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Dream Dictionary

Dream Dictionary

Offers Dream Dictionary Analysis Interpretation Meaning of Dreams Use Our Site to Reveal Meaning of Your Dream Helping Understand The Impact on Your Life Fortune & Finances.

Dream interpretation Feces and Excrements

Dream of feces in reality my predict fortune and luck. If you are walking down the street the last thing you want to do is step in a pile of excrement. Interestingly enough, if you do that in a dream, or see feces, it can mean money luck is on the way.

Dream interpretation being Chased

No matter whether you are being chased by a person, animal, or some other being, this dream usually means that you can look forward to security and safety in your future. That said, if you are looking to get rich, or enjoy all kinds of luxuries, this dream may not be something you will look forward to interpreting.

Dream interpretation Wedding and Marriage

Even if you are not happily married, or do not believe in marriage, a dream of union can easily symbolize happy times ahead. That said, if the union in question was not happy, or other features indicate less than positive outcomes, you may want to revise your interpretation.

Dream interpretation House

No matter whether you rent or own, you will usually live in some kind of house. In a sense, this is not so different from living in your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Therefore, a dream of a house can be symbolic of many things in your life.

Dream interpretation Tidal Wave, Tsunami

Even if you do not live in a coastal area, videos and other images of tidal waves can inspire and frighten you. In a similar way, when tidal waves are featured in your dream, they can easily represent intense emotions in both their negative and positive aspects.

Dream interpretation Pipe, Pipes, Plumbing

No matter whether a pipe is used for plumbing or smoking, it can be thought of as a conduit of one type or another. That said, you must still observe the actions surrounding the use of the pipe in order to interpret a dream that features them.

Dream interpretation Cockroach

Even though you may try to present the best in yourself to everyone else, you secretly hate many aspects of your personality and lifestyle. A dream of cockroaches can serve as a barometer for these feelings, as well as suggest what your unconscious mind is doing about these feelings.

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