Persona Profile
People born specifically on the 30th of October are imagined to be lively excellent communicators who are a tad more outgoing and approachable than most zodiacal Scorpions. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Jupiter making you friendly and insightful with an inquiring mind and a liking for diverse interests. If you have this birthday your mix of
seriousness and sociability is mingled with a lighthearted sense of humor. In spite of a slight air of mystery you are mainly open, relaxed, intelligent, articulate and versatile. Determined with an independent streak you seem to like variety and change but you can also be a little stubborn and seeking of emotional security too. Individuals with an October the twenty ninth
birthday tend to be be very organized and persistent in addition to usually being great at planning and sticking to decisions. You are likely to possess an adventurous energetic spirit giving you an avid fondness for travel and making you ordinarily incredibly trustful of your natural instincts.
Work and Finances
involving any sort of regular travelling are often popular job choices to a
person born on the thirtieth of October. Utilizing your fine communication skills in an interesting purposeful occupation is commonly a second preferred option. Your high levels of versatility along with your organisational skills prove highly advantageous in any type of employment. When it comes to finances you seem to really like to shop and spend but you are unlikely to be
foolish with money. You will usually understand the importance of having spare money at your disposal for coping with unexpected expenses and for saving towards personal future plans.
Personal Relationships
For a Scorpio, the person born on the thirtieth day of October is typically not as demanding of attention and emotional reassurance as most of this zodiac group. However a secure home environment
is important as you tend to greatly value privacy and so a loving relationship needs to have some firm foundations in place before you will contemplate a long term commitment. The mysterious edge to your nature makes you quite attractive and therefore usually rarely short of admirers. A perfect soul mate will inspire and push you as well as loosening you
up a bit emotionally. Romantic and especially good at boosting a partner's self esteem you adore giving small tokens of your affection. Naturally protective to a loved one you require but also give plenty of hugs and kisses. In the bedroom you are inclined to be sizzlingly sexy and extra playful and exciting despite your usual seemingly reserved and serious stance.
a tendency to be more concerned over the health of loved ones than your own can affect and sometimes deteriorate the typical vitality usually experienced by those born on October 30th. You need to regulate personal eating and sleeping habits more closely in order to look after yourself and try and avoid illness. Your preference for an active lifestyle appears to
keep you in trim but your fondness of caffeine laden drinks should perhaps be limited. For added calm drinking herbal alternatives could be considered or even better simply keep hydrated by drinking lots of water. People born on this day may also enjoy spa treatments to relax.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Your main strengths of character are probably revealed in your precise decisiveness and ability to make instinctive plans. These positive fortes and your adept efficiency, sense of purpose and fantastic process of communicating direct you to be destined for success. The personality weaknesses for those born on October 30th are likely to concentrate on your propensity for occasional stubbornness.
This main negative trait when activated can cause you to act in an uncharacteristic moody frustrated and preoccupied manner. If the circumstance that prompts this negativity is not speedily resolved you can become slightly self neglectful too.
Dreams and Goals
Being born on the 30th of October means you are likely to be fairly broad minded with an avid desire to learn as
much as possible. As a life long student you are full of versatility and rarely stuck for something to do. Your spirited varied and diversified thought and effort combined are ideal attributes for setting and accomplishing goals. Dreaming moments are often spent visualizing journeys to visit unusual and interesting places. Other wishes commonly include the fulfillment of a yearning to achieve
security and happiness in all areas of life.
Birthday Luck and Significance
As you were born on the thirtieth day of the month your date of birth number qualifies for the allocation of a Root number of Three. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Innovation' emphasizing your organized diversity, curiosity and persistence. In Tarot the 3rd Major Arcana card featuring
the Empress is associated with your birthday. This identifies your touch of mysteriousness in addition to your tender emotions and inclination to have wonderful ideas. The lucky gemstone for October the thirtieth birthdays is an Amethyst to be worn for its possibility to energize the mind, body and spirit and to help neutralize bad vibes.
The influential planet Pluto is believed to
be chiefly astrologically accountable for the probable personalities of all Scorpio's. The actual day you were born on, the thirtieth of October is governed by the celestial body Jupiter's rule customizing some of your characteristical predictions. Your communicative and amiable presentation intensifies your perceptiveness and expressive fluency. Your ample helpings of determination and independence enhance your assertiveness and willpower. If you
gain control of the potentially obstinate side to your disposition you will not miss opportunities to expand your wisdom. A final ponderable thought for people born on October the 30th is that spending more time on yourself could give you a clearer calmer mind to add to your many favorable qualities.
i dont believe this because my cousin born on october 30. she is not intelligent and beautiful woman.she is only talkative.
[ alleyah allelie ] [ Post Reply ]
This is so accurate. It just so confirms how everything ticks.
[ Paulette ] [ Post Reply ]
Mspat,Yes, when is my true love going to find me
[ Mskiti ] [ Post Reply ]
It's so me, I smile when I re-read this every now n then-
[ Vinni ] [ Post Reply ]
lol I am a slacker, but I get the job done. I am a straight A student, I am athletic, I am ambitious, mysterious, wise, confident at times or reserved depends on my mood. But alI am with all you scorpios mates. Where is my true love T_T
[ Jose ] [ Post Reply ]
I am the same as all of you, born in this day, I am Stubborn, athletic, Mysterious and can't stand a day without my parents or friends.
[ Cynthia ] [ Post Reply ]
I been thinking the same thing for along time too:\ text me 14152402924
[ Robert ] [ Post Reply ]
Yes .....the characteristics of birthdate 30 of october is totally true......
[ f ] [ Post Reply ]
This is so me..!!! You don't need any more explanation .. This is exactly who i am..!
[ Navin Stephen ] [ Post Reply ]
Yes Im stubborn, but I'm a big procrastinator, and not very confident in myself
[ Matt ] [ Post Reply ]
Got my eye on a Lady from this date but she has travelled far.she is alone preoccupied with her studies.I hope she looks up for a moment..I.g.m.e.o.y....T
[ Eye on you ] [ Post Reply ]
Muich of this is so true. However I do yearn to find the love of my life to feel complete and this has not been achieved. In fact solitude has taken over and this is not what I long for.
[ Diane ] [ Post Reply ]