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Dream Dictionary

Dream Dictionary

Offers Dream Dictionary Analysis Interpretation Meaning of Dreams Use Our Site to Reveal Meaning of Your Dream Helping Understand The Impact on Your Life Fortune & Finances.

Dream interpretation Getting shot

A dream of getting shot may not always be unpleasant, let alone prophetic in nature. When interpreting this dream, you will need to focus on who is doing the shooting, as well as the outcome.

Dream interpretation Book

Books in a dream tend to have heavily symbolic meaning that can be interpreted in a number of different ways. This includes based on your reaction to the content of the book, as well as what the book was actually being used for in the dream.

Dream interpretation Cheating

In general, a dream of cheating is fairly accurate in terms of possible waking events. There are still some important reversals and other meanings that you should be aware of. Interpretations of Cheating symbol in your Dream, analyzes of dreams about Cheating and its interpretation in A-Z dream dictionary.

Dream interpretation Murder and Killing

Even though murder and killing are deeply emotional and evocative dream symbols, they are not usually indicators that a specific event will occur in a given way. In most cases, you can look to deeper emotional issues and concerns for the correct interpretation.

Dream interpretation Death and Dying

A dream of death can mean many different things depending on your outlook and what is going on in your life. You can see it as an end to old and worn out ways of life, or you can see it as the beginning of a new adventure.

Dream interpretation Falling

Even though falling in a dream is very common, how you come out of the fall tends to be more important. In fact, even though you may think immediately of reverses, they may prove to be to your advantage in the long run.

Dream interpretation Pregnant, Pregnancy

A dream of being pregnant can easily symbolize new beginnings, as well as all of the responsibilities that go with so many changes. If you dream of this symbol and embrace change easily in the dream, it may be an indicator of better times ahead. On the other hand, if you tend not to like changes, then you may find that this dream is based in anxiety.

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