Daily Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for May 1st

If your Birthday is May 1st and your Zodiac Sign is Taurus

May 1st Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 1st of May are believed to be strong willed and ambitious but more laid back and assertive than most bulls. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is the Sun making you persistent, enthusiastic about life and full of energy. If you have this birthday your intellect and emotions are sometimes in conflict making
you calm and rational yet prone to being temperamental. You are someone who does not worry about the opinions of others and prefers to take a leading role without bossiness. Highly observant you will seize opportunities presented to you and generally like to see them through to completion. Although you have a high degree of patience you can also be impatient
and restless from time to time. Individuals with a May the first birthday usually have honest and practical natures but can be a little awkward and uncommunicative. You crave emotional stability and seem at your happiest when romantically attached.

Work and Finances

Work choices to a person born on the first of May could be difficult as your selections are usually based on
financial incentives. You ordinarily search for occupations that pay really well even if the working hours are long or unsociable. Your natural charm, air of authority and abundance of talents allow you to choose from a variety of professions. Money is fairly important to you as it provides some form of security for the future and the ability to support your
family. You are normally skilled at managing finances and will rarely run into trouble financially or need budgeting or loan assistance.

Personal Relationships

For a Taurus, the person born on the first day of May is untypically quite confident, receptive, passionate and positive about romance. You can be immensely open and generous with your emotions making you warmer than many of your zodiac
counterparts and especially caring towards a love partner. Your excellent sense of humor, ardency and oodles of sex appeal make you never short of companions and admirers. You do not usually mind being the one to make the first move but this lack of hesitancy gives you a tendency to sometimes in youth have misguided judgment and rush into relationships. Your
ideal soul mate must possess the same positivity, intense loyalty and similar interests and ambitions. In a long term relationship your lusty libido ensures plenty of action and fun as well as a desire to always gratify a partner's needs and wishes before your own.


Good health experienced by those born on May 1st is more often than not due to a
combination of your sensible habits and need for simplicity. You tend to adopt healthy routines and try to keep your life as uncomplicated as possible. These sensible tendencies and your usual active lifestyle mean it is rare for you to suffer from stress related illnesses. You should have a well developed palate that as a rule enjoys trying new foods and
experimenting in the kitchen. People born on this day are likely to have to on occasion watch their weight and their other potential weak spots of the throat and voice.

May 1st Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are probably most apparent in your overall headstrong calmness and realism. These qualities are accompanied by the complimentary characteristics of your easygoing, energetic and humorous side. This mixture of traits and your persistence are perfect attributes to help you realize your desired aspirations. Personality weaknesses for those born on May 1st focus on your
reactions when things are not going how you expect. At these times you have the proneness to become touchy, stubborn and sulky. With maturity these negatives are often outgrown and diminish in frequency.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 1st of May means you are likely to set definite career based goals that are more for self satisfaction than measured success. You
simply wish to achieve your full potential and like to encourage and assist others in any way you can to reach theirs. The dreams you have are often a bit more personalized and could feature your yearning to be emotionally happy with someone special. Another popular dream concerns your touch of restlessness. This adventurous footloose edge to your characteristics can prompt
you to once in a while envisage yourself in exotic far away places when dreaming.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the first day of the month your date of birth gives you a Root number of One. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Drive' highlighting your assertiveness and realistic outlook. Within the Major Arcana Tarot deck
the 1st card picturing the Magician is closely linked to your birthday. This is a symbol of your intellectual mind and diplomatic shrewdness. The lucky gemstone for May the first birthdays is imagined to be a red Ruby. Wearing this precious jewel is thought to boost not only your luckiness and psychic powers in addition to the chance of prosperity.


