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Birthday Horoscope

for September 9th

If your Birthday is September 9th and your Zodiac Sign is Virgo

September 9th Birthday

Profile, Work, Relationships & Health

Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 9th of September are imagined to be highly organized, composed and precise but more impulsive than most Virgo's. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Mars bestowing you with a courageous adventurous spirit and a passion for confronting challenges. If you have this birthday a strong will and energetic stamina makes you supportive
and dependable but also sometimes a bit too critical of and hard on yourself. Sharply intellectual and naturally intuitive you are likely to possess a mixture of high ideals and dreamy but receptive emotions. Your sensitive caring nature is inclined to be very sympathetic, charitable and tolerant. Individuals with a September the ninth birthday are skillfully practical and imaginative with a
fondness and talent for art or science type subjects. Seemingly tough, impetuous and cool on the outside you are surprisingly soft and sweet on the inside along with a great sense of humor.

Work and Finances

Work usually has lots of importance to a person born on the ninth of September as you are an avid achiever who enjoys demonstrating and proving
your skills. You are unlikely to wait for opportunities, you seem to rely on and seize them in an effort to shine. Favored job choices are the ones that give you the chance to prove your intellect and resourcefulness especially at an artistic or scientific level. Money is something that you find easy to manage so budgeting effectively is not usually
a problem. You are fond of saving regularly as much as you can to allow for added financial security in later years.

Personal Relationships

For a Virgo, the person born on the ninth day of September is typically a daydreamy fantasist regarding love and romance. You appear to consider relationships as an important aspect of life and so likely to love deeply and
passionately but be quite demanding emotionally too. Your thoughtful temperament strongly craves affection and companionship and makes you genuinely romantic and sentimental to a partner. You seek a close union with a soul mate based on mutual interests and sincere respect. A tendency to follow instinctive feelings as far as special intimate relationships are concerned increases the likelihood of having a
successful loving partnership. Your yearning for intimacy goes beyond the physical, you need mental stimulation as well. A considerate lusty lover your imaginative side makes you usually ultra responsive to and turned on by subtle sexual suggestions.


General health experienced by those born on September 9th could be better with an improved attitude to taking adequate care of yourself. You will usually
have fairly fixed ideas relating to healthiness and can be difficult to persuade to make necessary changes to improve overall vitality. Food is a specific weakness but you are as a rule active enough to find that additional exercise is rarely required to stay in trim. People born on this day may also be prone to muscle injuries if you push
your body too much and should watch out for getting easily dehydrated. In addition tension headaches could soon be triggered by excess stress.

September 9th Birthday

Strengths, Dreams, Luck & Summation

Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are on show in your usual discriminating, challenge orientated and contemplative approach. These positive traits alongside your accuracy, determination and fortitude further strengthen your focus and predicted degrees of efficiency and endurance. The most dominant personality weaknesses for those born on September 9th are mainly focused on your negative proneness for self criticism, often
brought on by being tired, unhappy or under the weather. This negativity when in full force can evoke fearful, insecure and needy behaviors plus the appearance and exacerbation of your innate impulsiveness.

Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 9th of September means that you tend to depend on the opinions of others yet display intense firmness in your own thoughts and views.
This touch of independence and stubbornness can direct you to be selective in determining the achievement of the goals that matter the most to you. You are likely to make definite plans and aims and try to stick to them and quickly overcome any difficulties or delays that present themselves. Your proclivities for perfectionism and hastiness can get in the way
of achieving things so try putting them aside sometimes as it could let you do and accomplish much more.

Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the ninth day of the month your birth date qualifies you for an equivalent Root number of Nine. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Seeker' emphasizing your willfulness and brave enterprising sense
of adventure. In the mystic art of Tarot the 9th Major Arcana card representing the Hermit is connected to your birthday. This symbolizes your heightened intuition and insistence on sticking to preplanned paths and personalized viewpoints. The lucky gemstone for September the ninth birthdays is a Bloodstone, wear it for boosting optimism and attracting the possibilities of wealth and longevity.


Astrologically derived
descriptions of typical Virgo personalities are formulated from the presumed influence of the planet Mercury. The actual day you were born on, the ninth of September, is thought influenced by Mars's governance. Therefore the influences of these 2 celestial bodies help form the probabilities of your personality. Your dependability, drive, resilience, preciseness and ability to organize are all admirable attributes that
can increase the potential of your success prospects. Your receptiveness and wonderful imagination assist you to be fairly open-minded, benevolent and easygoing. If you can acknowledge and try and gain control of your impulse to act without thinking you should make better progress. An ending thought for people born on September the ninth is to avoid holding yourself back with fear
or anxiety. Staying cheery and venturesome will reap the most favorable benefits.

