Daily Horoscope

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Birthday Horoscope

for September 26th

If your Birthday is September 26th and your Zodiac Sign is Libra

September 26th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 26th of September are predicted to be very competitive and highly creative along with the typical Libra gifts of expressive charm and diplomacy. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Saturn making you rather insightful, intuitive and persuasive. If you have this birthday your strong willed tenacious nature is likely to possess intense
powers of concentration and really thrive under pressure. Your demand of excellence from yourself often extends to others but your zodiacal symbol of the scales ordinarily gives you a balanced perspective on and of everything around you. Easygoing and calm on the outside you are also incredibly determined and shrewd on the inside. Individuals with a September the twenty sixth birthday
are naturally friendly and witty in addition to being especially good at compromise. You are as a rule inclined to be fairly self disciplined, sympathetic and helpful but you can be known to have quite lazy, indecisive moments too.

Work and Finances

Managerial positions are a common career choice to a person born on the twenty sixth of September in relation to your
usual steady self control and persuasiveness. Doing something worthwhile is important and you are usually willing to consider lengthy periods of training if it will qualify you for your ideal job. Your ability to concentrate intently proves useful in study or work circumstances. You can crave luxuries but it is highly unlikely that you will get into debt financially as you
have the patience to budget and save. You gain contentment from putting finances aside for unexpected monetary shortfalls or emergencies.

Personal Relationships

For a Libra, the person born on the twenty sixth day of September is typically someone with a somewhat old-fashioned view of love and romance. Despite this you do not tend to fall in love easily as you need to feel
in full control of a situation involving the giving of your whole soft heart. An ideal partner can open you up fully emotionally and share your high expectation and demand of complete commitment in a long term relationship. You like to have fun and yearn for a true soul mate who makes you laugh and is just as attentive, loving
and empathic as you are with the same devotion to making your loving partnership successful and happy. You are normally great at listening sympathetically to a loved ones problems or anxieties without judging. Your affectionate flirty manner is expressed in and out of the bedroom and it helps you keep a special relationship stimulating and fresh.


The general radiance of vitality experienced
by those born on September 26th is usually a consequence of your disciplined concern for health. You are often sensibly strict when it comes to diet and try to minimize unhealthy choices. You also seem to understand that your requirement for emotional stability is closely connected to your state of healthiness. If you are unhappy in your personal life it can
soon show up by dampening your usual glow and lowering your levels of carefulness in generally looking after yourself. People born on this day are likely to have a sweet tooth so regular visits to the dentist are advised.

September 26th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are presented in your blend of persistent competitiveness and influential tact. This mix of positive traits accentuate your convincing mannerisms and frequently make it easy for you to get your own way. Your headstrong purposeful temperament and attitude are other fortes that assist you to express your steadfast determination and shrewdness. The most recognizable
personality weaknesses for those born on September 26th are observed in your occasional streaks of laziness and indecisiveness. These negative tendencies can escalate and sometimes also lead to slightly obsessive or secretive behavior.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 26th of September graces you with lots of persevering and sacrificing energy towards the achievement of desired ambitions. Being goal orientated and taking
pride in doing something well both contribute to the likelihood of numerous successful accomplishments. Your wish to succeed is very intense but your admirable sense of balance keeps your aspirations realistically focused. You are inclined to utilize some of your sleep time to picture in your mind the things you desire in life. The power of your personalized dreams should not
be underestimated as they are capable of giving you added encouragement.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the twenty sixth day of September your birth date digits add up to a Root number of Eight. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Leader' identifying your ambitious disposition alongside your yearning to stay controlled yet flexible. The 8th mystical
Tarot card in the Major Arcana depicting Courage is associated with your birthday. This represents your virtues of compassion, constancy and composure. The lucky gemstone for September the twenty sixth birthdays is imagined to be a Black Pearl, wearing one promises to stimulate positivity and help you to be more decisive.


The planetary influence of Venus is believed to astrologically determine the
probabilities of all Libran personalities. The actual day you were born on, the twenty sixth of September is governed by the planet Saturn's rule adding a few probable differences from others with this same zodiac sign. Your charisma, wittiness and helpfulness are wonderful attributes to accompany your abilities to persuade and give and take in equal amounts. Your enhanced creativity
and liking for close attention to detail are extra valuable characteristics. If you can possibly avoid being occasionally overly idle or secretive it could make you almost perfect. A finishing thought for people born on September the 26th is to try and remember that perfection is not always achievable. Mistakes are sometimes necessary in order to truly comprehend the true meaning
of things.

September 26th Horoscope Comments

What job you people have. I am of same bday

[ Tushar ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow true words,am so so proud of my birth date.:-)

[ Becky ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow I am very pleased and amazed the sadifaction in the day of my birth. It really does resemble me as part of my character.

[ Pearlina ] [ Post Reply ]

What you just side is totally me .

