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Dream Dictionary

Dream Dictionary

Offers Dream Dictionary Analysis Interpretation Meaning of Dreams Use Our Site to Reveal Meaning of Your Dream Helping Understand The Impact on Your Life Fortune & Finances.

Dream interpretation End of the World

No matter whether things are going well in your life or not, you will always find yourself wondering what the end of the world will be like. Interestingly enough, even if you are not consciously aware of any given stress in your life, this dream may indicate that you have some very serious concerns about things going on in your life.

Dream interpretation Zombie, walking Dead

Even though zombies can be frightening creatures, it is important to realize that they are not in control of their actions. In a similar way, when you dream of someone else as being a zombie, or even yourself, it can act as an indicator of things that you need to know about who can, and who cannot control any given situation.

Dream interpretation Flood, Deluge

When you dream of flooding, you can rest assured that some kind of difficulty will soon enter your life. Problems may come in the form of unexpected obstacles to long term goals, or short term difficulty with various elements of your life.

Dream interpretation Bite, be bitten

No matter whether you are bit by an animal, a person, or an insect, this dream can easily indicate that there are secret doings going on around you. Fortunately, even if you do know anything about what is going on, you can rest assured that this dream will be followed by a revelation.

Dream interpretation Plane crash

Even though you should always challenge yourself with demanding goals, dreaming of a plane crashing can indicate that you are trying to do more than you are capable of at this time. That said, if you are not optimistic about your chances of succeeding, or have other negative attitudes, this dream can also be reflective of an inner landscape that needs to change.

Dream interpretation Drowning

Unlike many other water symbols, a dream of drowning tends to be associated with business as opposed to emotional situations. Regardless of the content and actions, you should still be wary of setbacks, as well as pay attention to clues about how you will recover.

Dream interpretation Car crash

Car crash dreams tend to be more complicated than other dreams in the sense that you need to pay attention to the sounds as well as visual elements. When interpreting these dreams, you will also need to consider a number of background elements. This includes the weather, vehicle condition, and how the crash actually happened.

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