Daily Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for November 16th

If your Birthday is November 16th and your Zodiac Sign is Scorpio

November 16th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 16th of November are predicted to be highly intuitive and empathic along with lots of the usual Scorpio charming assertiveness. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Neptune gracing you with a deep and demanding yet soft and sensitive emotional nature. If you have this birthday your intense inquisitiveness attracts you to anything
mysterious in addition to prompting modern practical ideas. You are likely to be lively, chatty and observant with a sense of humor but you can also be rash, impatient, stern and mischievous occasionally too. Your streak of independence means you are not easily influenced and could have unusual interests and tastes. Individuals with a November the sixteenth birthday are intellectual and
rational as well as intensely imaginative with an avid fondness of studying. You will often appear wiser than your years and possess a likable unselfish temperament that while quite sociable, tends to greatly value privacy and family life.

Work and Finances

The strong independence granted to a person born on the sixteenth of November encourages you to sometimes want to work for yourself.
Aside from the option of self employment you are usually fabulous at research and writing therefore these could prove to be popular job choices. Your empathy for others is an additional guide to finding a suitable and enjoyable career. A casual attitude to financial matters and your taste for the unusual can direct you to frequently impulse buy and sometimes really
overspend. Your proneness for impatience may make it rather difficult to save up for anything so you could be tempted into taking credit especially in your youth.

Personal Relationships

For a Scorpio, the person born on the sixteenth day of November is typically naturally passionate and romantic with a tendency to judge from the heart rather than the head. You are inclined to
seek a soul mate similar to yourself for emotional support and happiness. Choosing a life partner is commonly high on your list of priorities as you need to feel loved in order to prevent insecurities creeping in. In spite of your typical sexual magnetism and natural charm you can be very suspicious, jealous and stubborn at times. You are likely to
demand complete openness and fidelity from a chosen partner. Your combination of imagination, sensitivity and intuition are all instinctive and help you keep a special loving relationship balanced but exciting at the same time. You are immensely affectionate, thoughtful and supportive when you are not being somewhat exhausting emotionally and sexually.


Minor illness experienced by those born on November 16th are sometimes
caused by your unlikeliness to be health conscious. You can sometimes take your general healthiness a little for granted and are especially prone to pushing yourself beyond your limits. Although you tend to usually keep active it should be beneficial to both physical and mental well being for you to try and partake in regular exercise to stay fit and help
expel any accumulated tension. People born on this day will find that being surrounded by beautiful things and the giving and receiving plenty of love and understanding can greatly calm the mind and further enhance overall vitality.

November 16th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are apparent within your perception and ample levels of empathy and charm as these are a wonderful mix of positive qualities. Your supplementary fortes of deepness and softness may be seemingly complex initially but they hide your real intense emotions and extremely loveable thoughtfulness. The personality weaknesses for those born on November 16th can
be soon stimulated if you are particularly upset, annoyed or feeling insecure. These negative tendencies can consist of self involved, unsettled and isolated sulky behavior and are connected to the hint of rebellious mischief and rashness in your disposition.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 16th of November gives you an astute curiousness and the inclination to search for answers to everything.
You seem to learn quickly from experience and any disappointments while attempting to achieve something of great importance. The majority of your personal goals and dreams are likely to be dominated by and focus on your desire to be happy and successful in your private life. Dreaming about desired ambitions is often one of the best ways to give yourself added
motivation to succeed.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the sixteenth day of the month the one and six in your date of birth gain you a Root number of Seven. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Mystery' identifying your curiosity concerning anything extraordinary or different from the norm. In Tarot the 16th card illustrating the Tower
is associated with your birthday. This reflects your ability to readily deal with change but it also emphasizes your slight emotional vulnerabilities. The lucky gemstone for November the sixteenth birthdays is Jade, to be worn for the possibility of boosting your sense of security, insightfulness and prosperity.


Astrologically the planet Pluto is regarded powerfully consequent on the probabilities of all Scorpion personalities.
The actual day you were born on, the sixteenth of November is governed by Neptune's influence explaining your probable perceptible differences from others in your zodiac group. Your inquisitive liveliness and sensible fair attitude accentuates your sweet nature and adventurous imagination. Your usual refined confidence, positivity and practicality are excellent attributes for coping with many of life's challenges. If you can
discover and conquer the underlying triggers of your anxieties you should be less hastily moody and a tad more decisive. An ending thought for people born on November the 16th is that remaining calm and alert is essential if you wish to take advantage of any lucky chances that come your way.

November 16th Horoscope Comments

exactly its all about me

[ Farwa ] [ Post Reply ]

This is really my personality

[ Abhishek ] [ Post Reply ]

Spot on! Best one I've read - a perfect fit to my personality.

[ Adriana ] [ Post Reply ]

I was always so curious this birthday people there was a guy in my church whose birthday is nov 16who used to stare at me but never spoke nor i did becoz i was scared and shy suddenly he stopped it made me feel bad

[ dolly ] [ Post Reply ]

Where awesome people with great ambition integrity.

[ B ] [ Post Reply ]

For those Scorpios born on the 16th I say..hear's to it and to it again...Without caring movers and shakers like us the world would be far more boring...CHEERS!!

[ Hoss ] [ Post Reply ]

The descriptions here are just me. Excellent!!

[ maria ] [ Post Reply ]

that is a total replica of mua....I luv me...hapi buffday to me in advance

[ kayce ] [ Post Reply ]

This is exactly me , I a!ways wanna help persons irrespective of their background. I always wanna achieve my ambition with my partner and love her more , I'm much into research that why I'm a journalist and I really enjoy e profession

[ xcoba ] [ Post Reply ]

the true me just exposed

[ louisvil ] [ Post Reply ]

Is crazy to see all of this description I mean this is me exactly!!! is pretty amazing knowing we have people who dig in to bring to notice every hidden traits and character. Thanks guys.

