Daily Horoscope

2017 Horoscope

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Zodiac Signs

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Birthday Horoscope

for November 29th

If your Birthday is November 29th and your Zodiac Sign is Sagittarius

November 29th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 29th of November are presumed to be very warm, open and friendly with lots of the typical Sagittarius refined honesty and fairness. The ruling astrological planet designated for this particular day is our Moon making you incredibly loving and loyal as well as mainly ruled by your emotions. If you have this birthday your innovative
imagination is not ordinarily deterred by a challenge and you are likely to have social or political interests. Your intelligent, broad and modern mind has balanced ideals and principles and is inclined to possess a fondness of music, art and beauty. Independent, charming and naturally inquisitive you tend to pay attention to small details and be fairly tolerant and forgiving too.
Individuals with a November the twenty ninth birthday are cheerful and generous with a desire to make others comfortable and happy. Intuitive and caring your general optimism lets you usually see the brighter funnier side of life but you can also be occasionally lazy, indifferent and moody.

Work and Finances

A good head for business and a yearning for a stimulating career gifted
to a person born on the twenty ninth of November can guide their preferred work options. Your earnest warmth, friendliness and tolerance are perfect attributes for any of the caring professions. Your ample intelligence and independence will commonly steer you towards a suitable satisfying and rewarding occupation. Once you find a job you really enjoy you are likely to want to
stay in it right until you are ready to retire from working. Although you are not particularly motivated by money your kind generosity can once in a while cause you financial shortcomings if you are not careful.

Personal Relationships

For a Sagittarius, the person born on the twenty ninth day of November is typically instinctive with a huge heart and an avid treasuring
of friendship. Passionate about romance you will expect a soul mate to be a best friend and lover who shares all they are and have openly. You may be basically levelheaded but this does not stop you from being romantic and adventurous. This attitude helps a long term relationship with you be rarely boring or predictable and makes a partner feel
truly loved. You are usually great at balancing your own needs with those of your other half making you a flexible, compassionate and supportive mate. Someone on the same intellectual wavelength who understands your slight lack of trust is ideal for settling down with. Beneath the calm charm of your exterior you can however have a fiery temper and high expectations.
Between the sheets you possess a lusty but well controlled libido.


Emotional health is generally usually weaker than the physical overall wellness experienced by those born on November 29th. You will aim to pursue a healthy lifestyle when you are feeling happy and settled but if you are especially unhappy you could soon neglect your general well being. You are normally keen
on cooking and experimenting with new tastes and plenty of enthusiasm for regular exercise that keeps you fit and releases stress. People born on this day may have an extreme liking for chocolate or anything deliciously sweet. So periodic checks on dental healthiness could be particularly important to avoid issues with cavities.

November 29th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are displayed in your usual openness, dependability and fair-minded stance. These positive traits emphasize your candidness and ability to quickly forgive while your inventive imaginative side fuels your quest for knowledge. The personality weaknesses for those born on November 29th can show themselves following a bout of anxiety or an upset increasing your pronenesses
for laziness and moodiness. This sort of temporary negativity will make you feel stressed, troubled, uninspired and sad. When in this negative frame of mind it will soon become apparent to others in your facial expression and uptight body language.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 29th of November can make you somewhat fearful of setting a lot of definite goals in
case you are unable to achieve them. Instead you will usually focus on achieving success and contentment within your special cherished love and platonic companionships. Dreams have the likelihood to be mainly based on your intimate wishes for the future and could be insightful if you decipher their underlying messages.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty ninth day
of the month the two and nine in your birth date total and reduce to a Root number of Two. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Harmony' highlighting your amiable affection and partiality for beautiful calm surroundings. In the Major Arcana the 2nd mystical Tarot card representing the Priestess is associated with your birthday. This symbolism is a
reflection of your sexuality and spirituality and indicates that you should aim to rely on your intuition. The lucky gemstone for November the twenty ninth birthdays is a Pearl, to be worn for added inspiration, stamina and courage.


Astrologically speaking, the planet Jupiter's dominance is believed to be the greatest influence on the probabilities of all Sagittarian personalities. The actual day you
were born on, the twenty ninth of November is governed by our Moon's presence gracing you with a few probable differences from other zodiac Archers. Your honest fair warmth and friendliness make you highly attentive and considerate. Your natural curiosity and open mind are favorable virtues guiding you to be perceptive and well directed. If you can manage to compose yourself
in adverse circumstances you will not succumb so quickly to stress and its related behavioral responses. A summarizing thought for people born on November the 29th is to try and learn to observe without always expressing an opinion.

November 29th Horoscope Comments

True......very very true

[ Anu ] [ Post Reply ]

Mostly true. We appear lazy, as we experience burnout from giving too much and need a break from people who take kindness as a weakness.

