Daily Horoscope

2017 Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for May 6th

If your Birthday is May 6th and your Zodiac Sign is Taurus

May 6th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 6th of May are envisioned to be charming, warm and cooperative with the typical bull placidity and determination. Venus is the ruling astrological planet dominant for this particular day and also the zodiac sign of Taurus, intensifying your levels of curiosity and intuition. If you have this birthday a highly sociable, diplomatic, outgoing temperament is
bestowed upon you along with a dislike of being or feeling alone. Your natural eloquence often assists you to be able to talk your way in and out of situations and instinctively seek the balance you crave. You have stylish tastes that are usually reflected in your choices of home and dress sense. Entertaining and bringing others together are things you
are inclined to enjoy and be good at. Individuals with a May the sixth birthday possess a wonderful imagination, are capable of recognizing their limitations and tend to usually look at everything fairly objectively.

Work and Finances

Job choices can sometimes be far from easy to a person born on the sixth of May as conventional career options rarely seem to appeal to
you. Although you are usually fully aware of your best abilities this does not prevent you from being attracted to work that is rather specialized or unusual. Financially you are prone to be once in a while frivolous or under estimate the expense of something you desire. You are quite impulsive over bargains and willing to pay for quality but it
can occasionally cause fluctuations in your finances. Sensible budgeting should allow for your small extravagances.

Personal Relationships

For a Taurus, the person born on the sixth day of May is typically stubborn but with a high degree of patience and emotional understanding. When it comes to love and romance you can be hesitant to make the first move but fall in love deeply
and ordinarily flourish within the security and stability of a long term relationship. You need a loving partnership that is very evenly balanced physically and mentally with plenty of common interests and ambitions. Someone that is as loyal and committed as you are who ignites your sensual passion and is on the same intellectual level is perfect. Your belief in soul
mates and true love helps you put your indecisiveness aside if you feel you have met your destined partner. You can be possessive and inflexible at times but loathe arguments so will frequently be the one who initiates making up and restoring harmony.


Physical healthiness experienced by those born on May 6th appears to be easily disturbed by nutritional deficiencies. You are
disposed to have a healthy appetite but a tendency to have your favorite meals and eat too much of the same thing sometimes leaving you short of something. You can in addition be susceptible to coughs and colds so eating a wider range of foods could help you avoid succumbing to viruses. People born on this day may find that their
mental health, general sense of well being and self esteem is also noticeably improved by consuming food types known to boost mood and concentration.

May 6th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are noticeable in your unique mix of charm, warmth and cooperation gaining you many friends and admirers. Your other major fortes of sensitivity, astuteness and diplomacy help you normally approach everything impartially and make you a fabulous mediator. The personality weaknesses for those born on May 6th expose your changeable emotions, seemingly more frequent
if you have worries. This negativity can surface as self indulgent and pitying behavior causing you to also be much grumpier and uncharacteristically sulky. Not letting anxieties build can reduce this negative trait.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 6th of May gifts you with an intense appreciation for beauty courtesy of Venus's double influence. This perception may add a touch of
idealism and fantasy to your dreams but you attempt to keep these sleep induced wishes separate from important life objectives. Your need to be taken seriously sees you setting realistic goals for desired personal and professional achievements. Helping others to realize their potential can often be more rewarding to you than your own accomplishments. All your wished for aspirations are hardly
ever selfish or entirely materialistic.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the sixth day of the month your birth date figure of Six is also your Root number. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Social' emphasizing your responsiveness to others and fondness of company. The 6th Tarot card in the Major Arcana characterizing the Lovers is closely
linked to your birthday. It strongly reflects your penchant for the aesthetic and requirement for closeness and companionship. The gem imagined luckiest for May the sixth birthdays is Turquoise, it is thought to mystically attract positivity and happiness into your life.