The dominance
of the planet Venus is assumed to have a major influence on the probabilities of Taurus personalities. The actual day you were born on, the first of May is governed over by our Sun adding heaps of optimism and determination to your probable traits. The combined forces of these 2 planets astrologically determine your uniqueness. Your levels of rationality, honesty and
practicality are admirable, useful idiosyncrasies for life's journey. Your heightened observance and carefree placid manner enable you to see the world from a balanced view and interact pleasantly with others. A conclusive few thoughts for people born on May the 1st are to attempt to stay alert, act on your plans and do not let any favorable opportunity pass you

May 1st Horoscope Comments

This fits me so accurately especially because I'm pretty unique

[ Kawaii ] [ Post Reply ]

Hello all you May 1st children! I was born on May 1st in the year 1935 and I am sure if any of you live as long as I have you will bless the day you were born. Hooray for all of us.

[ SaRa ] [ Post Reply ]

Just wanted to give a Huge Shout out to The May Day Tribe's in The House... :like: Rise Up and Keep on Digging those Toes,in The Ground,when Needed... ;) Rock On,Through out the Land!!!

[ Tracy ] [ Post Reply ]

1 may 1997 :) so happy!!!!

[ may girl ] [ Post Reply ]

proud to be born on worker's day ....... May 1, 1997....... it will be really awesome to meet my birthdate mate and make my best friend add me on instagram nsqueenneha

[ neha ] [ Post Reply ]

You are not available on instagram so many Neha

[ imran ] [ Post Reply ]

1 May 1997

[ Girishs ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm glad i scrolled down to the comments as a lot of you seem just like me having commented in the same way i intended to, that being to wish love to my fellow Maydayer's. Aren't we a friendly lot. Maybe i do need to meet some people with the same birthday as me. We are awesome! I think a party migh
t get a little loose though, we're also adventurous :)

[ May 1 Man ] [ Post Reply ]

Being born May 1st, I always felt a bit different. At a very young age I knew what I wanted and did not want. I pretty much focus on what made me happy. Without hurting anybody.However I was always stocked at how quick I was up to do anything crazy. CRAZY. Just had to be illegal. OR? Never afraid. J
ust wanted to be around intelligent, creative, fun unfiltered people. Happy Bday!

[ Delloye ] [ Post Reply ]

May 1st 1994

[ Victor G ] [ Post Reply ]

May 1, '65. Yup, a little older, but a lot wiser...

[ MickeyV ] [ Post Reply ]

1st may 1995 ;-)

[ payel ] [ Post Reply ]

May 1st 1959. Proud to be a Taurus. love you all May 1sters !!!

[ Stefano ] [ Post Reply ]

1st may 1997

[ Chhaya ] [ Post Reply ]

Me as well

[ Kymie ] [ Post Reply ]

born in 1972 cant believe how the energy of the universe has me so accurate one thing i was amazed was emerald wasnt my gemstone but red ruby i think ill get a red beryll and see how it goes to all my fellow taurians prosperity

[ trd ] [ Post Reply ]

May Day 1992 :D (1st) My life has been a miracle!! I survived horrid car accident and I have bought some land with homes on it. I bought 5 acres but what I really want to say is Hello everyone truly don't let others know..... Our Birthday is the best day of the year every year, yay we're a
year older yet realistically Age doesn't matter truly our Souls our what is most important. Hi to everyone and peace out y'all!!

[ Nick Schag**** ] [ Post Reply ]

May1st 94. This is awesome, I like the accuracy. I wish I knew more people with my birthday too, it's pretty cool.

[ Dwight ] [ Post Reply ]

I share same date with you Bro.

[ Fearless. ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on 1st MAY 1997, and I'm really glad to hear from many with the same birthday as mine. I wish we could all meet and be close friends. It would be so great to celebrate our birthday together. :-)

[ Maurice ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born May 1, 1997 too! 19th birthday soon!

[ Katelyn ] [ Post Reply ]

May 1st is the best

[ Brent ]

I was born on 1 May 1997 as well. can we be friends...best friends. It would be so cool to meet you. Friend me on Facebook at Nakesa Ndou

[ Nakesa ] [ Post Reply ]

I know right born -2005 may 1

[ Sunshine ] [ Post Reply ]

have never met my birth month mate before...Proudly 1st may(workers day)

[ samuel obot ] [ Post Reply ]

1st may 1993... ?)