[ Femi ] [ Post Reply ]

It's skin crawling how accurate this is.

[ Kp ] [ Post Reply ]

Yes it's right my horoscope is right

[ rani ] [ Post Reply ]

Partially true.

[ M. ] [ Post Reply ]

like this

[ hammad ] [ Post Reply ]

Independent, charming and naturally inquisitive you tend to pay attention to small details ....that is me...I pay very close attention to all the details AND WANT to know details... Strange but true!

[ 11-29'er ] [ Post Reply ]

lol, everything is so damn true and am really lazy at times.

[ Mohamed lamin kamara ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow wtf? ,i dont ever even read.or bother with zodiac signs but i was watching a science show lol? ,if it isnt real then they got this one 100 accurate of pure luck. Play the lotrery astrobiologists. Cause your apparantly have esp. This is everything i am and for the people saying "but im not lazy
" yes you are or you would read more careful. It states you tend to get lazy if your heavily burdend or atressed. Prone to anxiety which i have the worst type of panic disorder so it speaks volumes for me. Im off the chart when all is well yet stuck in the mud when having an episode of substantiale

[ Mike ] [ Post Reply ]

:cool: Not Everything's Real.. But I'd Say 'Amazing'. Yeah, I'm Lazy I'm Moody, I'm Selfish and I've a lotta Attitude.. Even I Can't Handle it!

[ Mriganko Saha ] [ Post Reply ]

So great to read this as Ive always just looked at the Sagittarius traits as a whole and a lot didn't resonate. Like a lot of others who have posted, I too am far from lazy - I'm actually a bit of a workaholic at times... always striving to achieve something in my life. Hi to all the 29th-ers x

[ Optimistic AJ ] [ Post Reply ]

Waah just brilliant just true but about lazy am not of that kind

[ Shadrack ] [ Post Reply ]

So true. Moody sometimes and loyal :)

[ Marls ] [ Post Reply ]

So true but I'm not lazy!

[ T ] [ Post Reply ]

So me

[ leo ] [ Post Reply ]

Speaking without thinking is one trait.....so ME! =)

[ Tanvi ] [ Post Reply ]

Speaking without thinking is one trait.....so ME! =)

[ Tanvi ] [ Post Reply ]

very true !

[ Archna ] [ Post Reply ]

im not lazy, but every thing else is true !;)

[ shawn31 ] [ Post Reply ]


[ NJ ] [ Post Reply ]

Its soo true omg its me from head 2 toe.....great to have other 29ers :like:

[ Abbie ] [ Post Reply ]


[ amina ] [ Post Reply ]

Interesting 29s lets inspire and use are creativity to enrich all, Love you allfrom god every help

[ Ryan ] [ Post Reply ]

It‘s True...

[ Abhishek Sharma ] [ Post Reply ]

This is very true! The only comment is I'm not lazy I'm an hard working person!

[ Godfrey chama ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so true about me:)

[ Sal ] [ Post Reply ]

Very true! Hope you all had a great day!

[ Jbuechel ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so on point. Happy bitrthday to us November 29 Is kinda crazy how on point this is. Is finally cold in miami

[ Habib ] [ Post Reply ]

I feel maxximum details seems to be TRUE.

[ Rajesh ] [ Post Reply ]

Its me

[ Roshani ] [ Post Reply ]

That was oddly right on. but outside love i ca be very skeptical~not trusting. So i am going to read a horoscope now hat is not mine as if it were and see if that also describes me. i wonder if these things are written in such a way that we simply see ourselves in any of them. Happy almost bday to
my other 29ers.

[ Danielle ] [ Post Reply ]

This is amazing! That's me top to bottom, inside out! I now know how unique I am, and I fully embrace it!

[ Stephen ] [ Post Reply ]

It really true

[ Muskaan ] [ Post Reply ]

So true for me! =)

[ Alya ] [ Post Reply ]

How did someone nail it so accurately this time? Amazing... not only that but my love interest's bday as well, also a Sagg but on a different day. So weird. I heard it has to do with a specific chemical balance your mother has when she give birth to you, based on the season... scientifically.

[ Barbara ] [ Post Reply ]

I think most of it is true. =)

[ Gby ] [ Post Reply ]

that right

[ jd ] [ Post Reply ]

exactly what i am...100 % true for me

[ yogesh sharma ] [ Post Reply ]

Mostly true for me.

[ Madhuraj ] [ Post Reply ]

The profile for 29 November sums up pretty much to a tea.Although the only comment is that I am definitely not lazy but very hard working person.I can get hurt by family sometimes but always bounce back as life is too short and better to be positive and happy!

[ helen ] [ Post Reply ]

I get hurt by family all the time.

[ J ] [ Post Reply ]

Me too!

[ Dude ]


[ Suessbou ]

this all true about me thou

[ Kaff ] [ Post Reply ]

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