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Birthday Horoscope

for October 21st

If your Birthday is October 21st and your Zodiac Sign is Libra

October 21st Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 21st of October are predicted to be excellent versatile communicators who are also one of the most active of all Librans. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Jupiter enhancing your charm, loyalty and intelligence and making you usually optimistic and outgoing with many interests. If you have this birthday a breezy, lighthearted
and highly understanding nature is bestowed on you. Good at negotiating and offering advice you are an incredibly inventive and imaginative thinker with a very inquisitive mind and eagerness to learn. A modern instinctive outlook helps you plan ahead and you tend to be a leader rather than a follower. Individuals with an October the twenty first birthday possess a naturally
eloquent, tactful and caring temperament that will ordinarily crave the approval of others and strongly seek harmony in everything. Quite creative you are attracted to travel and usually have a natural affinity for grasping different languages.

Work and Finances

Choosing a career is sometimes difficult to a person born on the twenty first of October as you are soon bored by monotony in
anything. Your versatility and strong personality gives you the potential to be multi talented and so usually able and likely to switch jobs several times. Your preference to lead and fondness of maintaining balance can make you ideally suited to a managerial position or an occupation with lots of responsibility. A tendency to place no real importance on finances means it
is unlikely to guide profession choice but can guide you to spend a little carelessly once in a while and be reluctant to save for the future.

Personal Relationships

For a Libra, the person born on the twenty first day of October is typically someone with sensitive emotions who adores being spoiled and pampered. A true romantic you seem to have a perfectionist
view of romance so a soul mate will have to really sweep you off your feet exceeding your high expectations. Adventurous, fun and spontaneous you will usually seek a partner who is foremost a real truly loyal friend you wish to trust above anybody else. Plenty of intellectual stimulation is important to you so a perfect partner should respect your need
for a bit of space to pursue your own engaging diversions as well as enjoying shared pastimes and ambitions. An exciting innovative lover you perform at your best when in a relaxed atmosphere where you can forget all worries. Expressive and flirtatious you try and give and receive attention and affection in equal amounts.


A liking for rich foods and a proneness
to have a sweet tooth can sometimes interfere with the usual fine health experienced by those born on October 21st. Despite possessing a usually disciplined stance on fitness these dietary predilections can lead to weight gain problems. Walking is an outdoor exercise that you should find beneficial both physically to stay in trim and mentally to help you minimize stress overloads.
People born on this day could find unwinding hard and occasionally suffer bouts of insomnia as a result of emotional concerns. This can be mostly avoided by discovering a relaxing bedtime routine to calm the mind before sleep.

October 21st Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are displayed in the expression of your charming intelligent communication skills. This positive quality can make you appear inspirational, attractive and interesting to others. A secondary forte is expressed in your cheery and sympathetic optimism guided by instinct. Trust in this to help you follow your destined path. The personality weaknesses for those born
on October 21st are likely to emerge if you are feeling especially restless and have worrying things on your mind. When troubled your manner will become quiet and sulky or moodily argumentative in addition to being extra frivolous with money.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 21st of October means you will have a strong penchant for doing things your own way
and a dislike of assistance. An effective planner you tend to set goals and other priorities in an evenly balanced order to allow equal devotion to desired career and relationship achievements. Full of ingenious ideas you will usually never be short of a current goal to aspire to. Dreams are often focused on your avid desire to go travelling to the
far corners of the world and communicating with fascinating people.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty first day of the month the total of your birth date figures gives you a Root number of Three. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Innovation' referring to your elevated level of inquisitiveness and likelihood to have originative concepts.
In Tarot the 21st Major Arcana card symbolizing the world is closely associated with your birthday. This signifies your empathic tolerance but also your usual resistance to help from others. The luckiest gemstone for October the twenty first birthdays is Amethyst, wear it for added enthusiasm and playfulness and to possibly dispel negativity.


