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Dream Dictionary

Dream Dictionary

Offers Dream Dictionary Analysis Interpretation Meaning of Dreams Use Our Site to Reveal Meaning of Your Dream Helping Understand The Impact on Your Life Fortune & Finances.

Dream meaning Deer

To see a deer in your dream symbolizes elegance, empathy, tenderness and natural glory similar to the nature of animal. . Deer particularly possess feminine traits and may describe a particular feminine or womanly aspect of your personality. Similarly deer also represents freedom and alertness of mind and body.

Dream meaning Eagle

Eagle symbol of power: eagle is the bird of guts and the same reflects in your life if you see this massive bird in your dreams. Observing eagle in dream suggests very prestigious and strong emotions such as courage, soaring ambitions, freedom and pride. Eagle in the dream represents your high ambitions and the struggle or hard work involved reaching them.

Dream meaning Pig

Pig generally symbolizes different attributes of personality which are taken from the actual behavioral trends of the animal. Dreams of pigs are representations of stubbornness and selfishness in attitude towards other people. Related to its atmosphere, appearance of pigs is always interpreted as dirty consequences. The meaning of pig dreams differs according to various beliefs in parts of the world.

Dream meaning Church

To see church in your dreams suggests that you are seeking forgiveness for a shameful act of past. It also shows that you are guilty and want to move on in life with the help of god. Such dreams are reflections of your mind setup which is asking for guidance in future path reaching to your goal. These dreams also hold other meanings depending on the environment you have experience inside or outside of the church.

Dream meaning Proposal

Proposal dreams may suggest that you are contemplating about some serious long term relationships in your life which can be marriage or romantic companionship. The reaction and environment in your dream will decide the hidden feelings of your heart. It may indicate your desire to start relationship with someone special. If you are the one being proposed, implies different meaning related to your readiness for long term relationships. You need to have a closer look in your dream to extract exact sense out of it.

Dream meaning Demons

According to dream interpreters appearance of demon or devil figure in our dreams is due to our hidden fears that are not exposed to outer world. These dreams can be positive or negative. According to ancient people, these dreams are demonstrating the need to discover the truth of that part to lead life functionally. It is believed by them that every human being is made out of half devil and half angel hence in order to destroy our troubles we need to destroy the devil.

Dream meaning Storm or Hurricane

In dreams to observe hear or feel a reaching storm signifies deterioration in health, business and love affair. Storm dreams are measured as the means to add further distress in your difficult life. These dreams may elevate your present mental or physical condition to make it worse than ever. Storm dreams are also signals of disturbed mental condition or feelings such as fear and agony.

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