Persona Profile
People born specifically on the 22nd of November are imagined to be highly innovative with a persuasive manner and the typical Sagittarian honest and straightforward deportment. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Uranus making you inclined to be an ambitious practical dreamer with a strong artistic streak. If you have this birthday your predicted nature is energetic,
versatile, generous and fair but you can also be sometimes a little tactless and restless too. You are fairly independent, enthusiastic and high spirited guiding you to be occasionally quite rebellious, especially in youth. Naturally steadfast and sincere you possess a bold approach and a modern outlook and have a preference to always be one step ahead. Individuals with a November
the twenty second birthday are intellectual, philosophical, friendly and optimistic yet a tad unrealistic at times. Fun-loving, classy and unselfish you also have a serious side and a natural attraction to favorable paths and opportunities.
Work and Finances
A fondness of reading and studying
may be influential in the choice of jobs preferable to a person born on the twenty second of November. In
spite of this slant towards an educational occupation you are also incredibly action orientated with an inventive mind and heaps of versatility. This wide range of talents and capabilities allows you to take your pick of suitable careers. You are not usually motivated by finances, nor concerned with financial status but you are likely to be careful with your spending and
unlikely to borrow large amounts. When it comes to saving up for something you have excellent discipline and the patience to save for a long time.
Personal Relationships
For a Sagittarius, the person born on November the twenty second of November is typically someone who is genuinely romantic, reliable and magnanimous. However you will usually need to retain some degree of independence and
you will be hesitant to give your whole heart in a long term relationship commitment. You are intensely emotional for a zodiacal Archer and will need to trust a soul mate completely before you pledge your full devotion. Potently loving and sexual you appear to strongly crave stability emotionally within a secure lasting love union. Although generally outgoing, flirty and charming
you are also easily bored so ideally a partner must share common interests and your keen desire to travel. Your lusty libido usually makes you adventurous and exciting in the bedroom but sometimes you will be more conservative and just enjoy simply chatting and cuddling between the sheets.
Healthiness is considered extremely important to a person born on November 22nd
so you tend
to take really good care of yourself. You will ordinarily like the idea of a daily workout and most sporting activities as these are particularly effective in helping counteract excess tension and anxiety. Learning to recognize the triggers to symptoms of stress and keeping up with exercising should help you avoid it building up to impede upon general health. People born
on this day could find accepting growing older gracefully a bit difficult. In later years staying busy and mentally active might help you not worry so much, relax more and forget about your age.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Your main strengths of character are seen in your mix of freedom-loving tireless energy and frank persuasiveness. This fantastic combination of positive traits and your ample levels of generosity and fairness are further assisted by your friendliness. These fine qualities make you chirpy and nice to know. Nevertheless an encounter with negativity can bring out the rebel in you
prompting the likelihood of having rather impractical thoughts and displaying foolish actions. Other negative traits and tendencies include the display of demanding, uneasy, agitated or argumentative behavior or alternately you may act with withdrawn, quiet and sulky responses.
Dreams and Goals
Being born on the 22nd of November means you may be a big dreamer with lots of optimism but you are unlikely
to have any definite goals in mind. Spur of the moment creative and ingenious ideas can incite your ambitiousness and you have a tendency to take desired accomplishments only one at a time. You do not normally associate material achievements with success. Dreams are inclined to be connected to your senses of fun, daring and adventure.
Birthday Luck and Significance
As you were
born on the twenty second of November the double two in your birth date calculates to a Root number of Four. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Honesty' revealing your usual direct truthfulness and belief in justness. In Tarot the 22nd Major Arcana card featuring the Fool is associated with your birthday. This signifies your occasional foolishness and
restlessness in addition to your slight mistrust of others. The luckiest gem for November the twenty second birthdays is believed to be Topaz, wear this precious stone for its possibility to absorb negative vibes and attract love, happiness and prosperity.
The power of the planet Jupiter is thought to be the dominant influence on the probabilities of all Sagittarius personalities. The actual
day you were born on, the twenty second of November is governed by Uranus's rule amending and adding to your list of probable characteristics. Your practicality, steadfastness and sincerity are probably your finest fortes for doing well and going far in life. Your underlying seriousness emerges when necessary and your partiality for making adequate provision for the future adds to your
chances of success. If you are able to conquer your proneness for rebellion in response to negatived situations it should give you a clearer head for coping better. A concluding thought for people born on November the 22nd is to spend more time on yourself, lower expectations a little and learn to take the rough with the smooth.
to my half brother Joseph whom is born on d twenty second of november
[ prosper ] [ Post Reply ]
My granddaughter was just born November 22, 2016 at 4:12pm. What sign is she?
[ Catherine ] [ Post Reply ]
I was born in bayshore n.y. at 2:50 AM 1962...Could you tell me if IM a scorpio or sagitarius??
[ steven ] [ Post Reply ]
I was born Nov 22,1975 at 10:55 pm could you please tell me my correct sign?
[ Tonya ] [ Post Reply ]
Hi my name is hamza and i live in Pakistan.Actually i have a serious matter when ever i tried to make relation with girl for true love every time i get heart she always left me,i sit in a corner and cry and ask this question by my self why is this with me and she don't even tell me what or why pleas
Wow.This is actually the most accurate one and close to the truth. Glad to be born this day ^_^
[ Jui ] [ Post Reply ]
Impressive! Couldn't have said it better myself.
[ Jonas ] [ Post Reply ]
This is not only accurate, it persists through a lifetime. I am 55 and all the above still apply with little if any decrease in intensity. In case you are younger and wondering...all this is lasting. just sayin. :)
[ josee ] [ Post Reply ]
Boom there it is in black and white. On point that's me. Hahahah Ahhahaah more positives than negatives. I can dig that.
[ dee ] [ Post Reply ]
I have to say this might be the best article to describe myself that it made me tear baahah
[ Pam ] [ Post Reply ]
Hey I was born on November and this article has really spell out all my charecterics espically my weakness part. I m very restless demanding and I sulk very soon..and I don't talk to people who are rude and seems fake to me
[ ching khuptong ] [ Post Reply ]
This is my birthday and it is EERILY accurate
[ Amanda ] [ Post Reply ]