The influence of the planet Venus is imagined to
play the biggest part in forming the probabilities of all Libra personalities. The actual day you were born on, the twenty first of October is governed by the celestial body Jupiter's authority modifying some of your expected typified traits. Your cheerful easygoing approach, eloquence and tact sharpen your powers of negotiation. Along with your craving for countenance and thirst for knowledge
you will be continually learning and growing wiser. If you can talk over worries and be more accepting of help your negative side should rarely surface. A concluding thought for people born on October the 21st is to contemplate the advantages of sometimes watching from the sidelines instead of just jumping in.

October 21st Horoscope Comments

this ia sooo me

[ IRENE LICKY ] [ Post Reply ]

Amethyst is my favourite stone to wear, I've switched jobs so many times and get bored very easily. I never like to accept help from anyone, although Im always ready to give it. I have one serious sweet tooth and I love the finer foods, basically this is 90% of me.

[ Marisa ] [ Post Reply ]

This is totally me :love:

[ sihle ] [ Post Reply ]

It's so me hahah, but really, it's true :)

[ Aidan ] [ Post Reply ]

exactly.....feels as if it is made after doing a Phd. on me.......lol

[ mahi ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow accurate

[ Rita ] [ Post Reply ]

realy true about me,my birth date is 21 october 1984..wow ! amazing!

[ femida ] [ Post Reply ]

Omg this is really true . I want ti become wiser and wiser nice

[ boniix ] [ Post Reply ]

Hmmm....im unsure. all sounds nice though. My birthdate is 21/10/1982.

[ bonnie ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from bonnie Hmmm....im unsure. all sounds nice though. My birthdate is 21/10/1982.
Has your life been smooth so far, relationship n career?

[ Helio ] [ Post Reply ]

This is awesome it's totally me!!

[ valmir ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow...right on!

[ cnich ] [ Post Reply ]

Exactly correct!Wow!!!

[ Miggi Sahabati ] [ Post Reply ]

Really true depiction of my character. I agree with yours!!

[ Manikandan G.S. ] [ Post Reply ]


[ VAISHALI ] [ Post Reply ]

all things are really true

[ rashmi ] [ Post Reply ]

thought it was about 80 percent accurate. Not bad for an internet thing.

[ helene ] [ Post Reply ]

Lets start a social club especially for us ;)

[ Jollie ] [ Post Reply ]

Very informative and accurate. I am also very thin! I see the numbers 333 often and it's ironic that the number three be mentioned. Yes, two negative traits: accepting help and the famous useless voice of worry. I'm getting better though ;) Thanks for this!

[ sharon ] [ Post Reply ]

Omg, your comment stopped me DEAD in my tracks! I also have a weird thing with the # 333. that number has followed me my whole life! Crazy! My birthdate is 10/21/85.

[ Erika ] [ Post Reply ]

Why don't we all get together and form a club??????

[ sophia ] [ Post Reply ]

Yeah..y nt..wats ur fb id sophia

[ abhay ] [ Post Reply ]


[ rasheeda ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm all in lol

[ jessika ] [ Post Reply ]

club?? what can you do with a club in such things except just gossiping about how well did this match your life. =)

[ Anuj ] [ Post Reply ]

That would be lovely

[ Hormoh ] [ Post Reply ]

We should

[ Trinity ] [ Post Reply ]

Really im same as described ;)

[ sheri ] [ Post Reply ]

It's so true .......awesome just the thing that i'm not suffering from any weight gain problem infact i'm skinny

[ Nikhil ] [ Post Reply ]

Hell yeah! Woohoo! That's my b-day! And yet, so true lol.

[ Anthony gray ] [ Post Reply ]

Yeah...that's actually meh....so amazing

[ Annie ] [ Post Reply ]

You are spot on.

[ Adele ] [ Post Reply ]

its perfect ooooooh114

[ Veronica ] [ Post Reply ]

Amazing, exactly describes me.

[ Sandy ] [ Post Reply ]

This is really true .....

[ priya ] [ Post Reply ]

My B-day is that day!!! :D

[ Sweet pea ] [ Post Reply ]

The things written are very true and really is me.......

[ Pias ] [ Post Reply ]

ahahahahahahaha hey tanya this is so seshni

[ Priya ] [ Post Reply ]

woohoo, first comment! hey seshni

[ tanya ] [ Post Reply ]

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