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Dream Dictionary

Dream Dictionary

Offers Dream Dictionary Analysis Interpretation Meaning of Dreams Use Our Site to Reveal Meaning of Your Dream Helping Understand The Impact on Your Life Fortune & Finances.

Dream interpretation Miscarriage

To see miscarriage in dreams holds varied meanings related to the action. The first and utmost significant meaning of these dreams is that you had some important plans or activities in line that did not come up as expected.

Dream interpretation Cake

A dream about cake signifies both sweet and sour things in life but overall cake dream symbol explains level of satisfaction in personal and professional life. Sweet cake indicates a long due promotion in work and iced cake predicts period of fun and enjoyment ahead. To eat cake in dream or to make it or purchase is are considered as good omen and a sign of fortune.

Dream interpretation Maggots

To see maggots in your dream specifies your curiosity about blood and death. It is also indicative of your neglecting attitude for some emotions of issues that are vital in life. Some maggot dreams also indicate that you are feeling guilty for some activities or having impure emotions toward particular person. On positive note maggots also showcase your activity to persevere in all the odd conditions and spring back once everything is normal.

Dream interpretation Son and Daughter

To see your kids in your dream means a happy news or event which is going to happen in your life. A dream of son reflects that you will receive good care from him at odd time and a daughter means you are going through a phase of spiritual growth. Appearance of your family in dreams denotes that you are going to have a good promotion or some sort of elevation connected to your life.

Dream interpretation Ice-cream

Eating ice-cream in dreams represents good luck, contentment and success in your life. To see ice-cream in dreams also denotes that you will get immense success in love and career. It also suggests that you need to take on the opportunity before it melts out of your hand.

Dream interpretation Sand

Sand could signify variety of meanings depending on the situation you see yourself in. Sand could mean a future vacation, confined fears and emotions or instability of life. To see sand with beach instincts spiritual growth and peace of mind.

Dream interpretation Vomiting

To dream about vomiting denotes that you are overlooking a sickening issue or problem in your life which you need to discard immediately. Avoiding these issues is not a solution and that what these vomiting dreams suggest. These dreams signify the emotions that you need to let go otherwise you will face troubles. In general vomiting dreams bring a warning to the dreamer regarding his life.

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