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Birthday Horoscope

for September 25th

If your Birthday is September 25th and your Zodiac Sign is Libra

September 25th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 25th of September are believed to be friendly, witty, affectionate and charming with the typical Libra balance and stylish flair. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Neptune making you likely to be naturally insightful and powerfully intuitive. If you have this birthday an outgoing sociable temperament is bestowed upon you along with
an analytical mind and an avid interest in anything mysterious. Energetic and mentally alert you are destined to possess a philosophical outlook on life and a restless thirst for knowledge and adventure. Your strong streak of independence and lively creative imagination guides you to usually enjoy exploring different ideas and unusual places. Precise and a bit of a perfectionist you are
often great at multi-tasking. Individuals with a September the twenty fifth birthday are ordinarily full of integrity with high regard for family and friends but they can also be a little opinionated or moody at times too.

Work and Finances

Job applications are usually quite successful to a person born on the twenty fifth of September as a result of your tendency to
have a well groomed appearance. This and your natural good looks, energy and insightfulness are recognizable useful attributes that help you get into your ideal career. Your logical problem solving skills and preciseness will be additional assets allowing you plenty of occupation choices. You tend to be adept at balancing your finances and instinctively lucky when it comes to investments. This
approach normally means that you stay financially steady and secure with few issues in this area.

Personal Relationships

For a Libra, the person born on the twenty fifth day of September is typically wishful for equilibrium and harmony concerning affairs of the heart. You are very romantic and this may cause you to become involved in unsuitable relationships when young. You can be
quite selective about the perfect partner as you need someone with similar tastes who you can confide in and is able to easily interpret your nonverbal displays of emotion. You are usually at your happiest when in a committed loving partnership and a settled home environment. If you are at all unsettled or unhappy in a personal relationship your sharp tongue
can direct you to be rather critical or sarcastic. You are inclined to strongly believe in equal give and take and this will generally keep the romance alive in a special love union. You are highly sensual with a lusty libido and in addition to your touch of wit ensures lovemaking is fun.


The usual glowing vitality experienced by those born on
September 25th is frequently explained by your general striving for evenness. This attitude commonly extends to health matters making you enthusiastic and observant about taking adequate care of yourself. A fondness of competitive sports keeps you fit and you should note that drinking enough fluids is important and your lower back could be a weak spot. With food you are not
too adventurous but have the sense to eat sensibly. People born on this day are likely to get lots of benefits from introducing meditation and other forms of relaxation into their healthiness routine.

September 25th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are seen within your hardworking determined disposition and friendliness as well as your ability to multi-task. Secondary fortes are exhibited in your independent creativity, alertness and finely tuned intuition. All these positive qualities help you make the most of opportunities that come your way. The personality weaknesses for those born on September 25th appear
to focus attention on your pronenesses for criticism and obstinacy. When this negative part of your personality is active it may present your manner as either stubbornly closed and unforgiving or insensitive and bluntly fault finding.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 25th of September can make you somewhat fearful of your own intensity so discovering and understanding your true self is
often a principal aspiration. You like to define yourself by aiming to achieve the common goals of many, the accomplishment of emotional and financial security. Traveling to interestingly strange and seemingly exotic distant destinations is usually a big ambition of yours. A large number of your dreams are likely to contain fragments of your imagined concepts of what equates as perfectionism.
This sometimes includes imagining the world being much more peaceful, fair and idyllic for all.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty fifth day of the month the two and five in your birth date gain you a Root number of Seven. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Mystery' identifying your curiosity regarding and attraction to
odd, obscure locations or esoteric things. In the Major Arcana Tarot deck the 7th card featuring the Chariot is associated with your birthday. This highlights your self control, perseverance and ethical principles. The lucky gemstone for September the twenty fifth birthdays is Jade, wear it for its assumed magical properties to ward off bad luck and evoke a feeling of calmness.


planet Venus is imagined to be the most dominant influence astrologically on the probable basic characteristics of all Libran personalities. The actual day you were born on, the twenty fifth of September is ruled over by Neptune's cosmic authority. Consequently these are the two planets most influential on your likely individuality. Your honesty, sincerity and perceptiveness are fabulous accompaniments to your
deep free thinking and mental alertness. Your sense of humor and charm usually help you in awkward situations and to cope admirably with life challenges. If you are able to tame your streak of bullheadedness it could make you appear more mature and receptive. A final advisory thought for people born on September the 25th is that being blunt or criticizing
others will rarely be favorable.

September 25th Horoscope Comments

yooo am really freak out, this is soo true.

[ lanzy ] [ Post Reply ]

So true am amazed;this is me...

[ Raph ] [ Post Reply ]

All of this is so true for me is true September 25th is such a unique birthday!!!

[ Chrissy ] [ Post Reply ]

The things said about September 25th is all me, no doubt about it. It is as though they see right into my being and that is "Off The Chain".

[ Darren E. Collins ] [ Post Reply ]

You are so right

[ esty ] [ Post Reply ]

Esty, are u my name sake?Nice one

[ esther ] [ Post Reply ]

Well Its true For me all of it :cool: But for me I won't give up everything Without My Life :)

[ Maderlyn ] [ Post Reply ]

All that it says about me is very true..that's crazy(:

[ Ella ] [ Post Reply ]

Ella we are name sake and birth mate. Please mail me emmanuellababybliss@gmail.com
Message from Ella All that it says about me is very true..that's crazy(:

[ emmanuella ] [ Post Reply ]

?)interesting summation,but Too generic.

[ Fuckifacca ] [ Post Reply ]

50 percent true

[ Anna ] [ Post Reply ]

this is so true about me

[ chelsea smart ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so true! Like I am amazed at how this describes me so well

[ Lia Feliz ] [ Post Reply ]

What an insight? Amazingly true....

[ chingkhei ] [ Post Reply ]

sooo true!... shocked!

[ LinN ] [ Post Reply ]

Everything said is true. Am characterized by almost everything in the horoscope

[ ann ] [ Post Reply ]

according to me the thinks said in this horoscope is quite right to some extent .it can be a good way to know ourself :)

[ ishita ] [ Post Reply ]

everything said is perfect..amazing horoscope writing..keep it up!

[ preeti ] [ Post Reply ]

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