September 9th Horoscope Comments

Born 09/09/02 any b-day twins

[ Claudia ] [ Post Reply ]

guyz this is incredible...am like wow!! all that has been stated is true about me..am born 9/9/1995

[ philip ] [ Post Reply ]

Yes this speaks volumes of who I am and why I naturally act the way I do. I have matured as I have gotten older but everything in this article explains fully what I am.

[ Ronalso Nelson ] [ Post Reply ]

Guys,doesnt this seem quite cathartic?Btw 9/9/91 born

[ Lomax ] [ Post Reply ]

Yes........ we are very complicated individuals . We mean no harm. If you ever get the chance to see our softer side, you'll feel special ................ :)

[ Fortune ] [ Post Reply ]

Kudos to all born 9/9 we are perfectionist. 9+9 = 18 (1+8)= 9 .... Theres no number like this.

[ blessing ] [ Post Reply ]

9/9/84 most of this was accurate

[ Alisha ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm 9/9/1984 too

[ Dave ] [ Post Reply ]

Sharply intellectual. C00l. Meet a September 9 person, for the first 5 minutes we know you inside out already. We see your s00uls. It is only a matter of time to validate this ;);)

[ Cool ] [ Post Reply ]

I think people find me intimidating at first but once you get to know me at a deep and personal level, I'm actually soft as a marshmallow! Lol not everyone gets to see it and it's a surprise when they do LOL

[ Maryam ] [ Post Reply ]

i was born on 9.9.1991.but after2016 i was trouble with money.

[ pavan ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born 9-9-81.There is power in numbers. I'm all the way up!lol

[ Nubian Essence ] [ Post Reply ]

Surely the above article is all about me. I was born on 9th September

[ Nebert Tumwebaze ] [ Post Reply ]

somewhat true in my case !;)

[ seshu ] [ Post Reply ]

Confronting reading this weird

[ Spark ] [ Post Reply ]

this article is just the perfect description of myself

[ adebayo ] [ Post Reply ]

my birthday is 09/09/90 and this is somewhat accurate for me

[ bbdoll ] [ Post Reply ]

All points stated above are true in my case and the ending note was incredible. No holding back buddies, letz rock.

[ venkat ] [ Post Reply ]

i was born 9.9.1983 little bit scary my life full of challenges i tot of unlucky thankful till now im alive.

[ mum ] [ Post Reply ]

Me too 9.9.1983

[ Kshitiz ] [ Post Reply ]

I am born on 9/9/1999 9:08.

[ MK ] [ Post Reply ]

Woahhh same day. I was born on 09.09.1999 at 9:15a.m.

[ Lissa ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on 1999/9/9 8:29 , i a half an hour younger than you lol i guess mom couldnt wait anymore

[ beshanix ] [ Post Reply ]

9/9/97, It's only obvious 9 is my favourite number!

[ Shafayat Sarqume ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from Shafayat Sarqume 9/9/97, It's only obvious 9 is my favourite number!
I was born on 09/09/97 too (:

[ Robert Garcia ] [ Post Reply ]

Born on 9-9-1998. This is somewhat accurate for me

[ charmedfanatic ] [ Post Reply ]

me toooo!!

[ Hey ] [ Post Reply ]

I am so lame.

[ lameme ] [ Post Reply ]

I am a virgo and I analyse (sometimes a bad thing),and that is probably how I ended up on this site lol

[ Virgo ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on 9/9/2000 at 9:20 , :)

[ lava ] [ Post Reply ]

It means that I am older than you by 8 hours :angel:

[ Angel A ] [ Post Reply ]

I love my self as virgo

[ Gabriel ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on the ninth month, the ninth day, in 1974, at nine am. All the about mention is true. But when it come to relationships, I have no luck.

[ Patrice I ] [ Post Reply ]

I have to agree with that one, on love

[ Athi ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on 9/9/66. 9/9/99 was one of the worst days of my life !

[ RedKev ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on 9/9/99. What happend that made it the worst day in your life?

