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Dream Dictionary

Dream Dictionary

Offers Dream Dictionary Analysis Interpretation Meaning of Dreams Use Our Site to Reveal Meaning of Your Dream Helping Understand The Impact on Your Life Fortune & Finances.

Dream meaning Cancer

In depth meaning of cancer dreams according to dream dictionary- cancer dreams are the most disturbing dreams and represent a serious problem in your life which is actually eating away your mental piece and strength. They are always interpreted in negative side of life. Caner dreams also symbolize illness of some close relative or a friend and also posts quarrels at home front.

Dream meaning Coins

Coins dream symbol is considered as the mixture of fortune depending on its position and nature observed in the dream. Different coins implicate different meaning of the dreams, in general coin dreams represents missed opportunity or the degradation in financial wealth. Only dreams about gold coins are believed as good omen as they bring in various accomplishments in life.

Dream meaning of holding hands

Dreams Meaning of holding hands - are reflections of your connection with that individual in other sense it also suggests your impatience to meet the person. Also possible interpretation of dream symbol holding hands by dream dictionary - holding hands is the gesture of love and affection and same is reflecting in your dreams. It shows your feelings of warmth and care toward that person present in your life.

Dream meaning God

In Christianity dreams of god are considered as bad fortune or dreadful results owing to your bad sins. Overall in each dharma followers, appearance of god is measured as symbol of ill fated events in near future. It also interprets your guilt for a particular sin that you are worries over the end results. To see, communicate or worship god in dreams suggests great changes (generally negative) in your life. In some beliefs, such dreams are also considered as the change in spiritual activity to guide the future.

Dream meaning Party

To dream about party signifies your eagerness to blend with people around you and to enjoy the situation. It simple reflects that you want to spend quality time in social gatherings to relieve the stress and workload. The type of party and incidences you observe in it will reveal the correct meaning and your inner feelings.

Dream interpretation Hiding

Hiding dreams are reflections of your conduct. To dream that you are hiding from something or someone signifies that you are running away from reality or keeping it to yourself. These dreams strongly indicate secrecy and conspiracy created by you which can be a result of some shocking truth you have witnessed.

Dream interpretation Lightening

Lightening dreams showcase two entirely different meaning one foretells happiness and the other signifies a feeling of shock due to sudden incidents. Lightening dreams have many shadows tht affect the dream interpretation and its association with your life. Other factors such as clouds, trees etc also hold important on the ultimate meaning of your dream.

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