[ Sanay ] [ Post Reply ]

Used to think i was the only may 1 ster. Now i know i am not alone. This year i will celebrate with y'all

[ mady ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born 1 of may 1999. And this horoscope is frighteningly accurate!

[ Sofie J ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born that exact day and year!

[ Rene f ] [ Post Reply ]

OMG! Sofie me too may 1 1999

[ Aisha ] [ Post Reply ]

OMG Me too guys !!!

[ Jessica ]

May 1 1998 :)

[ Rahaf ] [ Post Reply ]

1st May 1992

[ Emmanuel ] [ Post Reply ]

Holy cow! We have the EXACT same birthday. Cool

[ Liz ] [ Post Reply ]

Yay May Day bdays hi fellow may 1sters :)

[ Tarra Warra ] [ Post Reply ]

may 1 2003 :D

[ devin ] [ Post Reply ]

I love bing born in may just love it

[ Ernestine ] [ Post Reply ]

1st may 1990

[ Mayday ] [ Post Reply ]

You are the first person I've heard about with the exact day and year I have lol

[ Mark ] [ Post Reply ]

People born on May 1st are the best ^_^

[ preya ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow there's a bunsh of us? CoooolHow are y'all doing?I feel at home here.May day all the way baby!

[ Myk ] [ Post Reply ]

MAYYYY DAYYY!!! DWU!!! May 1st 2000. Always loved spring! No doubt

[ Jeanie ] [ Post Reply ]

I am proud to be born on May Day. And you all should also be the same. God bless us all

[ Jas ] [ Post Reply ]

19 years old..........now I m

[ khushi ] [ Post Reply ]

May 1st 1995!!

[ Rina ] [ Post Reply ]

May 1 1995 since we're born on same day plus year i want to know ur experience ( profession , relationships , education, health. ..)

[ khalid ] [ Post Reply ]

im also 1st may 1995

[ goutham ] [ Post Reply ]

hifi me 2 :) 1st may 1995

[ peniel ] [ Post Reply ]

Twins Much... Exact Birthdate! YAYYYY!! =)

[ Tyee :) ] [ Post Reply ]

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US ALL! :) Hooray for Taurus! [may 1, 1996]

[ Chol ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy Birthday to us today....Love and Blessings

[ Irene ] [ Post Reply ]

Taurus baby. 1976

[ steve otoole ] [ Post Reply ]

Its May day... Happy birthday 2 all my birthday mate..

[ king ] [ Post Reply ]

1-5-1995Im so glad that i hv budday on this dayNd i wish all the budday buddies of today

[ prashanth shenoy ] [ Post Reply ]

May 1 1991.Taurus.I am very happy on my bday.

[ Naveen ] [ Post Reply ]

Turning 18 tomorrow! Happy Birthday all!

[ Preacher ] [ Post Reply ]

May 1st Gemini... so it is tomorrow...

[ Sam ] [ Post Reply ]

hey friends glad we all share the same birth day..All the very best my mates..!

[ manu ] [ Post Reply ]

Be kind to people when you don't feel like doing so. Watch, WATCH for the good things that will come your way. Don't be looking for it, just let the angels do what they loved to do .... Give favors and luck to kind people.Their waiting! Get going. May Day Baby, By

[ Cloud ] [ Post Reply ]

May 1, 1995i was never been happy on my bday.

[ she ] [ Post Reply ]

5/1/54 we rock & rule!

[ pixie ] [ Post Reply ]

1st of may 1984.

[ superfly everything ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Drea ] [ Post Reply ]

I was too born on may 1 am so happy am glad to hv such potentials ,as for the grammers they are too much for me to untie there nuts hpy bday all mays we are luck ones with different cariers.

[ Dutch dutch ] [ Post Reply ]

May 1st 2000

[ Erica ] [ Post Reply ]

may 1st, 1999

[ Savannah Perry ] [ Post Reply ]

May 1st! :love: Taurus!

[ jasmine 1 ] [ Post Reply ]

May 1st 1996

[ King Carter ] [ Post Reply ]

May 1st, 1996.

