ]

Hello March Thirders!!! Hello to our beloved James Doohan, also born on March 3 (Scotty of Star Trek). Say hello to our beloved Leonard Nimoy and give him some Saurian Brandy, will ya???

[ Barb ] [ Post Reply ]

So great... this is truly me

[ roni r ] [ Post Reply ]

YES Shoutout to all you March 3rds out therrree!! We are one of a kind and we are SPECIAL. live long and prosper. 3-3-96 is my special number :)

[ Nicole ] [ Post Reply ]

Interesting, mine is 3-3-69, no joke!

[ Robert ] [ Post Reply ]

Mine too!

[ Rhonda ]


[ I love Ariana Grande.com ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow! This is me! And Thank u Brandon Hinojosa for the encouraging words because I am where you were, feeling like no one can love me the way I need to be loved and kinda feeling undeserving...your words are what I needed to hear. And yes, Jesus is gona badass when He arrives :)

[ Tshidi ] [ Post Reply ]

Follow your dreams March 3rds! Our dreams are as real as your belief in them. Please aim for the stars, look within yourself and overcome all of the obstacles god puts in your way. These obstacles are your strength of character and with the pain we go through we can help others. Life has many myster
ies to solve and once you find life's lovely secrets you'll never have to worry about pain or fear again love is out there waiting for you, just open your eyes and let it soak in, plus there's always that one person you know who's going to come and sweep you off your feet. No matter how undeserving
you feel you are I was a man that almost committed suicide because of the lack of relationships I've had in my life that I so desperately needed. But then one day out of the corner of my eye she came the love I dreamed of all my life was actually real. She is apart of me and I'll never let her go,
I want all of you to know that you will always find yourself in this world, the universe works in mysterious ways but I can tell you now if you truly believe you will be destined to find your true love. Also now that I'm writing the world is going to be saved by the soul of kurt cobain very soon. Li
sten to his music partically francis farmer will have her revenge on Seattle. Very enlightening, he was trapped in utero h and he knew the next lifetime he was going to emerge jesus-like, scratch that there's not a word to describe how fucking badass "jesus" is going to be when he saves the world.
We could only imagine right? And if you doubt me or I sound completely insane I can assure you everything I've said is 100% correct so you can wait for the day and then remember to this time and be like "shit I should've listened to that dude on that astrology page!"reincarnation is real, we're here
to stay on this earth until our time has come, what the humans have gone through since we've been on earth is just a little detour to what lies ahead, which is world peace! !!! Love your life and control your ego, understand it, change it if necessary. All the smartest people in this world are the
most truthful. The reason why you never change is because you're to busy trapped in the system to free yourself. Like me society convinced you that what we think of reality is actually reality. That our world is going to be this way forever which is extremely false. High government officials contro
l the population and keep the truth/enlightenment from the public. Once we understand that these people have consciously made us there slaves OUR WORLD IS GOING TO BURN!!

[ Brandon Hinojosa ] [ Post Reply ]

OMG So True...Soooo Freaking True!!Love Being A Pisces....Marchhhh 3rd..Yassssssss!!

[ Asia ] [ Post Reply ]

This is really me :)

[ Jomar Lajota ] [ Post Reply ]

true,why most of the times it is so hard to find true love or someone who will care for you.and us we love too much

[ saria ] [ Post Reply ]

I like it but sad to know we cant take challenges but if we try we can achieve impossible!

[ LYNEL ] [ Post Reply ]

exactly the same as i am.but instead of making friends i rather prefer staying in my own company...rest exactly defines my persona

[ shweta agarwal ] [ Post Reply ]

so true...

[ neha lodha ] [ Post Reply ]

Thank You.

[ RINGR ] [ Post Reply ]

This is exactly me... crazy

[ kaynate33 ] [ Post Reply ]

Felt like every word was my life. Can't fault any statement made about Pisces born on the 3. Actually brought tears to my eyes. It's one thing thinking that you know who you are but to read it and agree word for word is shocking. Who ever wrote that page should be my friend for life cause you know m
e better than I knew me

[ Josephine davies ] [ Post Reply ]

so TRUE and especially the following quotes*Job satisfaction is usually a bigger consideration than salary rate. * Personal wishes are generally centered around acq uiring happiness from a simple settled lifestyle with emotional and financial security. *Easily distracted

[ Peggy ] [ Post Reply ]

that true i experience that already

[ norly ] [ Post Reply ]


[ ROTO ] [ Post Reply ]

This is almost true...

[ Balaji ] [ Post Reply ]

this is very true

[ pinky ] [ Post Reply ]

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