[ Annebel ] [ Post Reply ]

i was born on 9/9/1965

[ radhika ] [ Post Reply ]

9th day of 9th month at 9am 9lbs on 9th hospital floor

[ Chris ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on 9/9/1985

[ Eliana ] [ Post Reply ]

9/9/79 mostly true i have to say. a little scary. happy birthday, peeps!

[ tony ] [ Post Reply ]

Same as me: 09/09/79

[ Abe ] [ Post Reply ]

Same here. 9/9/79

[ Virgogirljenn ]

I was born on 09/09/1986 am happy to find out more about this date and month of birth

[ uwaoma ] [ Post Reply ]

i am born 09-09-1967

[ jakka taraka mallikarjunarao ] [ Post Reply ]

I too was born on 09/09/1967I am also the 9th child in my family

[ Tim ] [ Post Reply ]

09/09/1966 :)

[ Mabs ] [ Post Reply ]

born on 9/9/77!We are all awesome virgos!

[ Jaimek ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from Jaimek born on 9/9/77!We are all awesome virgos!
Yes we are so am I 9 /9/77

[ Anita ] [ Post Reply ]

This is very... Accurate and scary at the same time. I like it. I was born 9/9/1999 (also i was born at 9:45. 4 +5=9 and in room 9... Spooky isn't it? Cx), and people would say that my birth was a curse (The end is near kind of thing) but I laugh at them.

[ Leslie p ] [ Post Reply ]

I was also born on that exact date. I wouldn't say its a curse though, bc that's just dumb honestly xD

[ Carlos R ] [ Post Reply ]

Birthday was yesterday and bad news happened today, maybe it is a curse :O

[ Brady ]

Born on 9/9/1963

[ jeana963 ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born 9/9/1990.... I can totally see where this comes from especially in the romance department and I feel ya up there 66 I used to get the 666 comments. But I refuse, mine should be good luck. We're angels, not devils. :)

[ Liz ] [ Post Reply ]

No, the world percieves us as devils due to our discriminating approach haha but inside we are angels and don't mean harm :)

[ lola ] [ Post Reply ]

I agree. We live in a world where our appearances gets judged easily. most people aren't capable of seeing whats really inside us. we are complicated but not bad people. We are angels who strive to bring peace to the world and help people. our intentions are always good even if it seems bad.

[ hello ]

I was born the 9th of the 9th 2003

[ Isabella ] [ Post Reply ]

Me too =)

[ Jojo ] [ Post Reply ]

I really enjoyed reading your information on virgo's everything was so accurate, I was born 09/09/1966 I was always teased about the numbers, people would say it's satan put the nine upside down and you have 6666 extra 6 for extra bad. I love my signthank you for showing me virgo's are great

[ Sally ] [ Post Reply ]

Wow! Dis is soooo sooo accurate! The headaches, d strong outside but soft inside (which ppl dnt knw abt me), d depending on ppl's opinion and maintianing my own opinion, d well-laid-out plan, d strong willed, infact Everything was soo true! God, it's like they published me

[ McGray ] [ Post Reply ]

i was born 9/9/1997

[ mariah ] [ Post Reply ]

My B-Day 9/9/65 An Ol'G from back in the day.

[ Vanguard ] [ Post Reply ]

i was born in 09/09/1999

[ Afifa Tarar ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from Afifa Tarar i was born in 09/09/1999
Muskan dua I was also born on 9 September 1999

[ muskan dua ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born 09/09/99 too!!!

[ Fiona ]

So was I!

[ Lindsay ]

I was born on 9/9/1983 if you add 9/9/83 the total will be 101

[ Brandon Hayes ] [ Post Reply ]

The most accurate thing ive ever read! Mine is on sept 9th 1986

[ Sisca ] [ Post Reply ]

I was also born on Sept 9 1986

[ Zarni phonezaw ] [ Post Reply ]

Same :)

[ Zach ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born on 9/9/01 =)

[ sonia ] [ Post Reply ]

Message from sonia I was born on 9/9/01
same!! our bday is coming up!

[ nick ] [ Post Reply ]


[ Alessa ] [ Post Reply ]

i was born on 9/9/01 too!!

[ mut ] [ Post Reply ]

Born 9/9/63 - lots of nines. Cool to read. I find I work in the background well. I worry a lot but am religious which keeps me centered.

[ Patty ] [ Post Reply ]

I am also born on 9sep 1992 .horoscopes is ok .

