Persona Profile
People born specifically on the 28th of October are envisioned to be intelligent, active and emotionally intense but usually more direct than other Scorpio's. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is our Sun making your temperament extra assertive, insightful, decisive and focused with the sensitivity to feel rather deeply. If you have this birthday your proud dignified nature
ordinarily aims high and sticks to personalized principles and standards. Generally charming and naturally honest and loyal you are inclined to possess a strong streak of creativity and a keen eye for fine detail. You tend to be fairly sociable if in a quiet somewhat reserved way yet at times you can also be a tad stubborn and temperamental too. Individuals
with an October the twenty eighth birthday are independent and highly curious and observant with an excellent memory. You like to be alert and feel in control and have a preference to be well prepared for everything although you sometimes take life a little too seriously.
Work and Finances
A sharp directness and decisiveness often assists in determining the most suitable job choices
open to a person born on the twenty eighth of October. You have a great sense of purpose and direction allowing you to easily decide the type of work you will find the most satisfying when choosing an ideal career path. Despite your quietude and placid manner you seem to commonly desire an occupation involving the power to make important decisions.
A general responsible pride in all you attempt to do makes you a diligent hard worker. Your carefulness regarding finances means it is rare for you to have any troublesome issues in relation to money.
Personal Relationships
For a Scorpio, the person born on the twenty eighth day of October is typically in search of a soul mate who will be really there
for them equally in good times and bad. Even though you can be a bit demanding and critical in youth you gain confidence and become more romantic and less jealously suspicious as you mature. Your sensitive emotions guide you to be incredibly passionate and intuitive towards a partner's needs in spite of sometimes blowing hot and cold and occasional demands for
solitude. Your steadfast loyalty and devotion makes you a loving partner for whom the perfect relationship stops you from feeling lonely and incomplete. Before contemplating a long time partnership commitment a mate must understand and agree with your dislikes of dishonesty, nagging and untidiness. Your healthy sexual appetite usually craves plenty of variety and excitement between the sheets.
Poor eating and
sleeping habits can be the main barrier experienced by those born on October 28th to staying healthily fit and well. When young you seem to be always busy and rarely give healthiness a thought as well as having a proneness to eat on the go. Learning to cook will as a rule ignite a healthier interest in food and as you
grow older you will usually learn to place more importance on looking after yourself. People born on this day should ideally take regular breaks from routine in order for physical and mental energies time to recover from constant use.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Your main strengths of character are observed in your inquisitive intelligence and in your adept ability to fixedly focus. These positive traits and your perceptive charm and honesty present you as friendly and caring helping to offset your slight seriousness and emotional intensity. The personality weaknesses for those born on October 28th are likely to be frequently prompted by
an episode of tiredness or hunger. On these occasions your stubbornness and moodiness increase until you eat or rest. If you do not listen to your body's requests your negative behavior will often diminish even further and you could become overly prying, fussy and insistent.
Dreams and Goals
Being born on the 28th of October means you are likely to be rather tough
on yourself and others when it comes to attempting to achieve goals. You know how to effectively pace your time and are unlikely to compromise on proper conduct or following of the standardized rules. One of your biggest aspirations is simply to find and keep happy your special someone to share life's ups and downs with. Dreams appear to be linked
to your creative side with the likelihood to be fanciful and innovative.
Birthday Luck and Significance
As you were born on the twenty eighth day of the month the two and eight in your birth date reduce to a Root number of One. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Drive' emphasizing your lively enterprising spirit and elevated assertiveness. In Tarot
the 1st mystical card in the Major Arcana symbolizing the Magician is closely associated with your birthday. This is representative of your ample degrees of dexterity, will power and diligence. The luckiest gemstone for October the twenty eighth birthdays is imagined to be a Ruby, wear one for balancing energy and attracting positivity and stability.
The probabilities of all Scorpio personalities are
imagined to be astrologically sourced and influenced by the planet Pluto. The actual day you were born on, the twenty eighth of October is governed by the influence of the Sun adding a few more possible typical characteristics to your uniqueness. Your intellect and attentive frankness and perceptiveness accentuate your dignified conduct. Your curiosity and principled preferred planning makes you destined
to go far in life. If you can avoid becoming overtired or skipping meals the negative part of your disposition will remain mostly hidden. A surmising thought for people born on October the 28th is to consider practicing less scrutiny and aiming to overcome any fears as this should help you find the most favorable directions.
This is so accurate..i love to find some information about scorpio..cause i'm a scorpio girl 1992..hello to all scorpios!!!
[ Hazel ] [ Post Reply ]
A brief description describing the differences from the people of the first deccan as well as the rest of the scorpios would have been given a better taste to the article,Thanks anyways :)
[ Rudra Sen ] [ Post Reply ]
Lol! I love finding other people who are Scorpios. Other people just don't understand how we can see thru other people's bull a mile before they get there or how I can say what's going on with a group in less than a minute. It's like... DUH!!! You dont just hear what people say, you watch how they s
ay it, what they do when they say it, and what others are doing when they say it. Most people don't pay attention to that stuff but as Scorpios...we're just very observant!!! Its so nice to have people you can relate that stuff to!!!
[ -SEXXYSCORPIO- ] [ Post Reply ]
I am a Scorpio I am 54 you are a younger woman. I am very intelligent and have a very deep voice.
[ Jim Hammer ] [ Post Reply ]
Hello my incredible scorpio friends! This thing is so true, OMG I am blunt and honest.
[ Prateek ] [ Post Reply ]
Honesty is the best policy....woow scorpio The great.haha love horoscope
[ Heke Ringu ] [ Post Reply ]
Lol almost right about the being unique part .....not sure if I'm that charming well idk to be honest if I am or not charming :/. K. Bye~Bye () (^ Q ^)/ ()
[ Crazy-Random_girl ] [ Post Reply ]
Turned out someone was watching me after all.......
[ Anthony ] [ Post Reply ]
I am very intelligent just like bill gates
[ Abhiyansh Raj ] [ Post Reply ]
Aye! Pretty much sums me up! Biggest life goal is actually finding that special someone...
[ That One Handsome Guy ] [ Post Reply ]
awwe thats soo sweet to hear. i wish u the best of luck :)
[ annie ] [ Post Reply ]
I gotta admit I'm conceited. Because I know I'm handsome ^_^ .
[ jayson 10/28/1990 ] [ Post Reply ]
I can't believe what good new I've ever heard about me !! This really help me learn something a lot
[ Shay ] [ Post Reply ]
I didn't think there be a lot of ppl born October 28 it makes me feel proud to find ppl who were born with me
[ Rahila ] [ Post Reply ]
Everything is so true I act the same way n everything
[ kaykay ] [ Post Reply ]
so true! sums me up perfectly! how in the world did they get it that spot on? :cool:
[ bre ] [ Post Reply ]
What I have just read sums me up perfectlyBrilliant, I think.
[ lyn griffiths ] [ Post Reply ]