[ mulalo ] [ Post Reply ]

it totally fits myself. thank you

[ CaKe ] [ Post Reply ]

am so happy my birthday is september 26 cause am all the things they say :love:

[ libra baby ] [ Post Reply ]

That exactly what I'm.....Love you all......

[ Ravi kiran ] [ Post Reply ]

I want to peaceful study for future.

[ Jaideep ] [ Post Reply ]

So true

[ Deep ] [ Post Reply ]

Very true... Perfect.. Waiting for my right time for job.... Waiting..

[ Pragya ] [ Post Reply ]

soooooo true :)

[ september baby ] [ Post Reply ]

Everything was true sept 26

[ Shawn ] [ Post Reply ]

Thanks to the writter,hey guys we should be Proud of ourselfs.Love u all:)

[ Leah ] [ Post Reply ]


[ SONALI ] [ Post Reply ]

So true..thanks

[ sana ] [ Post Reply ]

Happy birthday to all of you. Stay strong and kind.

[ Kalyinka ] [ Post Reply ]

I Ran 20 k today. So I did my part for setting and achieving tough goal.

[ Noname ] [ Post Reply ]

very true, little a bit fear about indecisive and streaks of laziness,but koi ni yaar sab dekh lenge, cheers and proud to born at this date.

[ Neeraj Sharma ] [ Post Reply ]

ya its realy true saying for 26 sept borns.....

[ Dimple ] [ Post Reply ]


[ POONAM ] [ Post Reply ]

guys we must be proud of 26 september, because people of libra are really very different from others and we the people are not selfish, as we are helping hand to others also as compare to mean society nowadays, we just need to explore ourself more and more and lead a luxury life according to our dre
ams and goals, which we can achieve with being persuasive in nature, Cheers to all people, love you all

[ Rachit Gupta ] [ Post Reply ]

what i am? u want to know....then read above wt the writer written thats me.....libra september 26th...

[ varsha ] [ Post Reply ]

I m having problems with my health

[ Tavleen ] [ Post Reply ]

It is so true. Though we are indecisive, but when we decide something, we nail it. Cheers to all 26th September's

[ archit ] [ Post Reply ]

Temperament, High Focus, Balanced Approach, compromising & easy going, Shrewd . . . it seems as if the writer has recorded my entire life in his camera and summarized it here. It is actually ME. 26th September :like:

[ Danish Khan ] [ Post Reply ]

Same! I feel like it is results from a quiz, its so accurate!

[ Libra ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from Danish Khan Temperament, High Focus, Balanced Approach, compromising & easy going, Shrewd . . . it seems as if the writer has recorded my entire life in his camera and summarized it here. It is actually ME. 26th September
Same here. High five!

[ chezka quinaguran ] [ Post Reply ]

Almost true but it helps me in motivation towards my career and my goals and dreams in life

[ Rachit ] [ Post Reply ]

i am a libran with this date of birth and the things told above are all incredibaly soooo true

[ Fozia ] [ Post Reply ]

im so scared coz its totally trueee btw love you 26th sept guys

[ Justyna ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Rishi bhalla ] [ Post Reply ]

Very true

[ Pragya ] [ Post Reply ]

I am libra. It is true

[ Candy ] [ Post Reply ]

Everyone born on this b day should think of something impossible & try to achieve that impossible goal

[ sedos77 ] [ Post Reply ]

So true and so funny that everyone under the comments has the same b day as me.

[ Maggie ] [ Post Reply ]

hmmm..this just explains me

[ frances ] [ Post Reply ]

yeah . it matches!

[ shrishti ] [ Post Reply ]

Thank you

[ Gina Gustilo ] [ Post Reply ]

Thank You :)

[ Thabang Mokwena ] [ Post Reply ]

It just d same way things re goin wit Me

[ hoy ] [ Post Reply ]

And also they like to cheat and have multiple lovers at the same time and husband in their home, they are big cheaters and not to be trusted

[ Teki ] [ Post Reply ]

This us so true!!! It all matches!!!!

[ Abbi ] [ Post Reply ]

Its so me everything matches

[ Dhiraj ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Eugene Martos ] [ Post Reply ]

This totally explains me!!

[ Maddie ] [ Post Reply ]

This is sooo me!!!

[ Lizzy ] [ Post Reply ]

Explained me perfectly

[ Reyna Sanchez ] [ Post Reply ]

sooo true about me wow i thought is was fake

[ bill ] [ Post Reply ]

Most definitely some of these traits match with my traits......

[ Mesha ] [ Post Reply ]

TRUE.... Fits perfectly on my personality

[ shweta ] [ Post Reply ]

Extremely accurate but not perfect - ha ha from a perfrectionist!

[ Jenny ] [ Post Reply ]

most of the things matches with me

[ Rajkanya Saha ] [ Post Reply ]

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