[ boris ] [ Post Reply ]

9/9/79 is mine! Best people on earth are born on 9 September

[ riversam ] [ Post Reply ]

Feeling proud to be born on09-09-1998.

[ revathy ] [ Post Reply ]

u guys dont know the true meaning of this date u will soon know in 7 years

[ rajrai ] [ Post Reply ]

This is so accurate as if it was written for me!

[ Cyl ] [ Post Reply ]

Proud to born on 9/9/1985....good

[ kapil ] [ Post Reply ]

Me too... =)

[ Megan ] [ Post Reply ]

I'm curious about trends if any of you 99er's care to share:What are some health problems you've experienced? If you've had something major-something that makes you remember?What sorts of jobs or education are you drawn towards?What's your longest romantic relationship and with same or opposite sex?
Any other possible trends would be interesting... Are you religious, drawn towards urban or other....Thanks!

[ Villi ] [ Post Reply ]

As a 9/9 er, I tend to suffer from digestive problems. Have for all of my life. I also need to take a lot of time alone to soothe anxieties and worryingI am a counselor/teacher. I don't know any other career that would fit for me.In the past I had long relationships. 7 or 8 years. For the past
18 years I have been "dating" and it SUCKS.I am drawn to Capricorns and other Virgos. I have also dated Cancer and Scorpio men. I think I am done with Water Signs.I am very spiritual and intuitive-borderline psychic. I am an avowed Christian.Have a great day, Virgos.

[ torham ] [ Post Reply ]

Weight lose and weight gain (extremist).I also get throat infections easily/avoids sweet food.Jobs: Beauty. Designing. Experimenting. Helping people. Education: Science ArtRelationship:Rather have a few acquaintances than a lot. Don't like crowds yet dont like being alone. Those who I'm committed t
o lasts for a long time. 10yrs +Yes im religious. Believe in karma. Good deeds. Etc.

[ celinaxo ] [ Post Reply ]

I was born in 9/9/99

[ lil ben ] [ Post Reply ]

So was I

[ nina ] [ Post Reply ]

Perfect... Accurate sept 9th 1985

[ Netty ] [ Post Reply ]

Yes rather have one or two friends than a whole mob lol.

[ zoe93 ] [ Post Reply ]

This is the most precise thing I've ever read it's crazy !!!

[ flower ] [ Post Reply ]

Itz my birthday too september 9 1997

[ ulanda ] [ Post Reply ]

You are a very special person, you have a life path master number 44

[ Kyle ] [ Post Reply ]

My birthday is the same to I was born in 97 on the 9th

[ Antrone ] [ Post Reply ]

the horoscope of one born on 9th septembar seems to be quite accurate to me as i was too born on that specific day.

[ Debjyoti Dutta ] [ Post Reply ]

i really liked it! m also 9 September born... this is 99% truth.

[ sartajdeep ] [ Post Reply ]

I feel truth

[ jeena ] [ Post Reply ]

This was the most accurate horoscope I have ever read! 9/9 the best birthday ever! :love:

[ torilynn ] [ Post Reply ]

wowwwww... m also a sept 9th born... feels soo great to read dizz

[ roopa ] [ Post Reply ]

Its crazy how real this is for me. Also my birthday is 9-9-90 and are lucky number is 9. Wow

[ delmar aka sonny ] [ Post Reply ]

Hahaha... I was born on 9-9-99, 9 is definitely in for me!

[ BlueRose ] [ Post Reply ]

Me too...

[ Nina ]

Yes!!..that's right.i'm included.

[ Josh ] [ Post Reply ]

Yes, considering only Sunsign description quite accurate.

[ Markus ] [ Post Reply ]

this is so right im just seeing everything my friends always described me as so cool

[ latisha ] [ Post Reply ]

So on point...amazing! I am a September 9th child of 58 years. But I don't look like it!LOL! Check out my art at TUUDZ...google me!

[ gillian ] [ Post Reply ]

Its my birthday too!!! :)

[ Ken ] [ Post Reply ]

Its my birthday too!!! :)

[ Ken ] [ Post Reply ]

Thank you very much for this viewpoints of my horoscope...very helpful!

[ Alfred 09.09.88 ] [ Post Reply ]

My birthday :love:

[ Jashon ] [ Post Reply ]

yes my birthday

[ danica ] [ Post Reply ]

Right on.

[ Eric ] [ Post Reply ]

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