[ aoroesm ] [ Post Reply ]

I am so happy to have so many birthday mates..... whish to know u guys more...u can add me on fb #Chimezie Nwankpa....@agentdmez on instagram.

[ Chimezie ] [ Post Reply ]

May 1 1976

[ shawn ] [ Post Reply ]

May 1 1976 here too! :)

[ Kelly ] [ Post Reply ]

My birthday in same time.how is your life till date?May 1 1976

[ raj ] [ Post Reply ]

yipee!!! i thought 1st May borns are rare,but am surprised at de rate of comments by my birthday mates...Kudos to Mayday borns..#weRock. Some few of de horoscopic discription are inline with my behaviours...Just that some grammers used in de description are hard nuts for me to crack.. The grammat
ical is too much for a layman like me to comprehend and i plead for a grammar guru to helep me rephrase...#lmao

[ may chinenye ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on May 1st, 1981. May 1st, such a great birthday to have!

[ Jennifer ] [ Post Reply ]

My birth 28 05 1982 iwear ruby

[ jitendra Kumar ] [ Post Reply ]

I also would like to wear Red Ruby...Does it really give uu lucks?

[ Nobuhle Zwane ] [ Post Reply ]

i was born on may 1st 1991

[ annu ] [ Post Reply ]

We have the same year

[ jap ] [ Post Reply ]

May 1 1986Female

[ jamie ] [ Post Reply ]

Me too!

[ keshrin ] [ Post Reply ]

We have the same bday may 1 1986

[ Toytoy ] [ Post Reply ]

Nice to meet you may 1st's. :)

[ Heidi ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on 1st may 1971

[ Prasad sldv ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born in 1975! The First of May ofcourse

[ Heidi Willer ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on my grandpa's birthday May 1. What a lucky day for him. LOL Nice to share with others. Happy Birthday May day Babies.

[ M.RachelC. ] [ Post Reply ]

May 1 1980..so true!!

[ Michele ] [ Post Reply ]

I Was Born May 1st 1981

[ heidi ] [ Post Reply ]

We share a birthday May 1 1981 :)

[ brandi ] [ Post Reply ]

i was 1st may 1990

[ chotu ] [ Post Reply ]

The truth!

[ Kim ] [ Post Reply ]

very well explained thanx

[ noreen sheikh ] [ Post Reply ]

Thank you so much for the info, that born under the month of May 1 can wear ruby gems stone...

[ Lord jim ] [ Post Reply ]

01/05/1991 - A few of the sentences up there are facts about who I am. Stubborn as a mule? Uh huh, yep, sure, why not?I'm a vegetarian and I love cooking new dishes each week for my Mum.Being healthy IS important. Smoke free, alcohol free and drug free is the way to be. Control of my mind and a heal
thy heart are what I focus on and happiness begins from within.And wait for it........slow... grueling... patience, I don't know why, but why? I'm happy to just lean back and chill. I don't get why others aren't.I have this type of awkwardness that I absolutely love yay for awkwardness. No just kidd
ing it sucks.Nonetheless an interesting and insightful 1st of May horoscope. I enjoyed the read.

[ Candy ] [ Post Reply ]

ive always wanted to meet someone else born on may 1 its a pleasure to meet you+

[ Mark ] [ Post Reply ]

My date of birth is May 1st 1995 want to knoe about my career..can I choose medicine field ?

[ Indraja ] [ Post Reply ]


[ munja ] [ Post Reply ]

...this is just me!!!! For d first time im reading a birthday horoscope that completely analyze ME!!!!

[ Gift chinenye Udengwu ] [ Post Reply ]

This be like so true

[ Logan ] [ Post Reply ]

Iam a true Taurus

[ Elizabeth ] [ Post Reply ]

my date of birthday is 1 may 1983 want daily horoscope om my email idsaritaghorpade15@gmail.com

[ sarita ] [ Post Reply ]

My Birthdate is may 1 2003 realy im a taurus

[ Abdul Raffy D. Sigayan ] [ Post Reply ]

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