[ mayah ] [ Post Reply ]

Sounds spot on

[ Teresa ] [ Post Reply ]

It's thesame with my personality now... Tnk u its very helpful

[ cherry ] [ Post Reply ]

its absolutely right... i am also a November baby on 16th. :) :) :)

[ Maneesha ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born in 91.11.16 (i love the order of my bdate). We are quite people, but definitely too loud on the inside. Once we get to know ppl, it would require a restraining order to keep us away or simply a betrayal from them, i cut them loose, i sailed off and i do that alot, they would be begging on
ce they lost someone who actually cared about them.Sometimes we are afraid of the unknown but we are excellent at doing research to back it up, and thats how we gain confidence by being the first to know about everything. And we get respected for that. Once we gained confindence, youd be surprised o
f what you can do about it.Oh and definitely naturally charming. Ive never tried to be one, but ppl keep telling me that I am effortlessly charming. LOL. So keep that in mind everytime we feel insecure.

[ nicknock ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm sure a guy born on this day likes me but he never tries to talk to me. I will describe the situation if u are willing to help?

[ Mars ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from Mars I'm sure a guy born on this day likes me but he never tries to talk to me. I will describe the situation if u are willing to help?
I was born on this date and have never chased a girl/woman in my life. If you want him have a go, and be patient if he pushes you away
a few times. We can be way too comfortable on our own and he might be a little preoccupied figuring out how to build a go cart lawn mower ect!

[ scorpio ]

itz is actually the same things happning with me given above as I am born on 16 nov. 1993 thanks mates

[ shahid ] [ Post Reply ]

the frist RECORD of lysergic acid was found on 11-16-1939 ;) ;) wrap ur mind around that one =P

[ Jhon ] [ Post Reply ]

I can't believe it is almost identically ME :D Very true in every way it's superb.... This site is the best personality guid of all ....thanks a lot :)

[ Nouran ] [ Post Reply ]

This day is a special day but girl who cheat dont like them at all y

[ Byron ] [ Post Reply ]

Scorpios are the best. I just met a guy who shares our birthday. We were really excited about it. I hope it works out!

[ kayla ] [ Post Reply ]

Born nov 16. That is sooo my character. I am charming,yes, and over the edge jealous!!but I've been working on that.quick to learn from my crazy experiences, they are so out of this world.I lve horoscopes really.they tell a lot of hidden truths bout our personalities.

[ Maria ] [ Post Reply ]

I know a person who is born on this date and she writes one liners like all you guys. Actually, I think the world of this person. It's almost like I can see into her heart. Curious but what star signs do 16 nov like. I'm April 20 th

[ Brent ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm Nov16 and it's funny because I do not like Apr20 men! They are not to be trusted!

[ Tara ] [ Post Reply ]

I am so in love with US again. =)

[ t0mMy ] [ Post Reply ]

So glad, I've come a far way. They gave me all my negative traits and I've looked into it. I'm pretty clean with the jealousy. That used to be bad for me. But it was because of my insecurities, once I've built my foundations based on what others were mostly looking for, it boosted my confidence trem
endously and with the confidence, I don't get so jealous about people anymore :)

[ Nick ] [ Post Reply ]

My bday is november 16 1999 and this is pretty accurate with me, Epescially about the part of us learning quick from experience...I know I did and still do

[ Justice ] [ Post Reply ]

Same! 16 NOV 1999 Over here too!!!

[ Venus ] [ Post Reply ]

Omg same date ! & I agree C:

[ Laura ] [ Post Reply ]

i am nov 16 1961i am overly jealous, intense, love the occult and unknown and the mysterious and over analyse to the point of craziness

[ silentman ] [ Post Reply ]

Loving being a nov. 16th scorp. So adventurous and exciting my life is to the point i sometimes scare myself with the things ive experienced and accomplished

[ jgirl ] [ Post Reply ]

I am born on November 16 1989 but I am sometimes curious about supernatural beings and things

[ Dean ] [ Post Reply ]

Dean we were born on the same exact day!

[ Kelsey ] [ Post Reply ]

yeah same mate.i was born on November 16 1993.all the things is correct but the weakness that list above invade most of myself like hastily moody and lack of decisive.You are older than me. I'm so just wondering how you got over things mate :)

[ Louis ] [ Post Reply ]

You get over things when you search for truths and answers. Find what makes you happy and rebound when you are sad. For me when I am upset I go to the beach at night and listen to the waves. Noticing your mood and analyzing it is the best way to get over it. As for decision making, look to the futur
e, and back step to see if it is an outcome you want

[ Nick ]

Jealous at times, kind hearted

[ november girl ] [ Post Reply ]

This really accurate

[ morning star ] [ Post Reply ]

on my birthday i imagine that all world is a birthday cake but i take a piece but not too much november be good for me

[ samna kamal ] [ Post Reply ]

To day i am so happy

[ Fils soldat ] [ Post Reply ]


[ RANJAN BAKSHI ] [ Post Reply ]

Unsettled at times but extremely intuitive we are. Deep, emotional people and when we arent over analyzing everything...we are funny and quick witted.

[ The Golden Child ] [ Post Reply ]

aint we somethin !!

[ glazpipe ] [ Post Reply ]

so right

[ so right ] [ Post Reply ]

so true. spot on

[ mzblackbuterfly ] [ Post Reply ]

Yup, insanely accurate, scary

[ Sixteen ] [ Post Reply ]

Omg, this is so accurate.

[ min ] [ Post Reply ]

i need the details of nov16 horoscope

[ idowu olugbayin babatunde ] [ Post Reply ]

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