Cancer Weekly Horoscope for 28 December, 2020 - 3 January, 2021
Expect even more encouragement from others to expand your operation or widen your range. If you can dream it, you can do it. Plus, your nearest and dearest are big fans. You are in a good position to alter home, family, or partnership arrangements. This is good news, provided you don’t add two and two, get seven, and base the rest of your approach on that dubious equation.
Lucky numbers for this week: 39, 91, 81, 83, 27
This page of our website offers you a weekly horoscope for Cancer. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that this horoscope gets updated weekly. We want to give you an opportunity to build your plans each week in accordance with the astral positions of the solar system's planets. After all, the harmony of our own energy and
powerful energy impulses produced by all celestial bodies is extremely important to us even if we don't notice it. People made a note a long time ago that everything in this world including their own lives was controlled by the planets and stars and their movements in the skies. This is how astrology was born - a mysterious unique science found
right in between mathematics and esotericism.
Today astrology is not at all an exotic activity. Today we have a wonderful opportunity without having to leave home and spend extra money to learn everything we need to know about the star combinations. After all, technologies keep progressing and the Internet made it much easier for the experts who our ancestors used to
refer to as flamens and magicians to communicate with those who all of their efforts are directed at.
This horoscope, the weekly horoscope for Cancer, is a clear and quite obvious scenario of how stars impact our lives. At the same time, we do understand there are no signs of any clear instructions in such horoscope. There are only advice and
warnings. So, your future is still hidden from you. However, after having studied the information, you know where your frigate may hit the reefs and which bays it would be worthwhile for it to visit. This is the whole point of the weekly horoscope for Cancer - to steer the Crabs in the right direction and the rest is up to
them. Let's start by assuming that you simply choose to ignore this suggestion. Nothing horrible will happen, but you will lose an opportunity to shield yourself and your closes ones from unnecessary problems. Or you may simply lose a chance to capture your Blue Bird since you won't know when and where you should be looking for it.
This is the
purpose of astrology: it helps us focus on truly important events in our life and make well-thought-out decisions by considering the most of the external factors.