The probable favorable and unfavorable thoughts and actions of all Taurus personalities are believed influenced astrologically by Venus. As this celestial
body also rules the actual day you were born, the sixth of May, it is doubly influential on your possible nature. Your easygoing sociability and fine mediation skills accentuate your superb command of language. This talent and your insistence on fairness let you interact with almost everyone and be understood plainly. Your calm intuitiveness is an excellent guide if you listen
to and trust your inner voice. If you can manage to steady your emotions and pay more attention to your dietary needs it could stop anxieties building. A well meant thought for people born on May the 6th is to consider waiting for others to ask for your assistance instead of offering and do not be fearful of asking for help

May 6th Horoscope Comments

I am born May 6th 1963. I'm popular with any group I find myself in and attract attention even when I don't want it. My living area is usually a mess with too many unfinished tasks mounting up and I hate cleaning. I always acquire money somehow but don't have a career worth mentioning or to make me
rich. I am always the best man for any job and only trust myself in emergency situations. I love the outdoors, water sports, beauty of nature and can relate well to animals, often befriending them in the wild. I'm happy to camp for months at a time prospecting for gold and can find valuable rocks an
d gems easily if they are in my midst. I once read six playing cards in a row before they were turned over and have been into the future twice in OBEs. I live with proof and consider it an honor to know, we leave our bodies. I was given an important message by an outside power much greater than myse
lf. I have incredible artistic and creative talents using any medium and a unique voice most people find soothing. I'v gotten used to living alone but find young girls to be intriguing if not the most beautiful thing in life. I am picky about who I pair up with and place high value on intelligent co
nversation and willingness to have sex. I am very peaceful but it's a big mistake for anyone without weapons or special skills to try physically harming me as I will make quick work of them once pushed past the breaking point. I'm very much into truth and have been learning this world is not what mo
st people think. Anyway, I was just wondering if there's other May 6th Taurus' similar to me or is it just a 1963 thing? Thanks.

[ Clifford ] [ Post Reply ]

Very special people Who is born in this day 6 may .So be proud we have many qualities

[ amely ] [ Post Reply ]

May 6 forever! Power to the strongest sign in the zodiac! Bow before us or experience our deadly wrath. Taurean forever!

[ Jasiah ] [ Post Reply ]

wow.....u made me know my boyfriend betathanks alot ......

[ Josephine ] [ Post Reply ]

this is 100% true tankz

[ remy ] [ Post Reply ]

This is at least 95% true about me...reserving 100% for God. Thanks for the info!

[ STAN ] [ Post Reply ]

wow my birthday is very special to me and my twin

[ jerry ] [ Post Reply ]

wow thanks a lot for letting me know this i was ignorant

[ Chi Ayah ] [ Post Reply ]

Very impressive article, and as to say, very accurate. Enjoyed reading this! :D

[ Brigitte Oliva ] [ Post Reply ]


[ K.wellons ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Marlene Torres ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy Birthday other May 6th's

[ CC ] [ Post Reply ]

I turned 66 today. This synopsis of who I have been and who I am is amazingly accurate. The sentence "A well meant thought for people born on May the 6th is to consider waiting for others to ask for your assistance instead of offering and do not be fearful of asking for help yourself." is very appro
priate and appreciated as it took me many years before I woke up and realized that I needed to do more Being and less Doing.

[ Carol Lynn ] [ Post Reply ]

whats being plz?

[ r duncan ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Cherelyn ] [ Post Reply ]

so close , impressive. Its my birthday tomorrow so was interested in finding some information in my spare time. =) javascript: put_smile(':love:');

[ Amy b ] [ Post Reply ]

i found myself in this words...!! felt like i am talking to my self..

[ tenzing lhadon ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy early birthday to the other May 6's :)

[ Liv ] [ Post Reply ]

Very much impressed with the article. It is very close to my own personality.

[ Santhosh ] [ Post Reply ]

It came so close! I was impressed!

[ Cami Lane333 ] [ Post Reply ]

vary awesome!

[ tyler ] [ Post Reply ]

This is awsome and so true!

[ petie ] [ Post Reply ]

It's my birthday!!

[ Leah ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy birthday to you this Friday happy birthday all May 6th people like myself

[ Big un ]

Very close

[ madelyn ] [ Post Reply ]


[ AKHILA LUCY ] [ Post Reply ]


[ priyanka gupta ] [ Post Reply ]

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