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Dream Dictionary

Dream Dictionary

Offers Dream Dictionary Analysis Interpretation Meaning of Dreams Use Our Site to Reveal Meaning of Your Dream Helping Understand The Impact on Your Life Fortune & Finances.

Dream interpretation Tiger

When you dream of a tiger, you can rest assured that you may be dealing with some type of power or aggression issue. That said, a tiger in your dream may also symbolize your own power, or that you are finding it.

Dream interpretation Spider

If you need money luck or are hoping for good news then dreams of spiders may offer you some hope. That said, if you aren't necessarily looking for a precognitive interpretation, spiders can also have some other meanings related to your inner landscape.

Dream interpretation Cat

If you like cats and admire their grace, mystery, and beauty, a dream of a cat can be herald a number of good things On the other hand,if you tend to see cats in a negative light, this dream may portend a number of problems.

Dream interpretation Dog

As with other animals if you are not fond of dogs, they may not have as positive a meaning as they would for other people. That said, you can still look at the actions of the dog in your dream, as well as their color and size to understand more about their meaning.

Dream interpretation Teeth

No matter whether you have beautiful teeth or ugly ones, dreaming about them usually refers to personal power, as well as how you feel about various situations. Therefore, when you dream of teeth, you should be prepared to think about your internal landscape and your view of your place in the world.

Dream interpretation Snake

While the color and actions of a snake featured in a dream are always important, you must also give some thought to how you feel about them, as well as the things in your life that they tend to symbolize. In some cases, a dream of snakes can offer you a chance to change your perceptions as well as your lifestyle.

Dream interpretation Running

No matter whether you or someone else is running in a dream, power and your sense of strength are often represented by this symbol. Therefore, how you ran, whether or not you won, and the conditions under which running occurred must all be correlated in order to determine what this type of dream means.

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